KISUMU KIRA ASSESMENT REPORT: FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO [Type the document subtitle] KISUMU KIRA TEAM FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 Period 6TH April-8TH April Mission Participants: Kenya Red Cross Society, KMET, SANA, Child Fund, Care, PLAN International, UNICEF, ADS, KDP, Ministry of Health, Provincial Administration and Ministry of Education Context Following continuous heavy down pour of rainfall in several parts in the country, there have been bursts and over flow drainage/ surface water channels reported in various parts. West Kenya region has had several incidences of flash floods and destructive rain storms causing mayhem to the residents of the region. Various localities within the region including the Kisii highlands, Nyamira, Migori(Nyatike, Karungu & Muhuru), Nyando, Rachuonyo, Kisumu and Homabay recorded heavy rainfall. The water levels in the major rivers have kept on rising with river Sondu busting its banks at Sondu Miriu causing flooding in Rachuonyo North District and Nyakach district.These has affected the communities in various ways. The information being relied upon has been the product of rapid assessment by the use of the 24 hour and floods surveillance reports from focal persons in the flood prone areas. This report summarizes preliminary findings from the 3 days KIRA Assessment conducted from 6th April – 8th April 2013. More detailed report shall be shared as soon as mission participants verify inputs to the draft KIRA report. Objectives This multsectoral Initial Rapid Assessment was undertaken to: 1. Establish the extent of damage of the floods incidences recorded in the region and the humanitarian needs/relief per sector for the affected population 2. Review the application and effectiveness of the contingency plans earlier set by the various districts with regard to the floods and come up with recommendations geared towards addressing the gaps identified therein. 3. Identify appropriate intervention areas to inform the programming of the rehabilitation and recovery phase sectorwise. Methodology: Collection and analysis of secondary data from stakeholders: communities, provincial administration, MOH facilities and MoPHS/disease surveillance offices, Ministry of Agric. Fisheries, DDO, Min of Education and other partners. Sampling: Purposive ’sampling was done to identify sites affected by floods as well as identifying participants for the Key informants interviews and FGDs. Fields visits for Primary Data Collection using KIRA tool, Transect walk observation across the affected areas, Interviews with community members, opinion leaders and GOK officers at level 1 health intervention and photography. Multi-agency, multi sectoral joint consolidation, analysis and verification of primary data conducted during the KIRA mission. Humanitarian Response/Capacity on the Ground The GOK (special programs) and development partners have embarked on relief efforts to the displaced. The MSSP has distributed food consignments to affected areas. However there are fears that the food could be unfit for human consumption. 1 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 Other Partners that responded as highlighted below: 1. NFIs World Vision - Nyakach and Nyatike MSF - Nyatike. SWAP - Osodo. UNICEF –Most of the areas. KRCS- NFIs to most camps. 2. Health ICAP - health outreach in Nyangonga Primary School. KRCS-Delivery Kits-Nyatike and Osodo KRCS-Basic Anti Malaria Treatment Mobule-Nyatike 3. WASH KRCS-Water treatment Purifiers in all areas, Hygiene Promotion Kits prepositioned in Nyando, Homabay and Nyatike. UNICEF-Water Jerricans- Migori SWAP-Water treatment items in Kisumu and Rachuonyo 4. Camp Management and Coordination KRCS-Done in all areas CAPACITY GAPS IN FLOODS RESPONSE PER CLUSTER Item Current status Immediate Needs WASH Camps have been set up in Mobilets, Lysol, water many areas including treatment chemicals, water Nyadina, Asao, Kogwedhi, treatment Kit, human Nyatike, Osodo etc resource (CHWs, water tanks, Jerricans, rehabilitation of sanitary facilities, Boreholes and water sources HEALTH Malarial cases presenting in Dignity kits, medical the camps, eminent possible supplies to nearby health outbreak of water borne facilities, medical diseases, 3 births recorded , outreaches, hygiene spillage form he available sensitization, trauma latrines, lack of drinking counseling, malarial kits, water, lack of antibiotics and rehabilitation RDTs. Nutrition Nutrition for Lactating Supplementary feeds Mothers , Persons with ,Vaccination, Health and Chronic cases and Children Nutrition Education under 5 is a concern, Immunization for Under 5s Protection Women and young girls also Sensitization against part of the groups affected in gender-based violence, the areas, Food Government is already Additional food for lactating providing food rations but in mothers, under 5s, cash less quantities transfers to families Camp Management Gaps Water Tanks, allowance for CHWs, rehabilitation of boreholes and latrines in the communities and PUR for water treatment, mobilets, chlorine powder, lysol Delivery kits, malaria kits, drugs (praciqauntile tablets, benzozide suplhpate, zinc sulphate, flaggyl, doczyclyne), Antibiotics Supplementary feeds Trauma counseling Cash transfers for effective distribution, food supplements for lactating mothers and Families still camping at Family kits needed for 300 family kits for families various evacuation centres privacy of the camping not yet reached and (see attached matrix) families and cooking fuel cooking fuel 2 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 Education Logistics Agriculture Children displaced to schools, Schools closed early since they are evacuation Centres, Schools marooned in Water Lots of materials to be transported to far distances Recreation facilities Children in Camps for Recreation kits, Repair of damaged School infrastructure 3 land cruisers, 1 truck to 2 fuelled land cruisers, 1 deliver items to Nyatike truck and monetary support to loaders and offloaders Recently planted farms Seeds and fertilizers to Seeds and fertilizers and washed away and crops restore hope on food communal digging of submerged security trenches to secure the farms Immediate Needs/ Emerging Needs In support of the local response efforts, the additional assistance would be required for sectors like food and NFI, WASH, livelihood, Health and protection, mainly for children under five, elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers and other community members. Locations IDP camps Needs for pregnant and lactating In the order of priority: Food, Health and WASH Children under 5 Food, Health outreaches WASH, Elderly Other community members In the order of priority: In the order of priority: Food, health services. foods, health services, shelter, WASH. Geographic locations in need of immediate support summarized below: Locations Nyando Sectoral Needs/Most affected groups Communities in these camps were mainly in need of food, WASH, health, Shelter/NFI and Protection. Women particularly indicated the need for WASH support. Vulnerable groups among this community are < 5 children, pregnant and lactating mothers and elderly Nyakach Communities in this location are displaced, some in camps and others integrated in neighboring communities not adversely affected. Food, WASH, health and protection are prioritized by the community. The targeted group in this community is < 5 children, elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers. Women also need seeds to replant when the floods subside. Rachuonyo( wang Kobuya location is the most affected with the displaced camping at Kobuya primary chieng,Kobuya,Kany school. The Priority areas were mentioned, food, WASH, health and shelter pir,Koyugi,and respectively. The most vulnerable groups are are <5 children, elderly , pregnant and central lactating mothers. Karachuonyo) Nyatike( Kabuto and Kanyawanga , Konyango, Nyora and Kabuto villages are adversely affected. The Nyora) immediate needs are food,WASH, medical supplies. 3 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 (a) (b) (c) Homes collapsed in (a and b above) while in (c) a pit latrine is completely destroyed. Gaps in General Coordination gaps: o Visibility and involvement of more government key line ministries (Provincial, County and District) in the assessment and monitoring of the emergency. o Visibility and commitment by all hub partners in the assessment and monitoring of the emergency o Coordination within the sectors, the inter sector links need more strengthening. Coordination within the sectors needs to be strengthened through building capacity of the key players. Logistics: o Once the supplies have been pre-positioned in the hub level moving the supplies to the point of need is a challenge. This is due to unavailability of transport and in some instances impassable roads to move the required items. o Under – staffing of qualified health staff to offer the required medical services to deal with the health gaps. o Accessibility to essential health services PLHIV, expectant mothers and other emergencies that need urgent medical attention beyond outreaches. o Accessibility to the camps that are holding the displaced population. This applies to the persons who are responding to the emergency. Education: o Inaccessibility to schools for the children who are attending school. This has led to early closure of some schools thus shortening the school term. o Schools are being used as evacuation centers hence normal learning is being interfered with. o At the household level the books have been swept away by the floods. WASH: o Lack of sanitation facilities at the camps. There is risk of open defecation and subsequent outbreaks in water borne diseases. o Lack of hand washing facilities. This is encouraging poor hygiene practices. o Use of untreated water from unsafe water sources. This is a major health risk to the displaced population. o Inadequate water treatment supplies. This is in reference to water treatment chemicals. Stockpiling of these supplies has not been prioritized by the other stakeholders hence we have a shortage of these commodities. o Hygiene promotion is also limited or lacking in the camps. Low awareness levels on behavior around hygiene practices. Nutrition: o Shortage of anthropometric equipment and limited staffs in the lower tiers of care to carry out nutrition assessment. o Shortage of IEC materials to promote HiNi practices at the camp level. Shelter, Security and Protection: 4 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 o Overcrowding and congestion in camps increases the vulnerability of the girl child to sexual abuse, rapid transmission of communicable diseases and increasing the likelihood of poor hygiene practices. Data: Lack of disegregated data in terms of gender. Economic valuation of property lost: o Communities have given scanty information on the losses they have had as a result of the floods. o About 3000 acreage of land affected by floods. o The impact of loss of livelihoods as a result of the floods cannot be estimated. E.g. farms have been submerged in water leading to loss of crops and some people have lost their animal’s e.g chickens that were reared for economic purposes. Recommendations Detailed Sector Specific assessments on the situation in the camps/affected communities. Provision of food, WASH interventions and health interventions to displaced persons in both camps and HH integrated with local communities. The District Disaster Committee needs to be on the fore front in providing disaggregated data on the flood situation. Provision of alternative learning facilities in the camps for the children who have been displaced due to the emergency. Inter-sectorial supply chain within the hub to provide emergency related supplies to the affected population i.e WASH supplies, nutrition supplies, education kits and health supplies. Strengthen coordination structures within sectors e.g. WESCOORD. These will then feed into the inter sectorial coordination structures already in place. Building technical capacity of more local partners including KRCS, GoK to assess, monitor and respond to future emergencies Building the capacity of communities to respond to early warning signs of emergencies. Sites visited: Nyakach district Nyando district Rachuonyo district Nyatike district Muhoroni District Kisume East District Challenges: 1. KIRA KIRA tool is mainly Qualitative hence missing out on the Quantitative part of the impact of a disaster. Analysis of data collected has minimal representation at final tally. Comprehensive data analysis software/template to be generated for KIRA data. 2. Inadequate commitment from hub partners to KIRA Process. 5 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 Remarks Priority Issues No. of children <5 in camp Expectant mothers Number reached with NFIs HH yet to be reached with NFI Most Vulnerable Camp site HH affected by floods HH displaced to camps Sub location Annex 1:Rapid Assessment Data(Source KRCS). Nyando district Magina 35 20 Israel 22 church 3 0 2 0 Women,Children Ayweyo Total 18 5 15 0 22 0 17 0 Aywey o 98 8 1 0 0 5 0 7 0 0 12 0 11 1 0 0 56 8 8 0 Inaccessib le areas Food,Dykes,He e.g.Health alth entres Women,Children,Elderl y Food,Health,W ASH,NFI Impassabl e roads,Coll apsed Latrines Women,Children,Elderl y Food,Shelter and NFI None Women,Children,Elderl y Food,Shelter and NFI None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women,Children,Elderl y Food,Shelter and NFI None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women,Children,Elderl y,Men,PWDs WASH,Food and Health Houses and Latrines collapsed Women,Children,Elderl y Food None Nyakach district Gem Rae Gem Rae 21 9 70 80 70 Nyakwer 10 e 0 10 0 17 4 17 4 65 50 Rangul Nyadina Asao 66 58 Middle Jimo 3 3 Total 69 7 53 5 St. Alloys Pri. Sch. Rae Primar y Nyakw ere Market Kanyal wal pri. school Nyadi na primar y 56 58 15 22 8 5 1 1 Asao SDA 17 church 5 Ahero Store Pamb a 1 22 5 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 1 7 4 0 2 9 3 1 5 8 0 0 0 3 28 3 4 2 0 6 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 1 4 1 7 0 0 4 0 Muhoroni district Wang’ay 17 a 17 Ombeyi 40 Total 40 57 57 Onyal o biro 11 pri. Sch. Achuo dho 18 pri. Sch. 2 9 4 2 6 1 7 4 0 Komb ewa TB 2 D 1 4 0 Nyaori TB TB 1 D D 0 0 TB TB 1 D D 0 0 Manya TB TB 2 tta B D D 0 0 Orong o TB TB 1 D D 5 0 7 9 0 Kobuy a primar y TB TB 0 D D 6 0 Osodo primar y TB TB 4 D D 5 0 TB TB 4 D D 5 6 0 Women,Children,Elderl y WASH,Food and Health None Women,Children,Elderl y WASH,Food.N FI and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food,N FIs and Health None Women and Children WASH,Food and Health None WASH,Food.N FI and Health Impassabl e roads,Coll apsed Latrines Kisumu E&W districts C. Seme 14 Kisumu Kisumu Kisumu Kisumu Total 10 10 30 15 79 14 10 10 20 15 Kassa gam 79 Rachuonyo N Kobuya KOnyan go 13 1 10 0 60 45 23 10 Total 1 5 Nyatike district Kanya wanga 45 45 Nyora primar y TB TB 0 D D 4 5 Women,Children,Elderl y 7 FLOODING IN KISUMU EAST, NYANDO, NYAKACH, NYATIKE, MUHORONI AND RACHUONYO April 19, 2013 Kanyaw anga 66 Total 11 1 1,3 97 50 Kabut o primar y TB TB 0 D D 95 0 1,0 41 5 TB TB 8 D D 2 5 0 Women,Children,Elderl y WASH,Food.N FI and Health Health Dispensar y inaccessib le 9 5 4 6 9 8