Les Heberle dans le Monde Père HÉBERLÉ Joseph (Père Maximin) (1883 - 1930) Né le 06.01.1883 à Albé (67) Profès le 26.09.1904 à Sittard Prêtre le 16.07.1911 à Louvain Décès le 25.04.1930 à Viry Sup. loc. Thieu (1923-1924) Il entre en 1898 à l'école apostolique Saint-Clément. C'est alors un grand jeune homme, aux yeux graves, au regard doux, au visage paisible, qui se détend dans un sourire discret. Le 26 septembre 1903, il entrait au noviciat, faisait ses premiers vœux l'année suivante et commençait ses études de philosophie à Louvain. En 1906, le R. P. Mathias Legrand qui l'appréciait et l'aimait le demanda comme secrétaire. Il passa ainsi deux ans dans le travail pénible, obscur de la quête pour assurer le pain quotidien des Petits Clercs du Sacré-Coeur. En 1908, il fut envoyé à Rome suivre les cours de théologie. Le carnet, où il a noté les principaux événements de son existence, contient des réflexions qui éclairent sa vie. 19 janvier l909—Sous-diacre—Jour de bonheur !!! . .. Sacrifice, expiation. Vivre comme si je devais mourir a chaque instant, travailler comme si je ne devais jamais mourir. La mort est toujours prête pour nous! Prépare-toi. De 1914 à 1919, il était à Strasbourg qu'il quitta pour l'aumônerie des religieuses de Bennvihr (Alsace). En 1919, en octobre, il reprenait sa place à l'école Saint-Clément dont en 1923 il dut, bien malgré lui, accepter la direction. Il abandonna sa charge dès l'année suivante. Sa grande sensibilité lui avait fait de cette année un véritable martyre. En 1924, l'orphelinat de Domois le voyait arriver comme économe Il quitta cette maison en 1925, y laissant un souvenir encore durable et des regrets Après un repos d'un an à Bruxelles, il retournait à SaintClément. En septembre 1929, il fut chargé de préparer la fondation de Viry-Chatillon, tout en aidant M. le Curé dans le ministère paroissial. Sa piété et sa délicatesse y firent surtout impression. UN ANCIEN DE SAINT-CLÉMENT (Le Règne juillet-août 1930 p.94) stored, was the good Father Maximin Héberlé. There is less than a year, the very day where the principal group of the school arrived to Viry, after 27 years of exile, After finishing his last year of studies to Manages, in Belgium, where had taken refuge itself, in 1903, the school, victim she also of an unintelligent ostracisme, it entra to the noviciat of Sittard, in Hollande, and the following year, commença his philosophy to Louvain. In 1906, it was called for Fayet, After two delay years, one the envoya to continue its studies théologiques to Rome. For health reason, it dut to finish them to Louvain, where it was ordered priest in July 1911. Henceforth one will see it to deploy his priestly enthusiasm in all the functions that will be entrusted for him. As professor, chaplain, vicaire, auxiliary of the P. Mathias, économe to Domois, director of our school to 'I'S hieu in 1923, Called for Brussels with the T. R. P. Founder in 1925, it will be interested in the construction of the church of the Sacred-Cœur to Rome and to l' œuvre of the friends of the poor ones, at last in 1926, it came back to Blaugies to consecrate definitively its last forces to his dear Lenient Saint. During three successive years, to do diversion to its occupations of professor, it some was going to visit himself during the vacation our Benefactors and recruit again raise in Alsace, Frank County, Normandie or Brittany. April 25 1930, the R. P. Maximin Héberlé returned his beautiful soul to God. Been born to Albé (Erlenbach) close to Villé in Alsace, January 6 1883, it had felt early the divine call. Last child of a numerous family, of which several members had preceded it in religious life, it had delayed by filial piety the response to the sollicitations of his vocation. It enters in 1898 to the apostolic Lenient Holy school. September 26 1903, it entered to the noviciat, did its first vœux the following year and began its philosophy studies to Louvain. In 1906, the R. P. Mathias Legrand that assessed it and the liked the demanda as secretary. It passa thus two years in the painful, obscure work of the quest to assure the daily bread of the Small Clerk of the Sacred Heart. In 1908, it was sent to Rome to follow the theology classes. The notebook, where it noted the principal events of his existence, contains reflections that light up his life. 19 January l909-Sous-diacre-Jour of happiness!!! . .. 17 July 1910- Come Deacon sancte Spiritus... Da robur... iron auxilium. (Comes in me, Holy Spirit, give me your force, bring me your support). 16 July 1911-Priest sacerdos alter Christus. (The priest is another Christ). It was named professor to the Lenient Holy school, then to My. It s'attira himself the affection of its raise by his goodness and his devotedness. In l913,il rejoignit to Fayet, the R. P. Legrand and reprit the obscure work of secretary. Of 1914 to 1919, it was to Strasburg that it quitta for the chaplaincy of the religious ones of Bennvihr (Alsace). In 1919, in October, it resumed his place to the Lenient Holy school of which in 1923 it dut, well despite him, accept the direction. It abandonna his load as early as the following year. His big sensitiveness had done for him this year a true agony. In 1924, the orphelinat of Domois see it to arrive as économe Other concerns, other fatigues that altérèrent his health. It quitta this house in 1925, there leaving an again durable memory and regrets After a rest of a year to Brussels, it returned to Lenient Saint. Annexes – CV – Joseph Heberle (Père Maximin)