NAME Abby Stahl Abhishek Mandal Ademayowa Balogun Adetunji Feyomi Adolfo Frias Agustin Cruz Aliyah Weinstein Alyce Anderson Amie Draper Avi Bayer Carol Williams Chelsea Merkel Clare Gauss POSITION EMAIL ADDRESS Events Officer & CMP Rep & Secretary Treasurer 1st year Rep Present Present Present MGDB Rep Member IMM Rep GPSA Rep & Webmaster Member Biomed. Inf. Rep MVM Rep Grad Office Events Officer Grad Office Present Present Present Present Courtney Andersen Newsletter 1st Year Rep Greg Buchan President Greg Logan Jennifer Boatz Joyce D’Antonio Justin Wendzicki Lisa Clark Mansi Shah Marta Wells Mondraya Howard Nilesh Amatya Nyla Naim Puja Parekh Rachael Gordon Ryan Staudt Stephanie Ander Waleed Elsegeiny Yoojin Lee Present? MBSB Rep Grad Office MVM Rep Member CNUP Rep Comp Bio Rep MVM Rep Member Pharm Rep CNUP Rep WSMA Rep Member – 1st Year Member - 1st Year Publicity Officer & Webmaster MBSB Rep Present Lauren is stepping in Present Excused Present Present Present Present Elizabeth Dalberg – MBSB – second meeting Kristina Buschur – CompBio - first meeting Eileen Wong – MVM - first meeting BGSA meeting 09/14/15 1. Call to order, and president’s report (Greg)– 1:31 pm a. Elections We need nominations for the following positions: VP of Programming First year representative (2x) Biomedical Informatics ISB b. Newsletter – Everyone checked over the newsletter for approval 2. WSMA update (Alyce) CTS – The CTS PhD is not listed on the BGSA Symposium submission, as an FYI. WSMA – • We will be having a coffee hour with Dr. Grace Lim, an OB Anesthesiologist and clinician investigator, on September 30th at 5:00PM, location TBD. If you would like to nominate a speaker or help organize future coffee hours, please contact Nyla or Alyce • Agustin suggested having a similar series with faculty from IBGP to better get to know them and their career paths…WSMA is mostly directed towards clinical doctors so this may be a good idea. BGSA could likely provide cookies and coffee. • How to start your first lab seminar planning is also underway, please watch for advertisements for this seminar. • Lunch with a speaker from SCIENCE 2015 planning is also underway, watch for the invite. 3. Secretary report (Abby) a. Last months minutes approved b. New members added to attendance sheet, graduated members were removed 4. GPSG report (Aliyah) a. Travel Grants i. Funding only available if presenting at a conference, no longer for just attending ii. New application is after travel – should be a comparable amount of funding ($100-500) iii. Email Tim (VP of Finance) for more information iv. The Travel Grant link was repaired last Friday and you should now be able to access the application b. Upcoming Events i. Pirates Game – new tickets available, Sept 15, $10-15 ii. Pints and Pies – Grad Student Resources 4-7pm Hillman Library, Sept 15 iii. Fall Formal – November iv. Mockingjay part 2 – November v. Future Professional Workshops 1. Financial Planning for Grad Students 2. Business Etiquette Dinner c. Bake Sale – Fundraiser i. Thursday, 3:30-6:30 Parran Hall, Room 109 to benefit graduate student with ovarian cancer ii. BGSA will make a $200 donation iii. GPSG could match the donation possibly 5. Treasurers report (Abhishek) a. Expecting more money to be deposited for new school year b. Jennifer Boatz will be stepping up as new VP of Finance (new title for the Treasurer) and Abhishek Mandal will be stepping down effective September 16, 2015 6. Grad office report (Lauren) a. New Student Affairs Specialist i. Don't forget you can also apply for IBGP travel awards – 3 months in advance, up to $400 b. Soda in storage room, will move to Lounge, giving away for free because it will expire before the next Orientation Picnic 7. Past events a. Orientation picnic i. Aliyah composed a list of food items 1. Much better idea for future planning of the picnic ii. Spent $1400 total, for food and venue, about $400-500 under budget iii. Future improvements 1. Needed more ketchup – 2 bottles 2. Needed to prepare more grilled food in advance 8. Upcoming events a. Symposium i. Nomination Forms for awards and oral presentations 1. Award deadline end of next week 2. Oral presentation deadline was last Friday – 30 applications, 6 will be chosen ii. Need a Professor to welcome the Keynote Speaker, can be nominated iii. Presenting a poster is required if you are not a first year IBGP student! iv. Speaker Dinner at the Porch and Lunch will be at the University Club