Population Pyramid

On your I-pad
Find out what the population was when you were born
World population count
• On your I-Pads, create 10 Facts based on the world Population Count
• http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
Population Growth
• Today, approximately 132 million people are born each year, while only 53
million people are dying each year. Therefore the population of the world is
continuing to grow.
• The population of countries in Africa and Asia are increasing rapidly, while
those in Europe, America, and Japan are increasing slowly.
• In some countries such as Germany the population is actually decreasing.
Population growth
• 2009 – 6.7 billion
• Increase by 77 million every year or about 1.5 million per week
• Fluctuate (rise and fall)
Calculating Population change
• Birth Rate- Number of people born per 1,000 in a population
• Death Rate- Number of deaths per 1,000 in a population
• Example- Birth rate is 20 per 1,000…. Death Rate is 9 per 1,000
• 20-9 = 11
• 11/1000= 1.1%
• If the birth rate in Portugal in 2014 was 12 per 1,000 and the death
rate was 10 per 1,000- Calculate the natural increase for that year.
• If the birth rate in Portugal in 2014 was 15 per 1,000 and the death
rate was 11 per 1,000- Calculate the natural increase for that year.
The Population Cycle
• The population of all countries goes through a population cycle.
• There are 5 stages in the population cycle.
• Countries move through the different stages of the cycle as a result of their
social and economic development.
The Population Cycle Stages
• High Stationary: The country is underdeveloped- High birth rate and
High death rate
• Early Expanding: Begins to develop- Pop rises and death rates fall
due to improvements in food and health
• Late Expanding: Developing well, Total population rises rapidly,
better family planning and fewer children needed to work
The Population Cycle Stages
• Low Stationary: The country has become developed- Low birth rate
and death rate, parents plan their families. Example= Ireland
• Declining: Pop is high but is going into decline due to an ageing
population. People opt to have children later in life
Population Increase since 1750
• Agricultural Revolution – more stable food supply, less famines.
• Industrial and Scientific Revolutions – better machinery developed for
agriculture. Better farming techniques developed. Advances were made in
healthcare and medicines which saved more peoples lives.
Where is the increase happening?
The World Pop
remained under 1
billion up until 1750before it began to
increase rapidly due to
the Industrial and
Agricultural Revolutions
meaning more food was
available for people.
You will also see that
since the 1950, Pop
Growth has increased
significantly- mostly in
developed regions.
Where is the increase happening?
Questions for homework
1. How do you measure population change?
2. If the birth rate in France in 2011 was 13 per 1,000 and the death
rate was 10 per 1,000- Calculate the natural increase for that year.
3. What are the 5 stages in the population cycle?
4. Give 2 reasons for population increase since 1750.
Verbal Test
• How do you calculate population change?
• What are the first two stages in the Population Cycle?
• What are the remaining stages in the Population Cycle?
• Where is the increase happening?
• In what year did the population reach 1 billion?
• Give two reasons for the sharp increase.
Latin America and Caribean
North America
The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills
under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013
Reasons for High Densities
• Intensive agriculture
• Rich alluvial soils
• Flat land
• Climate
• Industry
• Trade
• Communications
The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills
under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013
Factors Affecting Population Change
• Food Supply
Increased food supply allows the population to grow. When people have enough food they are
likely to be healthy.
• Improved Technology
Farming has improved as a result of better machines, the use of fertilizers, and irrigation
practices. This has boosted food supply allowing the population to grow.
• Health
Improved access to safe drinking water decreases diseases such as cholera, typhoid. Improved
vaccinations prevent people getting ill allowing them to live longer.
Factors Affecting Population Change
• War
Millions of people have been killed in wars over the years. During war agriculture, water supplies, and
health services are destroyed which also leads to increased death rates.
• The Status of Women
In wealthy countries women have a high status in society. They have high levels of education and
many choose to have careers rather than work in the home. They tend to have less children. In poorer
countries many women stay at home and have large families.
• Education
Education gives people control of their lives, especially women. Educated women plan the size of their
families. They learn about good diet, healthcare, and hygiene practices. This reduces illnesses and
allows children to grow up healthy.
Factors Affecting Population Change
• The Status of Women
When women are educated and involved in careers
outside the home they have less children.
This greatly reduces the population growth of a
3 Children Families
After 3 generations
there are 27 children
being born.
2 Children Families
After 3 generations
there are only 8
children being born.
Factors Affecting Population Change
• Education levels – Female Literacy
Future Population Growth???
• If the world’s population continues to increase as it has over the past 50 years, there will be more
than 11 Billion people by the year 2040.
• However, people in many countries are starting to have fewer children.
• Access to clean water, vaccinations, and education are resulting in mothers have smaller families
because all of their children are living healthy lives and surviving to adulthood.
• Therefore, population growth should fall in the coming years.
Population Pyramids
• Population pyramids are used to show the gender and age profile of a
• Each bar on the pyramid represents the percentage of the population
in 5 year age bands
• We can therefore determine the birth rates and death rates using the
population pyramid
United Kingdom
Population Pyramid Animation
• Link to population pyramid animation
• http://www.ined.fr/jeux.php?_movie=/flash/d03/EN/D03WebSon.sw
Population Pyramids
• The structure shows life expectancy of the population
• The shape tells us how developed a country is
• A developing country will have a population pyramid that looks like a
traditional pyramid, while a developing countries population pyramid
will have a different shape
Are Population Pyramids Useful?
• Population pyramids show the % of
males and females in the different
age groups.
• They allow governments to plan
things like where to build schools,
hospitals, and other healthcare
• They also allow government to
forecast tax and pension needs.
What do you
notice about this
What do you
notice about
these population
Case Study: Population Pyramid - Brazil
Brazil is a country with a rapidly
increasing population. It is a
developing country and in 2010, the
population was just over 190
million. This population pyramid
gives us information about birth
rates, death rates, life expectancy
and future population growth.
Birth Rates
Birth rates are high
• Women have a traditional role
• Lack of education and family planning
• High infant mortality
• Children work from an early age
Death Rates
Death rates are high
• Lack of clean water
• Poor health services
• Living standards are low
• Lack of balanced diet
Life Expectancy
The narrow peak tells us few people live to old age
• Older people need more health care and it is not available
• People are more prone to getting diseases which can spread easily
and due to lack of health services can affect living
The Future
There is a clear decrease in the percentage population at the lower
age bands. This tells us that Brazils population is declining. This could
be due to the following:
• The role of women is changing- they may chose to have fewer
• People are being better educated
• Basic sanitation and water supply has improved
• Better access to health and vaccinations has improved
Case Study: Population Pyramid - Germany
The population in Germany in 2012
was 82 million. It is a developed
country but its population has been
in decline in recent years. This
population pyramid gives us
information about birth rates, death
rates, life expectancy and future
population growth.
Birth Rates
The narrow base tells us birth rates are low
• Women chose careers over children
• The population is highly educated and plan families
• A very good health system in place
• Children are not needed to work
Death Rates
The death rate is low
• A high standard of living- the population look after themselves
• Excellent health service
• High standards in sanitation and water system
Life Expectancy
The wide peak shows Germany has high life expectancy
• Access to health care
• Good services for the elderly
• High living standards
The Future
• With more people living to old age and lower birth rates Germany will
have a high population percentage in the old age bands in the future
• This will mean there will be a lot of dependents on the government to
ensure it has enough funds to support its ageing population
Case Study: Population Pyramid -Ireland
Irelands population in 2010 was
4.5 million people. It is a
developed country. his population
pyramid gives us information
about birth rates, death rates, life
expectancy and future population
Birth Rates
While there is a slight increase in the age bands in the base of the
population, the birth rate is low
• Low infant mortality
• Access to family planning
• The role of women has changed
Death Rates
Low death rate
• Good access to healthy care
• High standard of living
• People are educated and clean water supply
Life Expectancy
The high peak tells us that there is a high life expectancy
• Good care for the elderly
• Good health services
• High standards of living
The Future
• Population growth is slow and we can expect to see people living
• This will mean that there will be an increase in pension costs for the
What are these diagrams called?
Give 5 facts of information about the uses of population pyramids.
Are population pyramids useful? Why?
Describe how the diagrams show the difference in birth rates, death rates and life
expectancy between these 2 countries.