Algebra II PAP – COURSE SYLLABUS Teacher: Mrs. Cantu Room: 2305 Phone Number: 832-668-7200, ext 72305 email: website: Twitter: dphs_ecantu Course Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry; passed most recent STAAR test; Preferred Algebra I average of 90 or higher in first and second semesters Course Description: Algebra II continues to expand upon the foundation concepts for high school mathematics. The course connects algebraic and geometric representations of conic sections and direct and inverse relationships between functions. Additional topics include logarithmic, exponential, and square root functions, complex numbers, and matrices. Topics to be Covered: First Semester Equations and Inequalities Linear Functions Systems of Equations and Inequalities Parent Functions and Transformations Graphing Quadratics Solving Quadratics Second Semester Writing Equations and Solving Inequalities Polynomials Square Root and Cube Root Functions Inverse Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Rational Functions Conic Sections CLASSROOM RULES AND PROCEDURES SUPPLIES NEEDED EVERY DAY: Graph paper (can be printed from internet) 1-One subject spiral notebook per semester Pencils or other preferred writing utensils as long as it is not fluorescent 1 box of Kleenex, 1 pair of scissors RULES: • • • • • • • • Be in your seat and ready for class when the tardy bell rings: Have your writing utensil, calculator and homework out Pick up any posted supplies and/or handouts Start on your warm-up Participate in notes and class activities! Please be aware of and obey all school rules. Please put away all electronic devices while in the classroom unless we are engaged in a BYOT activity. All backpacks, bags, purses, etc… will be placed on the floor during instruction time. Only bottles of water or water in clear containers are allowed in the classroom. Any foul, obscene, or distasteful language will be reprimanded and face a possible office referral. Remain in your desk until dismissal bell rings. CALCULATOR POLICY: You will be provided a TI-84 graphing calculator in class. The student is required to exercise proper care and handling of the calculator in his/her possession. Furthermore, the graphing calculators have the ability to hold games/applications downloaded from other calculators or from Internet sites. If these games/applications are found on a student’s calculator, that student will forfeit the privilege of using the school’s calculator. If a student chooses to bring a personal calculator to use at school, that calculator must be free of games as well. If games are found on a student’s personal calculator, he/she will not be allowed to use it in class. GRADING POLICY: Category Major (tests, projects) Minor (quizzes, homework, classwork, etc.) Percentage 70% 30% ASSIGNMENTS will be graded on a completion basis most of the time. Late assignments (after the date they were due) WILL NOT be accepted, and a zero will be given. Most assignments will be due on Wednesdays and Fridays, and a short homework quiz will be given to check for understanding on most Wednesdays and Fridays (unless a test or chapter quiz is being given). We will be using an Interactive Notebook in class, including Cornell Notes. There will be an added emphasis on vocabulary, reading, and writing as it pertains to Algebra II. Quizzes will cover material from the homework or work in the notebook. The Interactive Notebook will be graded on some test days as an additional quiz grade. ABSENT STUDENTS Check calendar for missed assignments, quizzes, tests Check absent day folder for handouts Copy notes from another student Come in within 5 days before school to make up missed quizzes and tests MAKE-UP WORK (excused absences and school sponsored absences only): You are responsible for asking and receiving any and all assignments and if possible notes from EVERY day that you missed on your first day back to my class. This should take place before school and not in the first part of class. Any assignments due while you were absent are due the day you return. Depending on the length of your absence you have a maximum of 5 days to turn in all missing work. If you return the day of a test and/or quiz and the only day you missed was the review you WILL be REQUIRED to take the test/quiz that day in class. All other quizzes and/or tests must be made-up before or after school the same week it was given. TUTORIALS: Students who want extra help or have questions on homework may come in: Mon.- Thurs, and some Fridays: 8:00-8:45am (unless I have morning duty) If at all possible let me know in advance if and when you will be coming. If you come in for tutorials and I’m not there please wait about 5 minutes I may be making copies or in a meeting. If I have still not made it back to my room leave a note with your name, class period, and time either taped on the door or slide it under my door. This will let me know that you did come in for help. There are after school tutorials offered in room 2473 from 3:45-4:45 Monday-Thursday. CHEATING: If you are caught cheating/copying on a: 1. Daily assignment you will be given a ZERO 2. Quiz you will be given a ZERO 3. Test you will be given a ZERO and given the chance to retest only to a maximum grade of a 50 but this must be done before school within the week the original test was taken. EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: The test review for each test will be given before the test for 5 bonus points on the test. It will be due the day of the test. No extra credit projects or assignments will be given to raise grades for individual students. If extra credit is given it will be an opportunity for the entire class. Parents: You may email me at any time regarding your student, at, to check on grades or information about my class procedures. In addition, you may visit my website ( or follow me on Twitter ( dphs_ecantu) where you can find assignment due dates and other class information. I will also be utuilizing Remind 101 to send out text messages for any important information. You can sign up to receive the information from Remind 101 by texting @cantup to 81010. You will get a confirmation text message back. I would encourage you to also take advantage of the Parent Portal where you can monitor your child’s progress in each class. My phone number at the school is 832 – 668 – 7200, extension 72305. My conference period is 6th Period (2:00-2:50, Mon – Fri, except Wednesdays, 2:10-2:55-12:48). I will be sending progress reports periodically through email. Sincerely, Errica Cantu Algebra II PAP Syllabus Agreement – Cantu Dear Student and Parent or Guardian, Please sign below indicating that you have received and understand my class syllabus, rules and procedures. Also, please be aware that the following school procedures will be enforced in my classroom: Dress Code Procedures I.D. Procedures Cell Phones, Electronic Equipment Tardy Policy A parent email allows me to get in touch easily and to provide you with progress reports. Thank you for your cooperation. _____________________________________________________ (Student Name Printed) ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________________________________________ (Student signature) __________________________________ Date ___________________________________________________________________ (Parent/guardian signature) _____________ ____________________________ (Parent phone number) (Parent email address) There is a computer and/or tablet with internet access at home. Please choose: YES NO Type of BYOT student will be bringing to class (if your student is not participating, please write none): Ways to stay in touch: Email: Website: Twitter: dphs_ecantu Remind 101: text @cantup to 81010