Population Pyramids: Geography Worksheet for Sec 2

Hwa Chong Institution
Sec 2 Geography
Population Pyramids
Name: _____________________________ (
Date: _____________
Class: ______
1. Fig. 1A shows the population pyramids of Country X, a developing country and Fig. 1B
shows Country Y, a developed country.
Use the table below to help you identify the differences between the two population
Fig. 1A
Fig. 1B
(Source: Geography Primer 2)
General Shape
(birth rate)
Country X
Country Y
Top (height &
width) –
(death rate/life
Old dependents
(death rate)
Sex ratio
(a) With the help of the table above, how is the population pyramid of Country X different
from that of Country Y
(b) Account for your answer in (a).
(a) With the help of the table above, how is the population pyramid of Country X different
from that of Country Y
X is pyramidal shaped while Y is bee-hived
X has a broader base than Y, Indicating X has a higher BR and Y has a lower BR
X’s pyramid narrows to the top indicates DR is high & low life expectancy
Y has a steeper side and wider apex indicates low DR & higher life expectancy
X has a large proportion of population between 0 -14 years of age, approx 43%
Y has a low proportion of young dependents approx 21%
X has a small proportion is 60 years and above, about 5.6%
Y has a relatively large proportion of elderly approx 11%
(b) Account for your answer in (a).
X has a higher BR than Y due to
 X is a developing country with low literacy rate. Most people engage in farming where
children seen as valuable source of labour in farms. Hence they have more babies
 Also, they lack of family planning, hence there are more unplanned babies,
contributing to the higher birth rate
Y is a developed country and the cost of living is high. Hence people prefer small
families, resulting in lower birth rate.
Also, as women are educated, they focus on their careers, and choose to have fewer
(any other relevant reason, explained and linked to birth rate)
DR is higher in X than Y and X has lower life expectancy than Y due to
 In X: Poor access to medical services, hence they lack qualified doctors and medical
facilities. Hence sick people may not recover easily
 Also, they have poor access to clean drinking water. Hence diseases spread easily,
causing people to fall sick and die.
 (other reasons: Poor hygiene and nutrition/ Lack of sanitation facilities – each to be
explained and linked to death rate)
In Y: Advanced medical care and healthcare, hence people can seek medical
attention and get better.
 People are more health conscious, hence they exercise, have proper diet, making
them stronger and being able to live longer
(NOTE: no extra marks for describing the reverse of a reason mentioned earlier.)
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