University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) Meeting Minutes Friday, November 7, 2014 10:00am, Colusa Hall, Room 100B ATTENDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS x Joe Alexander x Debra Barger x Rebecca Cagle x Wendy Diamond x Todd Gibson x Cris Guenter x Kate Post (for Anna Harris) x Jean Irving Ben Juliano David Keller x Allen Lunde ATTENDING GUESTS x Brooke Banks x Sarah Blakeslee x Scott Claverie x Mark Hendricks x Scott Kodai x Jennifer Meadows Mario Mena Jim Mensching Jeremy Olguin Dan Reed LeRita Ringel Noriyuki Sato Mike Schilling Seema Sehrawat Mike Spiess Mike Wood x x x x x Mike Magrey Andy Miller Ray Quinto Tom Rosenow Christine Williams x x x x x DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Announcements and Additions/Changes to Agenda There were no additions/changes to the Agenda. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 10, 2014 The Minutes of October 10, 2014 were approved. 3. CNI Update (5 minutes) - Scott Claverie Scott Claverie said that all servers have been moved from the old system to the new system with little problem. There will be one more transformation the beginning of December but once this is done, followed by the test and acceptance procedure, the project will be complete. Network Topology Update (10 minutes) - Scott Claverie Scott Claverie presented that soon you will have to have anti-virus software on your desktop or laptop in order to connect to the campus network and he is working with Scott Kodai for direct access to SCCM updates. Cris Guenter asked if this applies to MACs. Mike Schilling answered that CASPAR is the vendor for MACs as SCCM is for PCs. Joe Alexander mentioned problems with SCCM and his lab computers. Scott Kodai stated that the security procedures are not meant to get in the way of business processes and that he’ll meet with Joe and anyone else who needs to resolve problems stemmed from SCCM. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PC Procurement (10 minutes) – Scott Kodai Scott Kodai said that he has taken another look at the PC Procurement configurations and decided to remove the requirement to require an extended warranty. The warranty is a good protection but it’s about 30% of the hardware cost. By taking off the warranty you will incur a little bit of risk but it will be cheaper for the university in the long run. Training Management System - LearnerWeb (15 minutes) - Wendy Bentley Wendy Bentley spoke about the new campus training management system called Learner Web. She said she’s been working with various campus staff on this cloud-based application which provides online training and a single point for faculty and staff to manage all their staff development and compliance training. The application is currently in Phase I where 50,000 course history records are being imported. Campus is hoping to go live January 5th and at that time campus employees will be assigned a “learning track” notifying them when training is due, documenting historical information, etc. Phase II will expand the use of the system to deliver training offered by other departments such as TLP, CELT, ARC, SHS, etc. Jeremy Olguin asked about the training’s accessibility. Wendy said it should be compliant because other CSUs have had to adhere to accessibility standards and are using it, but she will meet with Jeremy at a future date to discuss. There were other questions involving departmental training for new lecturers (this can be added to the system) off campus people and students using the system (not set up for this now but is being considered for the future), and student employee access (yes, student employees can access the system). Wendy also explained about the “dashboard” that is used for this program and the next campus communication steps (Cabinet, Chairs and Academic Senate). Learner Web is expected to deploy in Spring 2015. Future UTAC Meeting Dates (10 minutes) – Brooke Banks Brooke mentioned that the committee needs to set spring semester UTAC meeting dates. She added that Cris Guenter will be on sabbatical and asked if anyone was interested in becoming the Interim Chair. There was no response so Brooke asked that anyone interested should communicate with herself or Christine Williams. It was then determined that the meeting dates should continue on the second Friday of each month: February 14th, March 14th, April 10th, and May 8th. Mole Server Decommission (15 minutes) – Andy Miller Andy Miller said that DLT and TLP are introducing Kaltura which will replace Mole. Faculty that have files in Mole need to migrate old content to Kaltura as Mole will be decommissioned the middle of January when the software is no longer supported. A notice regarding this move went out about a month ago to the approximately 75 faculty who have files on Mole. In addition, TLP has instructions for faculty about how to move these files on their website. Andy added that a couple more notices will go out and the information will also be posted on Blackboard Learn. Identity Finder Deployment (10 minutes) - Mark Hendricks Mark Hendricks updated the committee on Identity Finder, the tool that is intended to help find Level I data inadvertently stored in old e-mails, documents, etc. and dispose of it. Identify Finder works by scanning your local hard drive, cloud storage, documents on Bay, Outlook Exchange, etc. then, if the results find Level I data (credit card number, social security number, etc.), the user can select and shred it. If you need to keep a record it also has a "scrub” function where you can “scrub” the number out of your file. Mark said that the program will be available to run voluntarily next week, in January it will be pushed to all Windows computers, and in mid-February will be initiated to run scans. 10. Brainstorming Session with Committee Members Topics included increase in junk email-mail (topic deferred until next meeting), the future use of clickers on campus, problems with Microsoft Word attachments in e-mails (Seema Sehrawat will get more specific information about the problem and report back to UTAC), and communication about the CNI project disruption on the weekend (Brooke said that we will look at what actual classes we impact with these network interruptions and try to communicate directly to those faculty). 11. Other The UTAC Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 1. 2. Responsible Party Scott Kodai Due Date Status Meet with Joe Alexander regarding problem with SCCM and lab computers Meet with Jeremy Olguin of ARC to Wendy Bentley discuss Learner Web accessibility compliance FUTURE MEETINGS Date: December 12, 2014 Time: 10-11:30am Place: Kendall Hall 207/209