Honors Chemistry_info

Honors Chemistry
Mrs. Simpson
Website: www.parklandsd.org/web/simpson
Welcome to Honors Chemistry! This can be an interesting and enjoyable class if you
are disciplined and keep up with the required work.
Textbook: Chemistry: The Central Science, 9th Ed. Brown, LeMay, Bursten, 2003.
Labs: You will be maintaining a lab notebook in a composition book (much like professional
chemists do). In this notebook, you will paste in all lab instructions, and record all lab data,
observations, sketches, reflection questions, and post-lab discussion notes. Your lab
notebook will be graded during each unit exam period.
For many lab experiments, a formal lab report is required, which is then graded. All
lab reports will be kept in a folder (your lab portfolio), which will be checked at the
end of each quarter, with a final check at the end of the course.
Notes: For each unit of study, you will receive a printed copy of notes. This does NOT mean
that you won’t need to take any additional class or homework notes! The note packet is
intended to save you some time so you can put MORE time into problem-solving and higherlevel thinking assignments. These packets, along with additional class notes, handouts,
quizzes, etc., should be kept in a 3-ring binder.
Homework is assigned on a daily basis and serves as an opportunity for practice of theories
and concepts. It is reviewed in class via answer sheets provided by the instructor. Several
assignments are announced as graded assignments and are submitted on the required date.
My website (www.parklandsd.org/web/simpson): I maintain an up-to-date website for all
my chemistry classes. Information pertinent to this course will be found under the “Honors”
tab. I do post homework assignments and announce test dates on my website. I also include
tutorials on most major concepts, which will be either used as homework assignments or for
Calculators will be necessary starting with Unit 1. Make sure you have one with you at all
times. I DO NOT have extra calculators.
To sum up what you’ll need:
 Textbook
 Calculator
 Lab notebook (composition book)
 3-ring binder for notes, handouts, etc.
 Folder for lab portfolio (only bring to class at end of marking period).
Honors Chemistry Course Outline
This course is a prerequisite for AP Chemistry.
Unit 1: Matter (Chapter 1 and a bit of Chapter 5)
Review of basic concepts of states of matter, density, phase changes, into to
specific heat as a property of matter.
Unit 2: Calculations and Uncertainty (Chapter 1)
Dimensional analysis, uncertainty, significant figures.
Unit 3: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions (Chapter 2)
Atomic structure (protons, neutrons, electrons, metals, nonmetals, average atomic
mass calculations), naming ionic and molecular compounds, binary acids and oxyacids,
ionic charges.
Unit 4: Stoichiometry (Chapter 3 and 4)
The mole, atomic weight, molecular formula, balancing equations, limiting reagents,
empirical formulas, percent composition, percent yield, solution stoichiometry.
Unit 5: Gases (Chapter 10)
Ideal gas law, van der Waal’s equation, Avogadro’s Law, STP, Dalto’s Law, Graham’s
Law, kinetic theory of gases.
Unit 6: Atomic Structure (Chapter 6)
Atomic spectra, Bohr atom, quantum numbers, atomic orbitals, electron
Unit 7: Periodicity (Chapter 7)
Periodic table, trends in physical and chemical properties.
Unit 8: Oxidation and Reduction (Chapter 4)
Oxidation numbers, balancing using oxidation numbers, solubility rules, ionic/net
ionic equations, ion electron method of balancing.
Unit 9: Chemical Bonding (Chapter 8 and 9)
Lewis structures, ionic bonding, character of bonds, covalent model, octet rule and
exceptions, resonance, VSEPR model, enthalpy, thermochemical equations, heats of
formation, heats of reaction, Hess’ Law, and hybridization.