Participant Information Sheet

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to invite you to become a participant in my research study which is entitled:
‘Factors associated with the utilization of assistive technology prescribed by healthcare professionals
to facilitate independent living in the community among clients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)’.
My name is Lorraine Morrin and I am a final year student studying Occupational Therapy at NUI,
Galway. As part of my final year studies, I am required to carry out a research study to achieve my
academic qualifications. I am conducting a study on the condition of Multiple Sclerosis and the that
factors impact on why an individual with MS may or may not use their assistive technology that has
been provided to them by a healthcare professional.
This study will involve completing a short survey (takes approximately 20 minutes to complete) that
can be found at the following link or found on MS
Ireland’s national website
This study is being conducted with assistance from MS Ireland and NUI, Galway. The target audience
for the study are registered members of MS Ireland. Attached to this invitation email is an
information sheet describing the purpose of the study, how you can become a participant, and how
and what information will be obtained from Before deciding to participate in this research study,
please read the participant information sheet for further information.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this invitation.
Yours sincerely,
Lorraine Morrin
4th year Occupational Therapy student, NUI, Galway.
Participant Information Sheet
This information sheet is for individuals who are registered members of MS Ireland, whom we are
inviting to participate in the research study, titled
‘Factors associated with the utilization of assistive technology prescribed by healthcare professionals
to facilitate independent living in the community among clients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)’.
Name of Principle Investigator: Lorraine Morrin
Position: Final year student in Occupational Therapy, NUI, Galway
Name of Supervisor: Manigandan Chockalingam
Position: Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, NUI, Galway
Part 1: Introduction
My name is Lorraine Morrin and I am a final year student studying occupational therapy at the
National University of Ireland, Galway. As part of my final year studies, I am carrying out research on
the condition of Multiple Sclerosis which affects many people in Ireland today. I am going to give
you information regarding my research in this document and invite you to be part of this research.
You do not have to decide right away whether or not you will participate in the research. If you did
not understand any part of the information sheet or need more information about the study before
deciding to participate you can contact MS society’s helpline and who will be happy to answer all
your questions and help you in every way. The contact number for the helpline is given at the end of
this information sheet.
Part 2: Purpose of the research
In Ireland, approximately 250 people are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) every year.
Individuals with MS may experience a wide range of difficulties including tiredness, pain, weakness,
bowel and bladder difficulties and limitations in their mobility. This can lead to reduced
participation in activities they used to enjoy such as socialising, carrying out day-to-day activities
such as self-care or shopping, and engaging in your hobbies.
Many methods have been recommended to compensate for these difficulties in functioning,
including the use of assistive devices. These include any item or a piece of equipment that is used to
improve or maintain ability to carry out tasks and participate in activities.
In this study, I would like to find out what factors impact on a person’s use of an assistive device.
Assistive device/technology refers to any item or piece of equipment that you use to help you do the
things you want to do. I want to find out if people use their assistive devices, how often they use
them, and if they do not use them, the reasons for this.
By participating in this study, you will assist in providing information to healthcare professionals on
their perceptions of assistive devices, and what impacts on their use or non-use of assistive devices.
. This will assist to improve healthcare services provided to individuals with MS.
Part 3: Procedures
We are asking you to help us understand more about the use of aids by people with MS. If you
accept to participate in the study, you will be asked to fill out a survey which will be provided and
collected by through the use of MS Ireland’s website. Participation in this
study is entirely voluntary and you may choose not to participate at any stage of the survey. If you
choose to participate in the study, you need to click on the link to the survey in the email or access it
through MS Ireland’s national website. The first part of the survey is will determine your suitability
to partake in the study. If you are eligible, you will be asked to complete the survey. . The reminder
of the survey may take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete. If you would like to take a break
from filling in the survey, you can save your answers at any stage and return to it again at any time.
If you find it difficult to complete, you may also opt to get help from anyone (a friend, a relative or a
carer) to complete the survey. You will have 4weeks to complete the survey. Following 3 weeks of
the survey being opened for completion, a reminder will be sent to all members to inform them that
they have 1 week remaining to participate in the study. This survey will require you to reflect on
your condition and your present ability to do things with the use of assistive devices. We do not
foresee any distress to be caused by this survey however, if you do feel any emotional distress
arising from your participation in the study, please do contact MS society’s helpline for support. Your
answers will always be kept confidential and you will not be asked to provide any personal details in
any part of the survey. Lorraine Morrin, the primary researcher and her supervisor Mr. Manigandan
Chockalingam are the only people to have access to your survey.
Part 4: End of the study
When the survey is closed, information gathered through the survey will be collated and a report will
be prepared. If you would like to get a copy of this report you will be able to obtain it by requesting
it through MS Ireland. Findings from the study will be published as a final year undergraduate
dissertation and also in professional journals and conferences. You will not be identified in any
report or publications.
Part 5: Consent
Because I will not have direct contact with you and your personal details will remain unknown to me,
I will not be able to obtain a signed consent form of your participation in the study. Therefore,
implied consent is obtained when you complete the survey. Also, by completing the survey, you
consent for your completed survey data to be used as part of a report for academic qualification in
Occupational Therapy. This report will be made available through MS Ireland if you request to see it.
I also have the intention to publish the report in a professional journal that would be made available
to the public in the near future.
If you have any questions, you can contact the MS society helpline on:
MS Ireland helpline:
1850 233 233
Thank you for taking your time to read this information sheet.
Yours sincerely,
Lorraine Morrin
4th year Occupational Therapy student, NUI, Galway.
Mr. Manigandan Chockalingam
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, NUI Galway.