voice - California State Independent Living Council

Creating Policy and System Change
for Independent Living
VOICE (866) 866-SILC (7452) • (916) 445-0142
TTY (866) SILC-TTY ( 745-2889) • FAX (916) 445-5973
1600 K Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95814 •
SILC Governance Committee Meeting
Friday, October 2nd, 2015 4:45 – 6:15
Minutes – DRAFT
1. Welcome and Introductions: Call to Order 4:53
Michael Agyin – Governance Vice-Chair
Linda Schaedle – Governance Member/SILC Vice Chair
Dawn Leverett – Governance Member
Liz Pazdral – SILC Staff
Danielle Hess – SILC Staff
2. Public Comments
3. Approval of Minutes from September 15, 2015 meeting
Michael moves, Linda Seconds. No Discussion needed, Roll call vote: Michael
Agyin – Aye, Linda Schaedle – Aye, Dawn Leverett - Aye
4. 2015 Committee Goals – tabled for next meeting (rubric due for established
5. Update on Appointments
The group reviewed five redacted resumes submitted to the SILC by people
interested in joining the Council. Michael Agyin asked if there were
applications from people who fit into the targeted populations. There are two,
although both live in geographic areas already represented on the SILC.
Michael Agyin asked about the process for accepting resumes. Liz Pazdral
responded that in the past, once there were several resumes for candidates
that the committee wanted to recommend, the SILC moves forward with
those applications. First, Liz reaches out to the candidate to request additional
documentation required by the Governor’s office. There are gaps in
populations that the SILC is targeting so it seems premature to move forward
with this process yet. Michael Agyin states that more resumes are needed in
case some are turned down by the Governor’s office.
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Linda Schaedle praised applicants’ qualifications. Liz Pazdral advised that it
may not make sense to promote applicants from counties where current SILC
members live and work while many counties are unrepresented. The SILC
would like to have representation from a more rural Northern California
There was discussion from the group about inviting the applicants to join as
an adjunct member of a committee to learn more about the SILC while the
entire appointment process takes its course, given the length of time it takes
to collect the appropriate amount of resumes, and this provides an
opportunity to engage in the work of the SILC and learn the procedures on a
committee to ensure it is what they expect. Additionally, some applicants are
from counties which are already heavily represented, and this will give time
for members in those areas to term out.
Michael Agyin thinks it would be a good idea to meet one on one with some
people to recruit more and give us more options. Dawn Leverett recommends
strongly targeting Northern California, and Liz Pazdral recommends focusing
on the Redding area. She also cautions that the lack of local transportation to
the meetings has caused past obstacles to attendance for members residing
in remote areas
There are some SILC member recommendations for applicants. Michael Agyin
thinks it is a good idea to know which applicants have been recommended by
Linda Schaedle stated that it sounds like we are going to hold on to these
applications while conducting targeted recruitment in rural and Northern
California areas.
Michael Agyin asked Liz Pazdral if inviting an applicant to participate in a
committee is a commitment to accepting them on to a committee. Liz Pazdral
emphasized that the invitation to a committee is not a guarantee on
acceptance on to the council, and that the SILC actually has little control over
who is accepted, it is up to the Governor’s office. The invitation to join a
committee had occurred prior to Dawn Leverett’s appointment, and she
stated that Liz Pazdral was always clear that it did not mean she would be
accepted on to the council. Michael thinks this is a great way for applicants to
learn about the SILC.
Liz Pazdral will be responding to the applicants to invite them to join a SILC
committee, on a trial basis so they can better understand the SILC, and the
SILC can better understand them. The group agreed that it would be a good
idea for applicants to start on a committee other than governance, and
recommends a one-on-one phone call with the committee chair to have an
orientation to SILC meeting procedures. The SILC is going to be very careful
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to emphasize that this is not a path to membership, and that only the
Governor’s office can select and appoint SILC members.
It was also decided that the SILC will post on the website that the SILC seeks
additional members of the public to join the committees since they are
expanding the scope of work. This will direct interested parties to contact the
SILC if they would like to participate in committee work.
6. Training for New Members
Liz Pazdral talked with Bob Hand from RICV (spell out) in Fresno. This ILC has
developed a curriculum to teach members of the public how to serve on
boards, commissions, and councils, including basic meeting procedures and
protocol. He is available for the December meeting, and it was agreed that his
presentation would be a great addition to that meeting.
Michael asked for follow up information about state employee training and
status of availability to SILC members. Liz Pazdral did not have any updates.
7. Future Quarterly Council Meeting Locations
a. Laguna Hills – December hotel is The Hills. Danielle Hess is working on the
b. March Sacramento meeting – Danielle will be coordinating with CFILC
(spell out) on dates.
c. June meeting in the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara area.
8. Other Business
a. Linda Schaedle suggested that all of the meeting announcement emails
have a standard subject line, so they are more easily found in inboxes.
Danielle Hess will relay that request to Robert McCarthy, who sends the
b. Dawn Leverett began a list together of contacts to recruit the targeted
appointment populations, especially the rural areas.
c. Next Committee Meeting: November 6, 2015
i. Dawn Leverett and Ardis Bazyn are unable to attend.
9. Adjourn – 5:59 PM