UTAC Minutes 2.14.14

University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC)
Meeting Minutes
Friday, February 14, 2014
10:00am, KNDL 207/209
x Joe Alexander
x Debra Barger
x Rebecca Cagle
x Wendy Diamond
x Scott Dickerson
x Peter DiFalco
x Cris Guenter
x Anna Harris
Ben Juliano
Allen Lunde
x David Keller
x Jennifer Meadows
x Brooke Banks
x Sarah Blakeslee
x Scott Claverie
x Mark Hendricks
Scott Kodai
x Wendy Bentley
Mario Mena
Jim Mensching
Jeremy Olguin
Dan Reed
LeRita Ringel
Tom Rosenow
Noriyuki Sato
Mike Schilling
Seema Sehrawat
Ras Smith
Mike Spiess
Melody Stapleton
Mike Magrey
Andy Miller
Ray Quinto
Christine Williams
Laura Kling
Wendi Beane
Announcements and Additions/Changes to Agenda
Scott Claverie added “CNI Chancellor’s Office Project” to the Agenda. There were no other additions to the
Approval of Minutes from December 13, 2013
The Minutes of December 13, 2013 were approved.
Lynda.com Status (Wendy Bentley)
Wendy Bentley reported that software video training is now available to staff and faculty at www.lynda.com.
Campus Website Responsive Design (Laura Kling)
Laura Kling gave a presentation on the campus website responsive design which provides an optimal viewing
experience on a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktops.
PC Procurement Status (Brooke Banks)
Brooke Banks reported that the Provost set aside funds to replace older computers, especially machines that are
running XP, in Academic Affairs. Mike Schilling said that we’re working with colleges to gather lists of these
outdated computers to replace and developing standards for purchasing new computers through Dell. These
standards will include PCs, laptops, and ultra-thin laptops along with various tablets. Once the standards are
complete Scott Kodai will review them with various groups including the Data Technology Work
Group. Brooke suggested that if anyone in UTAC is interested in reviewing the standards they should contact
her. After the standards are developed our campus will then purchase this group of machines. The committee
then discussed trickling down and surplusing computers. Mike Schilling added that all this information will be
summarized for CAD in February and once we get the final endorsement IRES will distribute something more
formal, probably around mid-March with the machines delivered by April through June.
New Responsible Use Policy Discussion (Mark Hendricks/Brooke Banks)
Mark Hendricks is working to evaluate the new system-wide Responsible Use Policy published November 20,
2013. The new policy needs to be reviewed in conjunction with the Revised Policy on the Use of Computing
and Communications Technology for Faculty (EM 07-01) and the Policy on the Use of Computing and
Communications Technology. Mark would like to form a group to assist with analyzing the policies. Jennifer
Meadows stated that she would recommend that the group represent faculty and students and if there are any
changes to this policy these have to go through the Academic Senate. Mark Hendricks said that he will send out
an invitation. Seema Sehrawat said that ATAC (Academic Technology Advisory Committee) consists
primarily of faculty so there's a committee that is already formed that could assist. Cris Guenter asked if Mark
saw these two policies as parallel discussions or if he will be looking at one first and then the other. Brooke
Banks answered that these topics are worded almost exactly the same so they should be done together.
Email Clean Up Discussion (Scott Claverie)
Scott Claverie shared that this summer campus will be migrating from Microsoft Exchange 2007 to 2013. The
project is split into 3 phases: (1) hardware set-up and configuration (which is almost complete), (2) client
software and device testing (will be done within next 2-3 months), and (3) implementation and migration. Scott
asked that UTAC assist with analysis and recommendations regarding the clean-up of approximately 25% of the
e-mail addresses, which use a lot of disk space, that aren’t checking their e-mail. The committee discussed
different scenarios where faculty keep their e-mail accounts when they’re no longer on campus. Cris Guenter
said that the group can start the project at the March meeting and she would like something in writing to define
the project. Seema Sehrawat said that she’s willing to be on the committee and mentioned that campus staff
employees should also look at the policies.
Lync Rollout (Scott Claverie)
Scott Claverie reported that currently anyone in Active Directory can download Lync to have instant
messaging, web conferencing, and collaboration capabilities, etc. Cris Guenter asked if it was PC based and
Scott replied that you can use it on a PC or a Mac. Scott then added that Lync is very easy to install but there’s
additional training on Lynda.com if needed. Brooke Banks asked if Scott could give a one minute overview as
to what “presence” in Lync means and Scott responded. There was further discussion regarding Lync mobile,
using it with outside vendors, etc.
Discussion of Advice, Current Reviews or Recommendations (Cris Guenter)
Cris Guenter wanted to remind the committee that UTAC is an advisory committee and the words in the UTAC
description say that the committees’ job is to advise, work on current reviews, and make
recommendations. Upcoming projects for the group to discuss include the e-mail clean-up project and the
computer refresh program. Seema Sehrawat asked Mark if we should send out a campus-wide invite asking if
any faculty or members, other than the ones we already will contact through ATAC, want to assist with these
projects. Cris Guenter said that we should first meet as a small group and then figure out what the needs are
and who to additionally invite.
CNI Chancellor’s Office Project
Scott Claverie spoke about the Chancellor’s Office CNI project. He said that over a year ago the entire access
layer switching in the buildings was replaced with Cisco equipment and now is the time to replace the core
equipment. Scott said that the work will begin this summer and right now they’re looking at the building scope
and understanding the building materials. Once that's defined he'll set up a schedule for installation.
Seema Sehrawat was concerned that the wireless network isn’t working correctly. After more concerns about
the coverage were discussed from various committee members, Scott Claverie said that if the coverage isn't
strong in a particular area to please call ITSS, coverage can be adjusted, and the problem resolved.
Seema Sehrawat said that she’s concerned about the number of signatures that paperwork on campus requires.
Mark Hendricks said that he’s trying to work toward a better solution.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15
Form a sub-group including faculty and
students to assist with analyzing the new
Responsible Use Policy and campus existing
Prepare a project overview for the Email
Account Clean Up project.
Date: March 14, 2014
Responsible Party
Mark Hendricks
Due Date
March 2014
Scott Claverie
/Brooke Banks
March 2014
Time: 10-11:30am
Place: Kendall 207/209