Name: __________________________ Biography Book Project This project is to honor famous African Americans and women in our country that have been recognized for their many achievements. Your task is to read a biography about a person in either category that has made a contribution toward the betterment of society. This may include how they helped to raise awareness of specific issues in the world. Your project will have three parts. 1. You will write a report. 2. You will prepare a three-to-five minute oral presentation on your subject 3. You will create a sculpture, painting, puppet, diorama, or any type of display that represents your subject for our classroom gallery. Use the requirements that follow to complete your report, oral presentation, and display. Part One: Book Report Create an interesting book cover for your Biography Book Report. 1. Include your name, the author, and the title of the book in an imaginative way. 2. Include a creative illustration that shows something important about your subject. Book Report Contents Your report should follow the format below: First paragraph should include: title, author, and a brief description of why the subject of your book is important. Middle paragraphs should include: 1. Reasons this person is famous 2. Important characteristics 3. Important contributions 4. Experiences that made this person important Concluding Paragraph Things you admire about this person and why. Part Two: Oral Presentation Prepare a three-to-five minute oral report on your subject. Your report should include the name of your subject, their date of birth, their contribution to society, the path that they followed in order to reach it, and how your gallery piece reflects an aspect of their life. Note cards should be prepared to help you with your presentation. You should be prepared to answer questions about your subject. Part Three: Gallery Piece Create your gallery piece that represents your subject or an aspect of their life. - sculpture, painting, puppet, diorama, or other display Your piece should be made using an assortment of art or craft materials. Do not use any store-bought toys. You should prepare an index card with a brief summary about your gallery piece. A time line has been attached to help you complete this project. Due Dates for Biography Project Book Read by……………………………………………………………………………………. Graphic Organizer …………………………………………………………………………. Rough Draft……………………………………………………………………………………… Gallery Project Idea………………………………………………………………………. Final Project…………………………………………………………………………………….. (Including report, gallery piece, summary, and oral presentation cards) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I have read this biography packet with my child. __________________________ ______________________ Student name Parent Signature