Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Spring 1 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning How awesome were the Egyptians? Theme Title: Theme subject focus: History Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age Ancient Egypt Visits / visitors / enhancements / WOW factor! Home links project – Ancient Egypt Trip to Manchester museum Ceramic artist – Tutankhamun’s death mask / shabtis Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts) Can I describe events and periods using the words: BC and AD? Can I describe events and periods of time using ancient and century? Can I find out how the Early Britons would have communicated, eaten and lived? Can I explain how the Early Britons moved heavy objects around (Stonehenge?) Do I know the different features of the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages? (each group find out about one of these and present to class) Do I recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us to find out about the past? Can I use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can I suggest why people acted as they did in the past? Can I think of questions I would like to have asked an ancient Egyptian? Can I explain why I think the ancient Egyptians were more advanced than the Early Britons? Cross- curricular elements overview; English Read and identify the features of non-fiction texts. Non-chronological writing about different aspects of early Britons and ancient Egyptians. Begin to identify the features of newspapers – simple recounts. (The death of King Tutankhamun) Computing Creating Egyptian scenes using ‘Revelation Art’ animation. Use of the internet to research Early Britons and the ancient Egyptians. Geometry – draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes using modelling materials. Recognise 3D shapes in different orientations and describe them. Symmetry and asymmetry in shapes. Angles as properties of shapes or description of a turn. Can pupils make a pyramid? (investigate) Art + design Egyptian art and hieroglyphics. What can pupils learn about the Egyptians from their artwork? Funeral masks – ceramic artist. What can people learn about early Britons from Prehistoric cave paintings Music See ‘Charanga’ P.E. Sports coach–games (acquiring and developing skills) Gymnastics / dance – using symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. Geog Find Egypt on a map of the world – name and locate some of the surrounding countries. (Africa and Europe) R.E. SMSC Egyptian art, ceramics, life in early Briton – prehistoric cave paintings. Languages French language and culture Maths Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Spring 1 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning How awesome were the Egyptians? Theme Title: History Theme focus: Focus History Programme of study Pupils should be taught : (Chronological understanding) Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age (some examples – late Neolithic hunter-gatherers, Skara Brae, Bronze age religion, technology and travel Stonehenge, Iron Age hill forts, art and culture, tribal kingdoms) Howard Carter Be a history detective to use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order of events. (knowledge and interpretation) to appreciate that the Early Britons would not have lived as we do now (food, homes, clothes etc) or communicated in the same way. The achievements of the Ancient Egyptians – pyramids, temples, calendar, paper, writing, mummification, medicine etc) to describe events and periods using terms such as BC, AD, decade, century and ancient. to suggest why certain people acted as they did in history? (Historical enquiry) to recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us to understand more about what happened in the past to use various sources of evidence to answer questions to use various sources of evidence to piece together information about Early Britons and the Ancient Egyptian? Resources Information about life in Ancient Egypt and Britain at that time. Eg video clips, books, pictures of artefacts, postcards. Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils group what they know about life in Ancient Egypt or early Briton under headings? (eg food, farming, homes, daily life, clothing, religion etc) Class timeline Replicas of artefacts Cave paintings / art Travel brochures, pictures of Egypt today Pictures of Egyptian Gods Newsreel of Howard Carter unearthing the Egyptian treasure Can they work out from pictures of artefacts, art, photographs what the objects, structures etc were used for? Can pupils independently set out on a timeline what special events took place? Can pupils begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about the Ancient Egyptians and early Britons? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Spring 1 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: How awesome were the Egyptians? Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, art+design, music, P.E. R.E. computing Focus ENGLISH Newspaper reports – the Death of King Tut. Information texts – about different aspects of Ancient Egyptian achievements / daily life. Compare Ancient Egypt to early Briton Author work – The Awesome Egyptians Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: plan their writing by: discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar discussing and recording ideas use drama to give them more insight into character motives and feelings draft and write by: composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures (English Appendix 2) organising paragraphs around a theme in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings] evaluate and edit by: assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, including the accurate use of pronouns in sentences proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors read aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. Resources Sample text type (information texts / journalistic writing) Investigative opportunities Challenge Can the pupils use more sophisticated conjunctions + connectives in their writing? Collection of ideas / vocabulary I can statements for different text types Thesaurus Can pupils use their own notes taken from different sources to present their information? Dictionary Spellchecker Can they make choices about how to present their information texts Peer marking criteria (steps to success) Can the pupils begin to ‘mark’ a piece of text like a teacher? (teaching them how to assess objectively) Writing genres ‘I can statements’ (in class folders) Can they identify the ‘step it up’ for the pupils to act upon? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Spring 1 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Focus MATHEMATICS 2D and 3D shapes Symmetry / asymmetry Perimeters Angles as a property (acute, obtuse) How awesome were the Egyptians? Programme of study Pupils should be taught: to draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes (using modelling materials) to recognise 2D and 3D shapes in different orientations and describe them measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes the meaning of symmetry and asymmetry to recognise angles as a property of a shape or a description of a turn Resources 2D and 3D shapes (regular and irregular) Can pupils use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort different kinds of data? (own choice) Egyptian works of art Can pupils use their own techniques to create detail on their funeral masks? ART AND DESIGN Explore images / recreate artefacts Cave paintings (Paint) Funeral masks (Clay) or Shabtis (Clay) MUSIC Learning about the Ancient Egyptians though songs Egyptian music RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Ancient Egyptian Gods What do we know about Jesus Pupils should be taught to: sculpt clay and use different techniques to add texture and detail to their 3D model. explore work from other times and cultures use the web to research an artist or a style or art predict with accuracy the colours that they mix. create a background using a ‘wash.’ Pupils should be taught to: sing in tune with expression. control their voice when singing. use musical words (elements) to describe a piece of music. use musical words to describe what they like and dislike. Pupils should be taught: how to investigate different religions and beliefs how to ask relevant questions about the ‘Gods’ of different religions – some have more than one like the Ancient Egyptians to reflect on their own beliefs and values.? Investigative opportunities Challenge Samples of Early Briton cave paintings / art work Photos of artefacts Can they hypothesise what daily life was like from the works of art (Early Britain, Ancient Egypt?) Clips of Egyptian music eg Song of the Pharaoh Fruit of the flute (Youtube) Can pupils create their own Egyptian music after listening to different pieces? Tameside locally agreed syllabus DVD /books Websites Can pupils present a diagram / drawing showing the different religions and the Gods representing that religion? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Spring 1 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Focus COMPUTING Algorithms Using the internet PHYSICAL EDUCATION Games with the sports coach this half term GEOGRAPHY Egypt and the surrounding countries and seas / oceans How awesome were the Egyptians? Programme of study Pupils should be taught: to use 90 degree and 45 degree turns. to draw regular 2D shapes on screen using commands. to write more complex instructions for their on screen character to find relevant information by browsing a menu to search for an image and copy / paste into a document to use note-taking skills when deciding which information to select for their work. Pupils should be taught; to throw and catch with control to be aware of space within a games situation to control a ball with a hockey stick being aware of other players. Pupils should be taught: to name and locate some countries in the northern and southern hemisphere to use correct geographical vocabulary to describe a place and its physical features – desert, river (Nile) to name and locate the major seas around Europe to confidently describe human features in a locality. Resources Computers Ipads/ tablets Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils use a repeat command to create a pattern? Can they search by keyword using child friendly search engines? Balls of different sizes Bibs for games Maps / globes /atlases Website – physical features of Egypt (around the Nile etc) Can pupils explain why they think Egypt is popular with tourists?