NEW! ECB WASH e-learning courses now available

Announcing the launch of the new ECB Project’s
WASH e-learning courses
Technical Project Management (TPM) in WASH emergencies is about planning, resourcing, and
implementing a technical WASH engineering project. This course introduces and familiarises staff
with standard project management stages and tools in a creative, practical and innovative way. It
covers areas such as logistics processes, risk management and quality control.
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) in WASH emergencies examines health and
hygiene promotion to strengthen WASH programme design and implementation. It helps the
learner practise critical reflection throughout a simulated project, with reference to the context
they are working in, the population affected by the crisis and the decisions to be made.
Both courses place the learner into a simulated emergency context and require them to complete
various tasks in an interactive way. Learners are given realistic challenges and problems to solve,
testing their planning and decision-making skills.
Who are they for? These courses were designed for country-based WASH teams. The TPM course
is intended for field engineering staff working on technical WASH programmes, and the IEC
course for health and hygiene promotion field staff who are involved in IEC interventions and
who contribute to WASH programme design and implementation. Programme managers would
also benefit from them.
How can I access them? You will find the courses on the CARE Academy e-learning platform
(, which is open to all CARE staff and partners, or contact to request a free course CD. At present the courses
are only available in English.