Application for Senior Instructional Leadership Corps (SILC)

Overview for Prospective Students
Fall Semester: Priority Deadline – March 13; Final Deadline – May 15
Spring Semester – October 16
The Senior Instructional Leadership Corps (SILC) is designed to offer qualified
seniors the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities associated with
classroom instruction. Students in SILC will engage in leadership development
through multipurpose mentor relationships with teachers and students. Mentored
by a cooperating teacher, the SILC student will serve as a mentor to younger
students in the classroom, assist in appropriate curricular activities, and consult
regularly with the cooperating teacher.
SILC Application Process and Expectations for Students
o To qualify for the SILC program, a student must have a teacher willing to work with him/her, a
strong understanding of the subject matter, and one free period in his/her schedule. To expand
senior leadership opportunities, we may find it necessary to ask students who hold other major
leadership positions, such as Student Council officer or class officer, to defer to another SILC
candidate if a conflict arises.
o Students may not SILC in senior-level courses or in mixed level courses with predominantly
senior enrollment.
o Students receive one elective credit for successful completion of their SILC assignment,
evaluated on a pass or fail basis. SILC participation is limited to two assignments per student.
o Every SILC role is unique and depends on the mentor teacher expectations, SILC student
abilities, and the needs of the students in the course. SILC responsibilities range from working
one-on-one with students to designing an entire unit of instruction.
o SILC is designed for seniors who are prepared to be inspirational models and mentors for
freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. SILC students are mature enough to take on the role of a
teacher in the classroom and to mentor fellow students in a favorite subject. They are expected
to maintain excellent attendance and to be exemplary students both in the SILC classroom and
outside the classroom in regard to behavior and to maintain a good academic standing. A student
who violates the OPRFHS Code of Conduct or who fails to complete the tasks/responsibilities
assigned by the SILC mentor can be removed from the program. “SILCing” is an honor and a
Sometimes SILC cannot be added to a student’s schedule due to scheduling conflicts. Although we will
do our best to resolve conflicts, sometimes it is not possible to match the teaching schedule of the SILC
mentor and the class schedule of the potential SILC student. Only one SILC student will be approved
for any given teacher and class period.
Oak Park and River Forest High School
Application for Senior Instructional Leadership Corps (SILC)
Fall Semester: Priority Deadline – March 13; Final Deadline – May 15
Spring Semester: October 16
I. Please complete the following information. Please print legibly.
Student Name _____________________________
Student Email Address_________________________________
The address you check every day!
Student Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
Student Phone No. _________________________OPRFHS ID Number ___________________
Counselor ____________________ Requested Course _________________________________
Requested Mentor Teacher _________________________ Requested Semester:
(Circle One)
II. Please answer the following questions thoughtfully. Please write your response legibly and in complete
1. Explain why you want to participate in the SILC program. Your explanation should address what you hope to
gain from participating, as well as what you hope to offer as a participant.
2. What personal strengths will you bring to the classroom as a SILC student? These strengths may be academic
and/or interpersonal.
OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III. Please describe other leadership and/or officer positions you will hold during your senior year at OPRFHS.
IV. Students who participate in the SILC program will be required to:
1. Accept the tasks and responsibilities assigned by the SILC mentor teacher.
2. Attend an orientation meeting during the SILC semester.
3. Attend the assigned SILC class as agreed upon with your mentor teacher, and contact the mentor teacher by 8:00
a.m. if you must be absent.
4. Make time in your schedule to meet with your mentor teacher at least 20 minutes each week outside of class.
5. Serve as a model of good behavior and attendance to the students in your class and follow all the rules and
regulations set by your mentor teacher.
Failure to comply with any of these requirements may result in removal from the SILC program. Any violations of the
OPRFHS Code of Conduct may also affect your participation in the SILC program.
Student Signature: I have read and I understand the SILC requirements.
Mentor Teacher Signature: I agree to serve as the SILC mentor teacher for this student if he or she is selected to
participate in the SILC program.
Division Head Signature: Having considered the merits of the student’s application and the balance of the teacher’s
work load, I approve this request for SILC.
Counselor Signature: I support this student’s application for the SILC program and will make necessary scheduling
arrangements to allow the student to work with the mentor teacher during a mutually agreed upon class period.
Parent/Guardian Signature: I have read the SILC requirements and overview documents, and I approve my
son/daughter’s participation in the SILC program.
Final Approval: Director of Research & Assessment Signature (Room 372A): I have reviewed this student’s SILC
application and approve his/her participation in the SILC Program.
Updated 5/24/13