1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752 Arlington, VA 22209, USA +1-703- 841-3281 http://dicom.nema.org dicom@medicalimaging.org MINUTES-tcon DICOM Working Group Eleven (Display Function Standard) Sept. 12, 2013 Members Present Represented by AIUM Fujifilm Medical Systems Philips Healthcare Siemens Healthcare Web 3D Consortium Thomas Nelson Paul Morgan Joe Luszcz Andreas Klingler N. Polys Members Absent Voting Representative *American College of Radiology AAOMR *CARS *FDA *Panasonic Toshiba Visualization System NA Alan Rowberg Allan Farman Heinz Lemke Kish Chakrabarti Florian Knicker Jonathan Whitby Other Member Representatives and Observers Present Illmann, Joerg Seeberger , Elmar Vastagh, Stephen Siemens Healthcare Siemens Healthcare MITA/NEMA * Not counted toward quorum Presiding Officers: Joe Luszcz, Co-Chair 1. Opening ________________________________ WG-11 (Display Function Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee. 1 Sept. 12, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 10.00 USA Eastern Time. The Secretary reminded the participants of the antitrust rules. The Agenda was approved. 2. Web3D Comments on Supplement 156 The Web3D Consortium promoted the original work item for the development of a DICOM MultiDimensional Presentation State standard and lent their guidance to the working group as the requirements for this standard were developed. Now that there is a draft Supplement 156 for this standard, Web3D has reviewed this work and offered comments on the draft. The Wed 3D comments and J. Luszcz’s initial responses in were included and shown in Sup156_20130620_1530_EndReviewSession2_Web3D_JML_Annotated.docx that was posted and presented. Several points were raised and discussed, opening up heretofore closed issues. It was noted that Sup 156 does not intend to standardize identical presentations on all equipment. Rather, objects would adapt to the style of the receiving / viewing system rather than appear identical to the creator system. However, the various adaptation would all contain the same clinical information. This was discussed at length. It was annotated to elicit public comments. There was discussion on whether the scope chosen for presentation state objects in Sup 156 is the most efficient to implement. N. Polys argued for example that implementations would commonly load the volume data once and just transform the camera to different positions for related Saggital, Transverse, and Coronal views. However, the current Sup 156 model would be to have simple objects wherein each object represented a single view; thus for the current example three separate presentations state objects in the same “spatial collection” would be used. In summary the Chair stated that the current draft was a result of Group decisions and will be considered the scope unless specific problems are discovered with the current approach.. HOMEWORK: Since Spatial Collections was the concept identified to handle this case, members were urged to generate examples of how Spatial Collections would be used, and suggest which attributes would be held constant within presentation states in the same Spatial Collection. With this example data, we hope to reconcile the conflicting needs of simplicity of the object vs. efficiency of the implementation. J. Luszcz thanked N. Polys for his detailed review. 3. Pipelines Jonathan Whitby of Toshiba/Vital has proposed some processor pipeline models for our review. These were posted to the FTP site *.png and *.vsd. Jonathan’s introductory message is also on the FTP site pipelines.htm. Due to insufficient time available, detailed discussion of the pipeline models was tabled to the next meeting. However, several of the models were referenced during the discussion of Web3D comments. 4. Homework ________________________________ WG-11 (Display Function Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee. 2 Sept. 12, 2013 There were no questions on the homework assignments from the June face-to-face meeting in Rosslyn. 5. Next Meetings In Person October 14-17 (Monday, 09.00 –Thursday-17.00) MITA Conference Center, 1st Floor, 1300 N. 17th Street, Arlington, VA 22209 The Chair noted the importance of completing homework assignments prior to October 14th. T-con It was decide to hold another tcon on September 30, 2013, Monday, 10.00-12.00 USA Eastern Time. 6. Adjournment The t-con was adjourned 12:00 USA Eastern Time. Submitted by: Stephen Vastagh, Secretary Reviewed by legal counsel: CRS 2013-09-13 ________________________________ WG-11 (Display Function Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee. 3 Sept. 12, 2013