Open - The Scottish Government

Data Linkage Framework Programme Board
Wednesday 8 January 2014
St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh
Minutes and Actions
Andrew Morris, Chair, Chief Scientist
Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician
Sara Grainger, Scottish Government
Peter Whitehouse, Scottish Government
Tim Ellis, National Records for Scotland
Chris Dibben, Edinburgh University
Steve Pavis, National Services Scotland
Jill Pell, University of Glasgow
Philip Couser, National Services Scotland
Maureen Falconer, Information Commissioner’s
Ron Jamieson, Lay-person
Thomas Robertson, National Records
for Scotland
John Frank
Vanessa Cuthill, Economic & Social
Research Council
Sarah Lowe, Welsh Assembly
Maire Brolly, NI Government
Mairead Wood, Scottish Government
1. Welcome & Adoption of Minutes
Andrew Morris, Chair opened the meeting by wishing everyone a happy new year.
Apologies were noted as above. The Board had no changes to the Minutes of the
previous meeting, which were adopted and it was agreed that the Action Matrix was
up-to-date with the exception of one outstanding action – the naming of ‘SILC’ –
which would be discussed under the relevant Agenda item during the meeting.
2. Chairman’s Update
The Chair highlighted that 2014 would be an important year for Scotland, not least
because of the upcoming referendum. We are now moving into operational ‘create
package’ mode with regards to data linkage and need to consider what we want to
achieve, by when and risks. The Chair congratulated the group on their collaborative
spirit and believes we are gaining traction, highlighting Tim Ellis’ presentation to the
Health and Social Care Management Board of the Scottish Government earlier that
day on Scotland’s good data and the added value of linking this. The Chair also
acknowledged the hard work and progress made by Thomas Robertson over the last
couple of months.
Big issues for 2014 are likely to be around EU data protection regulation, the data
sharing bill and future funding. Big Data has been identified as one of David Willetts,
UK Minister for Universities and Science’s, Great Eight Technologies, with
associated funding in place. The Chair highlighted the announcement the First
Minister made before Christmas on the establishment of a new Open Digital
Services Centre in Glasgow, who have indicated they are open to collaboration.
3. Update from the Data Management Board including Draft Vision
The Chair provided an update on the recent Data Management Board meeting which
took place on 16 December. It has an ambitious Agenda for 2014 as outlined in the
Vision Statement which was circulated ahead of today’s meeting. As a subgroup of
the Data Management Board, this group were invited to comment on the draft vision
and it was agreed that it requires further working with regards to presentation and
refinement of the text including evidence of delivery, impact and specific outputs to
support the ambitions. This would ensure that it is bold, ambitious and enterprising.
Actions: Comments/suggestions on the draft Vision to Sara Grainger by 15 January.
4. Scottish Informatics & Linkage Communications and Engagement Work
Plan (Paper 2)
Sara Grainger and Mairead Wood presented. Sara reported having met with Claudia
Pagliari, who has a lead role on the communications work for the ADRC, and both
agreed that only one Strategy was needed for Communication & Engagement
around data linkage and that we should work together to merge work plans. Mairead
went on to give an overview of the two work packages comprising the work plan. The
first will co-ordinate efforts to ensure consistent messaging and will deliver a virtual
network of communication leads (already taking shape); a core brief (annex in
paper); and website co-ordination across the data linkage space (discussions
underway). The second work package will produce active co-ordinated engagement
delivered through presentations at national and international conferences and
proactive engagement with the media.
During discussions, it was identified that two different websites will be required with
respect to SILC: one which will purely provide background information on SILC/data
linkage and one which will be required to access metadata. A Strategy on metadata
(ultimately a catalogue of what has been linked) will be required. Issues were
identified around ADRC being a UK-wide initiative and what we are trying to develop
is for the Scotland only.
It was agreed that a ‘shop window’ is needed to outline Scotland’s offerings in data
linkage. It was noted that the Objectives in the work plan should not be overlooked
following development of the work packages and that engagement with research
community around the Guiding Principles of Data Linkage should be part of the work
plan and not stated passively on a web site. Winning over groups which influence the
public on these issues was suggested, although this should be approached with
caution. Questions were raised about how to get the public excited about data
linkage (e.g. through designing exciting apps/portal pushing forward a vision). It is
planned to engage the public initially through Science Festivals, but more thought
should be given to this. Reference to the Data Management Vision should be made
in the Comms paper in the interest of a joined-up approach.
(i) Integrate active engagement with researchers around the Guiding
Principles into the Work Plan; reference the DMB Vision; create a
Gantt chart to give an overview of milestones and deliverables.
Mairead Wood
(ii) Core Brief to be re-sent with comments to Mairead Wood.
5. SILC Progress Update (ADRC/DSLS/Farr)
It was agreed that SILC will stand for the Scottish Informatics and Linkage
Collaboration as all involved will share best practice but deliver separate outputs for
distinct funders. This would also help to attract others to operate in this space.
Chris Dibben, Thomas Robertson and Steve Pavis provided an update on SILC.
Chris stated ADRC Scotland was part of a UK network. The new work strands which
have been developed will support the general direction of travel across Scotland.
Core ADRC staff will be recruited by April/May, resulting in 5 permanent staff and a
number of researchers across institutes. The mechanisms for accessing resource in
SILC was discussed. A soft launch of SILC will take place in April/May.
Steve Pavis highlighted that computing hardware has been purchased and is in
place, with security assessments underway. HR and Comms strategy has been setup with representation from Scottish Government, DSLS and ADRC. NSS is picking
up integration. Thomas Robertson outlined that DSLS has established the population
spine for indexing work with CHIAG approval. He asked that a public facing
document which has been developed be circulated to members of the Board for
comment by 24 January 2014. Indexing staff are already in place and security and
governance is being developed. Main risks identified in relation to SILC launch were
(i) lease (ii) final sign off on DSLS funding from Ministers (iii) staffing.
The structure of SILC was discussed, with specific reference to accountability. It was
agreed that clarity and shared understanding was required and this could be
achieved through a light-touch collaboration agreement. Generation Scotland used
this and Graham Lawrie may be able to advise. A lay description of this will be
needed as a public facing document (publish online). It was suggested that
regulators would advocate this even when there is more than one data controller,
where the agreement set-out who is in charge/responsible at each stage. Data
Controller Guidance is available through the Information Commissioner’s Office
website. It was stated that Farr will not be a data provider and there has been some
confusion over this externally. Differences in UK and Scots law was also highlighted.
It was acknowledged that superb progress has been made on SILC - a very
ambitious programme – and the collaborative approach was commended by the
Chair. However, questions were raised over whether the commitments published in
Joined-up data for better decisions (e.g. investment in quality data; individual
reference systems; joint staffing/analysts; use of Guiding Principles) have been met.
With respect to the Guiding Principles for Data Linkage, it was suggested that
compliance checks could be made against principles in the Pathfinders Projects.
This would indicate what happened when they were/were not used and lessons
(i) Circulate ADRC Case for support regarding SILC.
Chris Dibben
(ii) Feedback on Population Spine document to Thomas Robertson by
24 January 2014.
(iii) Evaluation of Joined up data for better decisions.
Mairead Wood & Peter Whitehouse
(iv) Give consideration to compliance checking the Pathfinder Projects
Thomas Robertson & Gerry Donnelly to lead, with input from all.
(v) Outline how the DSLS is meeting the Guiding Principles
Thomas Robertson
6. Funding
Tim Ellis gave an overview of funding, outlining there are three main sources for
SILC: ADRC, Farr and DSLS (which is more complicated). The 2011 spending
review was for DSLS and Beyond 2011 and was managed 50:50. There is enough
money for 2013-14 to meet DSLS requirements and a new submission for
DSLS/Future Census has been submitted to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance,
Employment and Sustainable Growth for 2014-15. DSLS has submitted a bid for
support to ESRC. It was agreed that a budget forecast for SILC running costs (in
idling mode) would be helpful, and that if progress is to be made, budgets would
need to be made available. Data provisions for researchers is required and this may
be achieved via the funding councils including the TSB.
7. Future Steering and Management Board Arrangements
The Chair suggested that the Data Linkage Framework Programme Board be closed
and passed onto a more operational mode given that SILC was due to be launched
in the coming months. This was agreed.
8. A.O.B.
The Chair highlighted Horizon 2020 as a potential fund to bid into with respect to
Data Linkage. Thought should be given to the launch of SILC. The Chair will discuss
with Paul Gray.
(i) Penultimate meeting to be held in 3 months.
Mairead Wood
(ii) Discuss SILC launch with Paul Gray.
Andrew Morris