UNICEF YANGON Team Leader and Institutional Analysis Specialist Myanmar Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Situation Analysis based in Yangon Proposed time frame: 50 days (November 2013-January 2014) Section in Charge : WASH 1. Purpose of Assignment (attach background documents if necessary) The last sector review was completed in 1993, and is now completely out dated1. Recognizing that the provision of improved water, adequate improved sanitation and hygiene in Myanmar is a huge challenge, recent consultations between various key stakeholders and the Government ministries confirmed urgent need for and the opportunity for a comprehensive analysis of the current WASH situation with a view to use the findings from the analysis as a basis for developing a clear vision and a comprehensive strategic plan for the WASH sector. The piped on premises in rural area is only 3%, less than average of rural areas in Least Developed Countries. Current city water supply systems provide only raw water except Yangon, Mandalay and NayPyiTaw cities. Similarly, involvement of private sector such as companies, banks and service providers in sector is almost negligible. The national drinking water quality standard is still draft stage since 1990 and there is no proper rules and regulations for extraction of groundwater, no proper guideline on involvement of private sector in WASH sector and no waste water quality standard. Improved sanitation coverage is high, 84 % but the facilities are just offset pit latrines with cover. In the most recent consultation in May 2013 in Nay Pyi Taw with development partners and key Government Ministries agreed to a phased implementation of the WASH Sector Review; the overall scope of the review is foreseen in 2 phases –see graph below, i.e. Phase 1 being a comprehensive Situation Analysis to be followed by Phase 2, the Sector Visioning and Strategy Development. The background, rationale as well as the structure / details of the overall review and the details of phase 1 are provided in Terms of Reference - Myanmar Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Situation Analysis. 1 Cowater International in association with Thant Syn Co. Ltd., and General Administration Department, Urban Water Supply Division, United Nations Development Programme and The World Bank (1993) Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Review, Myanmar. UNDP, MYA/86/012 1 of 6 In order to move ahead expeditiously, it was agreed that specific areas of the review will be led by designated lead sub-sector Ministries and supported by a lead agency. The division of lead support role on some of priority areas for the Situation Analysis was agreed as follows: Rural, School and Emergency WASH - UNICEF Team Leader & Institutional - UNICEF Finance & Economics – WSP/World Bank WASH Specialist Urban – JICA This document should thus be read in conjunction with the overall Terms of Reference - Myanmar Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Situation Analysis, and provides detailed tasks and deliverables of the Team Leader and institutional Specialist. 2. Programme Area and specific Project involved: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene PCR # 904-Water and excreta related disease caused by polluted water and poor hygiene conditions-especially diarrhea cases in under-5 children are reduced in the targeted areas through hygiene behavior improvement and closing the access gap to safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. PCR # 905- Establish and implement support policies and legislative framework. PCR # 915- National and local capacity in emergency preparedness and response improved to protect children and women in disaster prone areas, including ceasefire areas. 3. What is the basic programme objective to which the consultancy is related? Basic programme objective is water and excreta related disease caused by polluted water and poor hygiene conditions-especially diarrhea cases in under-5 children are reduced in the targeted areas through hygiene behavior improvement and closing the access gap to safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. 2 of 6 4. Major Tasks to be accomplished: A detailed list of the tasks and deliverables for the Team Leader & Institutional Specialist against a timeline is provided below: Main Tasks Task Details Deliverables When Mid to end November’13 1. Planning 1. Undertake Inception Visit – 5-7 days working visit 2. Obtain key and latest documents on Institutional arrangements in WASH from government and other partners – from country, regional and global sources, 3. Undertake a review of available documents, and develop a inception overview report 1) Agreed assignment workplan 2) List of References / Documents 3) Draft Overview Literature review Report 4) Draft Inception report 2. In-country study 4. Undertake consultation with national/regional and communities, 5. Undertake field visits 6. Analysis and consolidate findings from Desk/document review and field / consultations into Institutional Situation Analysis report 5) Field Trip reports, Summary Consultation Meetings 6) Draft Institutional WASH Situation Analysis report End December ‘13 3. Reporting 7. Develop Roadmap Rural WASH for phase 2 of the review Sector Visioning and Sector Strategy Development 8. Presentation of findings in stakeholders meetings 7) Draft Institutional Situation Analysis Report 8) Powerpoint presentation Institutional Situation Analysis 9) Consultation Discussion notes 10) Final Institutional End January’14 3 of 6 9. Provide regular Situation Analysis update to the Steering Report Committee 11) Final Powerpoint 10. Consolidate feedback presentation and agreed actions Final Roadmap Rural into one i) final WASH comprehensive document for wide dissemination max 10 pages summary report; 11. Update / finalize powerpoint presentation and presentation guide Team Leader 1. Organize regular exchanges between the Technical Team (i) Urban WASH, ii) Rural, Schools and Emergency WASH, iii) Finance and iv) Institutional) 2. Monitor progress of technical teams as per agreed workplan and deliverables 3. Organize / facilitate Inception Visits 4. Organize / prepare regular updates to Steering Committee 5. Organize final consultation meetingwhere technical situation analysis reports and roadmap presented, and next steps (phase 2 details) discussed 1) Notes Exchange meeting 2) Field reports 3) Consultation meeting notes 4) Final consolidated situation analysis report, 5) Agreed roadmap for Phase 2 End January’14 5. End product(s) and delivery dates and details (how the work must be delivered, i.e. electronic submission, hard copy, on what computer programme etc.) As listed in section under Work Assignments and Deliverables above 4 of 6 6. Contract Supervisor and frequency of performance reviews: Section Chief, WASH Monthly reports 7. Estimated duration of contract: Duration of Contract: 50 working days (18 November 2013 to 31st 2014) 8. Official Travel involved, if any: Consultant expected to travel to Myanmar (International Consultant) as well as in-country travels (Yangon – Nay Pyi Taw ) 9. Payment Schedule Subject to quotation provided by candidate and final negotiated fee. 10. Payment schedule The consultant will be paid to the following schedule: - 30% of the total fee upon the completion of deliverables 1-4 to the satisfaction of the supervisor(s) - The remaining balance of the total fee upon completion of contract and the submission of deliverables 5- 11 as mentioned under Section 4 above, to the satisfaction of the supervisor(s), including completion of tasks as specified for Team Leader. 11. Amount budgeted for this Activity and Chargeable Budget Code: 12. Qualification or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required: With extensive experience of national policy and strategy processes in the water and sanitation sector, preferably in the region, and of working with high-level government counterparts across multiple sectors. In addition, the consultant(s) is expected to have a Master’s Degree in Public Health, with at least 5-10 years of work experience in the areas of sanitation & hygiene, water supply. Essential: Previous relevant experience in community based approaches to sanitation and hygiene proven track record of conducting research and producing documentation based on in-depth literature review and field work, proven track record of coordinating between different stakeholders (staff, beneficiaries, officials), demonstrable knowledge of the WASH sector, awareness of gender issues. Desirable: experience in working in East Asia and the Pacific, experience in CLTS related work. She/he is expected to be able to work closely with staff from various sectoral programme areas and across the EAP countries, with good analytical, verbal, written and facilitation skills. The consultant is expected to function relatively independently and take initiatives as needed. 5 of 6 13. Additional Guidelines: The management of the overall review process will rest with Government, at the Steering Committee, comprising of all concerned Ministries and chaired by a assigned lead Ministry; the Steering Committee will be responsible for coordination, progress monitoring and reporting of the overall review. UNICEF is committed to provide technical support the Steering Committee and lead Ministry. The Team Leader will also be working closely with UNICEF WASH Chief. 14. Recourse: UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines. 6 of 6