Name First name Address Phone E-mail Weisgerber Anne University of Louvain/IPSY Place Cardinal Mercier, 10 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve +3210478683 anne.weisgerber@ Languages: Luxembourgish: native speaker German: Fluent in spoken and written French: Fluent in spoken and written English: Fluent in spoken and written Education: - 2012 - , Catholic University of Louvain: Master complémentaire conjoint en cliniques psychothérapeutiques intégrées - 2010- 2012, Catholic University of Louvain: Master en Sciences Psychologiques, à finalité spécialisée (mention « distinction ») Master’s thesis: « L’influence de la musique et de l’alexithymie sur la mémorisation de stimuli émotionnels. » (The influence of music and alexithymia on the treatment of emotional stimuli.) - 2007- 2010, University of Luxembourg: Bachelor Académique en Psychologie (mention « bien ») September 2008 - February 2009: Erasmus mobility at the « Ruprecht Karls Universität » Heidelberg Bachelor’s thesis: « Gerechtigkeit in der Schule: Der Einfluss wahrgenommener Gerechtigkeit von Schülern auf ihre Motivation, ihr Fachinteresse und die Wahrscheinlichkeit indirekter aggressiver Verhaltensweisen. (Justice at school: the influence of the perceived justice by students on their motivation, their interest for the subject and the probability of indirect aggressive behaviour.) » - 2007, Athénée de Luxembourg: Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires (music class, mention « bien ») Main subjects: music history; music theory; choir conducting; main instrument: Organ Musical education: - 2004- 2012, Conservatory in Luxembourg-City (L): Solfège, 1er Prix (mention « distinction »); Organ, 2ième Prix (mention « très bien »); Percussion, 2ième mention (mention « très bien »); Written harmony, Harmonisation, 3ième mention (mention « bien »); Organologie, certificate (mention « très bien ») - 1996-2004, Music school in Wiltz (L): Solfège, 1ière mention (mention « très bien »); Piano, 2ième mention (mention « très bien »); Organ, 2ième mention (mention « très bien ») Professional experience - PhD student in Psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain: Research project on the influence of music on emotional competencies; since October 2012 Mental Health - Internship at Consultations Psychologiques Spécialisées (CPS emotions), in Louvain-la-Neuve (B), 10h/week since August 2014 - Internship at the CHNP, Centre Thérapeutique de Diekirch (L), 10h/week from September 2012 to July 2014 - Internship at the Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique (CHNP) in Ettelbruck (L), 2 weeks in 2011 - Children and adolescents Internship at the Centre d’accueil « Kannerland, » (foyer d’enfants) in Luxembourg- City (L), 7 weeks in 2010 et 5 months in 2011 Addiction prevention and Health promotion - Internship at the Centre de Prévention des Toxicomanies (CePT) in Luxembourg-City (L), 6 weeks in 2009 - Student job at « Coopérations a.s.b.l .» Wiltz (L): 2 weeks in 2011 - Student job at the CePT: health promotion in “MAG-Net festif”, presence at different festivals (Echternach (L), Tuntange (L), Hotton (B)); in 2010, 2011 - Student job at the Clinique St. Joseph in Wiltz (L), 4-5 weeks in 2006, 2007, 2008 Publications Papers - Weisgerber, A., Constant, E., Gilson, T., Vermeulen, N. (in preparation). Congruent musical primes facilitate emotion categorization in faces. - Weisgerber, A., Vermeulen, N., Peretz, I., Samson, S., Philippot, P., Maurage, P., De Graeuwe D’Aoust, C., De Jaegere, A., Delatte, B., Gillain, B., De Longueville, X., Delbeke, J. & Constant, E. (in preparation). Facial, vocal and musical emotion recognition is altered in paranoid schizophrenic patients. Book chapters - Blagan, E., Cappelier, V., Devos, G., Hardy, L., Schinkus, L., Schul, E., Wattier, G., & Weisgerber, A (2013). Le Tabagisme. Dans M. Mikolajczak (dir.). Interventions en Psychologie de la Santé. Paris: Dunod - Weisgerber, A., Bayot, M., Constant, E. & Vermeulen, N. (2013). Music and Cognitive Processing of Emotions: Individual Differences and Psychopathology. In P. Simon & T. Szabo (Eds.). Music: Social Impacts, Health Benefits and Perspectives. New York : Nova Science Publishers Poster Presentations - Weisgerber, A., Vermeulen, N. The influence of music and alexithymia on the processing of - emotional words and faces, BAPS Annual Meeting, 2013, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Weisgerber, A., Vermeulen, N. The influence of music and alexithymia on the processing of emotional words and faces, European Congress of Psychology, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden Weisgerber, A., Gilson, T. & Vermeulen, N. The influence of musical primes on the evaluation of emotional facial expressions, Consortium of European Research on Emotion (CERE), 2014, Berlin, Germany Oral presentations - The influence of music to the access and sharing of emotions, at the seminar “Psychotherapy and Science”, April 2014, University of Namur, Belgium Other engagements - Secretary of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Etudiants en Psychologie (ALEP) from January 2010 to January 2012 Animation for children (formation aide-animatrice auprès de la Croix Rouge) in 2011 Personal interests Organ, Percussion, Choir singing, animation for children