(SRC) and CA Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

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Creating Policy and System Change
for Independent Living
SILC Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, August 26, 2013
1:00 – 2:30 PM
SILC Offices
1600 K Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
Call to Order - 1:00pm
Susan Madison, SILC Chair
Eli Gelardin, SILC Vice Chair
Cherie Phoenix, Executive Committee Member
Elsa Quezada, Executive Committee Member, Former SILC Chair
Jay Harris, DOR Representative
Liz Pazdral, SILC Staff
Kathleen Derby, SILC Staff
Public Comment - none
Approve minutes from July meeting
Moved: Cherie
Seconded: Elsa; Ayes – 3
Noes- 0; Motion Passes.
Committee Updates
Communication and Collaboration Committee – Cherie Phoenix
o Approve completed Position Paper(s)
Cherie leads discussion about position papers that originated in the
Communication and Collaboration committee. The topics of the papers are:
Affordable, Accessible, Integrated Housing and Coordination of Health and
Home and Community-Based Services.
Cherie asks the committee to take action on approval so staff can move
forward to circulate the papers.
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August 26, 2013
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Susan discusses the process: that these papers have both been vetted by
experts on these subjects in the community and have gone through extensive
discussion and editing in the C&C Committee. They need the support and vote
of Executive Committee and then they will be posted on the website and sent
out, as appropriate, to Administration and Legislative representatives and the
extended IL network.
Cherie moves to approve the Affordable , Accessible, Integrated Housing
paper as presented and Eli seconds.
Discussion: There are questions about how the papers are going to be used
and whether we have identified those at administrative and legislative levels
who would benefit the most from reading them. Cherie notes that this will be
an extension of the protocol discussed at the July Executive Committee
meeting – the posting to the website, distribution to the extended IL network
and local stakeholders. She notes that the Health and HCBS paper is needed
for the impending implementation of the Coordinated Care Initiative.
Kathleen notes that there are people we are aware of at both the
administrative level and in the legislature who would benefit from these
documents. From Susan’s point of view the main point is to centralize our
message – to use these papers in newsletters, monthly press releases, and in
our meetings with people so that we will have something concrete to share
with them to let them know what is important to prioritize. Locally, the points
in these papers can be handled by the local IL network, and in terms of PR,
we have PR consultants who are expert at handling publications like this.
Susan confirms that they can be taken to meetings where members
participate, such as the Olmstead Committee, represented by Elsa. Elsa
requests more like a tip sheet with talking points and Susan confirms that this
is how the documents are set up. They contain talking points and
Motion to Approve Affordable, Accessible Integrated Housing paper
Moved: Cherie
Seconded: Eli; Ayes: 3
Noes: 0; Motion
Cherie moves to approve position paper on the Coordination of Health
and Home and Community-Based Services and Eli seconds.
Discussion: There has been a lot of good discussion around this at the
Communication and Collaboration Committee level. The paper is very timely.
Staff sits in on many meetings involving the CCI and there is a need to be
able to move our priorities forward in these policy areas.
Motion to Approve Coordination of Health and Home and CommunityBased Services paper
Moved: Cherie
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August 26, 2013
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Seconded: Eli; Ayes: 3
Noes: 0; Motion
There is a notation to change the dates to August 26, 2013 – take “draft” off.
Governance Committee
Eddie was unable to be present to lead this discussion.
Elsa brought up a question regarding representatives at State Rehabilitation
Council (SRC) and CA Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
(CCEPD). Elsa sits on SRC and CCEPD as the SILC representative. She joined
finishing out Teddie Joy’s term on the SRC. She terms out in February – so
that seat is going to be open. She wants to open the discussion about who on
the SILC will be undertaking these duties. Regarding CCEPD, Liz shared
information that the person who sits on this committee should either be the
SILC Chair or the Chair’s designee. The question is raised as to whether the
SRC representative needs to be a SILC member and Liz will follow up with
Maria Aliferis-Gjerde, the new Executive Officer. Susan suggests that after the
December election the newly-elected SILC Chair decide who should sit on the
CCEPD committee. With regard to SRC, they can informally take
recommendations between now and when the group meets next in December.
Eli suggests that one of the new members who are being mentored for
leadership roles take on the responsibility if they are interested, and receive
encouragement from current leaders. All should keep in mind that even after
the SILC selects appropriate representation, these roles must be appointed,
either by the Governor, in the case of the SRC, or at least the Department
Secretary, in the case of the CCEPD.
SPIL Committee
o Update on 2014-2016 SPIL
The SPIL has been approved and there will be a review of the SPIL at the
upcoming meeting, conducted by Jessie and Liz. Eli will be participating in the
funding formula discussion, but not the SPIL discussion in general. We talked
in our last meeting about how DOR was trying to get more money to put into
SPIL projects.
Update on SILC Operations
a. Staffing
Kathleen and Liz had been doing a lot of pinch hitting, taking minutes, travel
arrangements, meeting arrangements in Caroline’s absence. Araya has been
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August 26, 2013
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fabulous and helping us with accounting and other administrative tasks. We are
happy to say Caroline came back last week. Her plan is to be here part time.
We have a new intern – Danielle Nance, who has joined us from Sac State and
starts Wednesday.
b. Accounting
We’re working with CPA Susan Erb to help us redesign our internal accounting
system. Liz, Caroline and Araya had a meeting at DOR with DGS, which included
IL unit, budgets unit, and audits dept. We’re still navigating our relationship with
DOR – they want copies of all SILC contracts. Jay is still negotiating on SILCs
and ILCs behalf – IL unit may be requesting backup of all invoice materials. DOR
has changed the way they monitor ILCs and have moved to a system where
once a year they request backup for every line item on their billing for one
specific month. They’re trying to facilitate a similar relationship with the SILC –
i.e., backup for one month’s worth of contract materials. Jay will be doing more
research about what documentation will ultimately be required. Liz, in turn, has
requested guidance around requests for using operating funds.
c. Draft policy regarding use of SILC Operations funds
Discussion of Indirect support policy –
The SPIL Committee strongly indicated that the SILC should keep its operating
budget lean this year and redirect any unused funds back into SPIL projects
funded by the Department of Rehabilitation. Liz has received requests for SILC
to support conferences. To help guide her decision making, Liz and Susan
drafted a proposed Indirect Support Policy.
Susan mentions that the main purpose is to spend what is allotted and the policy
for “indirect support” would only be for what is not spent as of February. Liz
mentions the SILC is being conservative, but clarifies the priority to get out the
7b funding.
Jay says DOR is clear that it would be better for SILC to spend the money itself
as the SILC is better at getting money out more quickly than DOR. While DOR
has a plan and a commitment to redirect 7B funds, they are not sure how it is
going to work and would rather see the money spent in support of SPIL goals
than returned.
The question is raised about SILC member requests and attendance at
conferences. Requests by SILC members for indirect support of various projects
that they are organizing would be considered a conflict of interest.
Susan puts the question to the group as to whether this is something that needs
to be addressed today or whether the SPIL Committee should take a closer look
at it. The policy needs a little more work. The group decides to take a look at a
second draft at the October Executive Committee meeting.
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August 26, 2013
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Executive Director evaluation
The evaluation of the Executive Director will be done the same way as last year.
The evaluation will be for the period January-December 2013. The same
document will go out to Executive Committee members and go back to Susan.
There will be a three-week turnaround. The Chair and Vice Chair will meet with
Liz in mid-December by phone.
Preparing for September Quarterly Meeting
The committee reviewed the Draft agenda. Susan notes that it is a full agenda
and goes over it briefly with members commenting. It is noted that Valerie
Edwards, professor at UC Berkeley will be doing the diversity training. Some
time adjustments are made to the schedule. Jay provides information about per
diems changing again. Liz will be sending out new rates to members.
Next Meeting – Monday, September 23, 2013 at 1:00 pm
Adjournment – 2:20pm