Ascension Youth Code of Conduct (Must be signed and returned no

Ascension Youth Code of Conduct
(Must be signed and returned no later than the day before the related activity)
1. Attendees of Ascension youth events are expected to participate in all scheduled activities. Teens
are expected to behave in a manner consistent with Christian principles, in a manner considerate and
respectful of each other, those with whom they come in contact, and themselves. In particular, the
teen agrees to:
Only use their cell phones at designated times (cell phones will otherwise be held by Brad in a
secure area).
Leave at home any other electronic devices – if said devices are found they will be held by
Brad for the duration of the activity.
Put aside the pursuit or development of romantic-based relationships for the duration of the
activity so as to facilitate the pursuit of what God has for everyone during this activity.
Listen to and obey all leaders and sponsors for the trip.
Remain with their respective groups at all time. No one should leave their designated areas,
unless instructed by a leader, at any time.
Treat everyone with gentleness and respect. Any fighting, verbal or physical abuse, or
exclusionary practices for any reason are not acceptable in any form.
2. Underage drinking or illegal drug use is strictly forbidden. Regardless of the local legal drinking age,
alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 21. Persons caught supplying drugs or alcohol to
an underage drinker will be asked to leave as soon as a ride home can be arranged immediately, as
will the underage person who accepts and/or uses such substances.
3. It is extremely difficult to make clothes rules that honor a teen’s interest in looking their best while
also ensuring that the teens’ minds are focused on the main goals of this trip which are to grow closer
with God and with each other as fellow members of Christ. In order to honor youth’s own culture and
context and in order to balance said culture with an attempt to encourage each other in growing closer
to God, the dress code is as follows: teens should dress in modest, clean clothes all activities. It is
suggested that shorts, tightly fitting clothing, tube or tank tops, short skirts/dresses, low cut
tops/dresses, T-shirts with logos, writing, etc. are not appropriate. I do reserve the right to ask anyone
to change if I deem that their clothing is inappropriate. Thus, I ask all participants on the trip to plan
wisely on what they intend to wear on the trip.
4. The Parent/Guardian will be responsible for any damages caused by any minor(s) under their
charge, while staying at either Bodega Bay Escapes’ homes or at Camp Chinquapin, in the event that
those locations expect reimbursement for said damages
I_______________________________ have read the above Teen Code of Conduct and I
Teen Name
agree to abide by them during the trip. I further understand that my parents or chaperone will be called
upon, in the event that there is a problem involving me, and that they will be expected to assist
Ascension’s leaders in this matter.
____________________________________ __________________
Teen Signature Date
Parent Signature