Publications by Manfred Jantzen

Jantzen, Manfred D., Economic Spaces for Development of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago: 50 Years of
Independence, Official Publication produced & Published by FIRST (Book), London 2012
Jantzen, Manfred D., a major contributor to Power, Politics and Performance, A Partnership Approach for
Development, by Winston Dookeran, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston & Miami, 2012.
“Paradigm Power: One World Information Dynamics”, chapter 1, Power, Politics and Performance, A Partnership Approach for Development, by
Winston Dookeran with Contribution from Manfred D. Jantzen and Avinash Persaud. Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston & Miami, 2012.
Jantzen, Manfred D., “Politics and the Culture of Corruption: Culture Matters in Performance, The Gold Pot Economy”, Chapter 5, Power,
Politics and Performance, A Partnership Approach for Development, by Winston Dookeran with Contribution from Manfred D. Jantzen and
Avinash Persaud. Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston & Miami, 2012.
Jantzen, Manfred D. Developing Solution Leadership: A Programmatic Strategic Intervention, pp.80- 104. Chapter 4, Foundation for Politics &
Leadership. This section is based on a Leadership Programme that was actually executed at AnsaMcAl, Trinidad. Power, Politics and Performance,
A Partnership Approach for Development, Winston Dookeran with Contribution from Manfred D. Jantzen and Avinash Persaud. Ian Randle
Publishers, Kingston & Miami, 2012.
Jantzen, Manfred D. Law, Economic Policy, and Private Enterprise: The Case of the Early Ruhr Region Mining
Region, 1766-1865 (Germany), The Journal of European Economic History, Vol. 2, No.3. 1973.
Jantzen, Manfred D. Public Policy in Industrial Growth, the Early Ruhr Region Mining Region, 1766-1865 (Germany)
Arno Press, 1978. (Changed name from Jankowski to Jantzen in 1978).
Jantzen, Manfred D. Dissertation, Prussian Policy and the Development of the Ruhr Region, 1766-1865. University of
Wisconsin, 1969.
Other Publications
Jantzen, Manfred D.., Realigning Your Business Model, Linkage (The American Chamber of Commerce
Trinidad & Tobago), Vol.2/2009.
Jantzen, Manfred D. How to Compete with Giants, The Caribbean’s David & Goliath Challenge, The Energy Probe,
The Business, Industrial & Energy Magazine, Nov.02. Jan 2003
Jantzen, Manfred D., Leading & Managing Organizational Change in the New Economy , in The Energy Probe,
The Business, Industrial & Energy Magazine, March-May, 2000.
Jantzen, Manfred D., paper “Liberal Arts Business Major: Quality in Action.”, National Conference on Adult
Learners, 1989.
Jantzen, Manfred D., Commentator, papers on Urban Unrest in the Renaissance, Duquesne History Forum,
1971, Pittsburgh, USA.
Jantzen, Manfred D., Book Reviews (Several), The Journal of Economic History. 1970-1980.