2nd Grade’s Week at a Glance September 30, 2013 Math- Numeration TEK 2.1ABC, 2.5AB Writing-Distinguish parts of a sentence, Understanding parts of Speech TEK 2.1A, 2.1Aii, 2.22Ci Word Study-Saxon Lessons 16-20 TEK 2.1A.i. Reading-Folktales Use context clues to figure out unknown words and make text connections (2.5B, Fig19F) Story from Reading textbook: Teacher’s Pets When the kids are reading with you at home and they come upon a word they don’t know, have them continue reading to see if they can figure out the word’s meaning by the text around it. (Context clues) Science/Social Studies: Classify matter by physical properties/Texas Good Citizens and Symbols TEK 2.5A, 2.4A, 2.2C/ 2.1A, 2.4A, 2.5A, 2.6AB, 2.14AC TEKs Link (scroll down to Grade 2) http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=6148 Dear Families, Wow, can you believe that this is the sixth week of school already? Please remember that your child’s homework folder and agenda need to go home and come back each day to school. On Friday we will have our spelling test. Please help your child “begin with the end in mind” and study every night. Also, remember that reading logs are due every Monday, and 100 minutes read = a grade of 100! Second Grade Team SPELLING WORDS FOR THE WEEK: am, belt, brand, bust, clog, clam, fond, crept, crop, crust, draft, drop, loft, flip, swift, grin, hint, list, mist, swim UPCOMING EVENTS: Tuesday, Oct. 1st PTO Meeting/Open House 5:30-6:30 Thursday, Oct. 3rd Papa John’s Delivery Night Friday, Oct. 11 Early Release: 11:30 Monday, Oct. 14 Student Holiday-Columbus Day