Supporting, Process TEKS

Year at a Glance Biology I 2014-2015
Readiness, Supporting, Process TEKS
1st 8 Weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 week
Capturing Kids Hearts and Safety in a Science Lab
( Process Skills will be taught throughout the year)
2nd 8 Weeks
2.5 week
Unit 1: Understanding life on earth
Understanding life on earth
Levels of organization: atoms elements
 molecules (TEK B.10C)
Biomolecule structure and function (TEK
B.9A) – use models (TEK B.3E)
Formation of simple molecules to complex
molecules – use models (TEK B.9A,
Characteristics of life
History of earth Fossil Record
Cell complexity explanations, including
Endosymbiotic Theory (TEK B.7G)
Process TEKS: B.1A, B.1B
Unit 2: Understanding homeostasis
Homeostasis in The Cell
Cell theory
Levels of organization: molecules  cells
(TEK B.10C)
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic (organelles and
functions, mode of reproduction,
autotrophic/heterotrophic, etc.) (TEK
Homeostasis - Movement of Materials in
cells passive and active transport
mechanisms in animals and plant cells
(TEK B.4B)
Scientists- Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow,
Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Janssen (TEK B.3F)
Homeostasis in the Body
(examples from circulatory, excretory, nervous,
and endocrine systems)
Levels of organization: cells  tissues 
organs  systems  organism (TEK
Homeostasis/Regulation - Passive & active
transport in the circulatory and excretory
systems ( TEK B.4B , B.10A)
Feedback mechanisms for body
temperature and glucose levels (TEK
B.4B, B.10A, B.11A)
Specialized tissues: blood, epithelium
(TEK B.5B)
Human response to stimuli; (TEK B.10A)
2.5 week
Homeostasis in the Ecosystem: Effects of
Structure of prokaryotic cell (TEK B.4A)
Structure of viruses (TEK B.4C)
Role of Bacteria and Viruses (TEK B.11C,
 Role of bacteria in causing
disease (TEK B.11C)
 Bacteria’s role in the Nitrogen
cycle (TEK B.12E)
 Viral reproduction (lytic and
lysogenic) (TEK B.4C)
Immune response to viruses and bacteria
(TEK B.10A)
Process TEKS: B.3C
Unit 3: Understanding energy
Energy Transformation in Animals
(examples from digestive system, respiratory,
muscular and skeletal systems)
Aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration
The matter and energy reactants and
products of photosynthesis and cell
respiration (TEK B.9B)
Structure of enzymes (TEK B.9A)
Role of Enzymes (TEK B.9C) – use models
(TEK B.3E)
Effects of temp and pH on enzymatic
action relate to the digestive system,
respiratory, muscular and skeletal systems
(TEK B.10A)
Specialized tissues & functions: muscles
(TEK B.5B)
Interactions between systems (TEK B.10C)
Homeostasis/Regulation - How systems
relate to cellular respiration
Plant cellular respiration
2 week
Energy Transformation in Plants
Specialized tissues – roots, stems, leaves
(TEK B.5B)
Transportation within plants, including
vascular tissues (TEK B.10B)
Light/dark reactions (TEK B.9B)
Reactants/products (TEK B.9B)
Carbon/oxygen cycle (TEK B.12E)
Scientists contributions (TEK B.3F)
Plant Tropisms (TEK B.10B)
Process TEKS: B.2B
1 week
3rd 10 Weeks
3 week
2.5 weeks
2 weeks
2.5 weeks
Unit 4: Understanding growth and
Growth and Development in a Cell: DNA /
Cell Cycle
DNA Structure (TEK B.6A) – use model
(TEK B.3E)
Function of DNA and RNA in cell
differentiation (TEK B.5C)
Commonality of genetic code (TEK
DNA Replication (TEKS B.5A, B.9D)
Stages and importance of cell cycle: G1,
S, G2, Mitosis
(TEK B.5A)
Disruptions to cell cycle: one example is
cancer (TEK B.5D)
Scientists- Watson, Crick, Franklin,
(TEK B.3F)
4th 10 Weeks
1 week
3 Weeks
Elements of Natural Selection (TEK B.7D)
Natural Selection causes change in
populations (TEK B.7C)
Effects of Evolutionary mechanisms:
genetic drift, genetic flow, mutations,
recombination (TEK B.7F)
How adaptations and diversity affect
Natural Selection (TEK B.7E)
Common ancestry by fossil record,
biogeography, homologies: anatomical,
structural, developmental (TEK B.7A)
Commonality of genetic code (TEK B.6B)
Cladogram : statis, gradualism, punctuated
equilibrium (TEK B.7B)
Scientists – Darwin, Lamarck, Wallace (TEK
Limited resources affect survival of species
(TEK B.12D)
Pollution/Natural causes of environmental
change (TEK B.12F, B.11B)
Symbiotic relationships, predation,
competition (TEK B.12A)
Ecological Succession (TEK B.11D)
Adaptations and variations of organisms
w/in ecosystems (TEK B.12B)
Process TEKS: B.2A, B.2C, B.2D, B.3A
1 week
Define taxonomy and why it is important
(TEK B.8A)
Categorize organisms based on similarities
and differences (TEK B.8B)
Characteristics of each Kingdom (TEK
Scientists – Aristotle, Linnaeus (TEK B.3F)
Process TEKS: B.2E, B.2G, B.2H
1 week
Process TEKS: B.2F
1 week
STAAR EOC testing
2 weeks
Dissection or teacher chosen project
1 week
Growth and Development in the Body:
Meiosis (TEK B.6G)
Cell differentiation (TEK B.5C)
Human Reproduction - Specialized
tissues & functions (TEK B.10A)
Plant Reproduction - Sporophyte vs
gametophyte, Pollination (TEK B.10B)
Unit 5: Understanding heredity
Heredity in the Cell: Protein Synthesis &
Purpose and process of transcription
and translation
(TEK B.6C)
Mutations (TEK B.6E)
DNA Fingerprinting, genetic
modifications & chromosome analysis
(TEK B.6H) – research impact (TEK
Gene expression(TEK B.6D)
Electrophoresis – know how to use
equipment (TEKS B.2F, B.6H)
Process TEKS: B.3B
Heredity in the Body: Genetics
Monohybrid/dihybrid Mendelian crosses
and non-Mendelian crosses including
sex-linked traits, co-dominance,
incomplete dominance, karyotypes
(TEK B.6F)
Scientists- Avery, Hershey/Chase,
Mendel (TEK B.3F)
Process TEKS: B.3E
Unit 6: Understanding biodiversity
Energy Transformation in the Ecosystem
Energy and matter flow in food chains,
webs, pyramid levels (TEK B.12C)
Population dynamics - Effects on
ecosystems of changes in food webs (TEK
B.12C, B.12F)
Process TEKS: B.3D