WORLD GEOGRAPHY-Dircks SEMESTER ONE PROJECT 2011 Name_________ Topic_________ You will be creating a “mini-atlas” of a political unit assigned to you. The area of study is the Western hemisphere. Please note the following: 1.A research assignment is required each semester. 2.Failure to complete this assignment will mean failure for the semester. 3.There will be a 20% penalty per day for late projects. Excused absence or computer problems are not acceptable reasons for late projects. 4. The project is due at the start of the regularly scheduled class period. 5. Incomplete projects will be returned with an appropriate penalty. Student must still complete the project. All items for the atlas are to be completed on 8 ½ x 11 paper. Use white paper only. All items should adequately fill the paper. **ALL MAPS MUST BE HAND DRAWN-NO COMPUTER GENERATED MAPS ALLOWED. YOU MAY,HOWEVER, TRACE THE OUTLINE OF YOUR NATION/STATE ON ONE PAGE AND THEN MAKE 3 COPIES OF IT. 1.TITLE PAGE—include your name, class period, instructor’s name & date. 2-MAP SECTION: Each map should include a map title, scale, compass rose & key. Each map should also include a listing of source information. (author/editor, title, publisher, city, date of publication, pages used) A-POLITICAL MAP: LOCATE AND LABEL THE FOLLOWING: (color required) 1-10 largest cities (black) 2-capital city (black and underlined) 3-bordering nations (states or provinces) (black) 4-major transportation systems (red) (include rr, ports & airports) 5-Points of interest (green) (parks, museums) 6-Latitude and Longitude line through the capital (black) (label in degrees) 7-list sources of information at the bottom 8-Include map elements (title, scale, key & compass rose) B-PHYSICAL MAP 1-key and color the map using color layering to show elevation 2-locate and label the following items: a-internal and bordering water features (blue) b-highest point of elevation (give the name & elevation) (black) c-major physical regions (brown) d-five largest cities 3-include all map elements (title, scale, key, compass rose) 4-list sources of information at the bottom C-CLIMATE AND NATURAL VEGETATION MAP 1-key and color the map to show climate types (use textbook only) 2-label the vegetation patterns (black) 3-label the five largest cities 4-include all map elements (title, scale, key, compass rose) 5-list sources of information at the bottom D-POPULATION DENSITY 1-key and color the map to show population distribution per square (mile) 2-label the five largest cities 3-include all map elements (title, scale, key, compass rose) 4-list sources of information at the bottom 3-DATA SECTION A–DATA TABLE 1-fill in the data table with the required information in the appropriate space (a copy of this can be found at the end of this info packet for your rough draft; final copy needs to be typed onto the table. Go to teacher’s website, click on World Geography and then download data table.) 2-use American units of measure 3-info needs to be current 2010+ 4-must use at least 3 different sources to complete this section. 5-list sources of information at the bottom B-Web Page Create the first page of a travel/tourism website for your nation. Use pictures, “pretend” links to encourage people to travel to your nation. It is NOT a real web page; just type up what it would look like. Info needed— Sections on: 1-Things to Do & See Physical/Nature-parks, mtns etc Human Geography-big cities, museums etc 2-Key Events—real events that people can go to ; not just holidays 3-Slogan to Encourage People to Visit 4-Minimum of 5 pictures “showing” off your nation 5-list sources of information at the bottom C-FAMOUS PEOPLE 1-Select 2 famous citizens 2-Write a 5 sentence (minimum) paragraph for each person explaining why they are famous. What great things did they accomplish for the nation that you are researching? 3-Include sources at the bottom 4-USE IN TEXT DOCUMENTATION AS NEEDED -IF YOU TAKE INFORMATION FOR THE FAMOUS PEOPLE“WORD FOR WORD” OR “PHRASE FOR PHRASE”, THEN USE QUOTES AND LIST YOUR SOURCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER IT. -(DO NOT LIST A WEBSITE; LIST AN AUTHOR, EDITOR OR SEARCH TERM WITH DATABASE LISTED AFTER IT) - IF YOU USE SOMEONE’S WORDS, YOU MUST CITE THE SOURCE (CALLED IN TEXT DOCUMENTATION) OR IT IS PLAGIARISM OR CHEATING. A ZERO WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ASSIGNED TO THE SECTION IF PLAGIARIZED. LISTING SOURCES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE IS NOT ENOUGH IF YOU TOOK THE INFORMATION WORD FOR WORD. 4-WORKS CITED 1-You may not use a general encyclopedia (print or computer) Ex: Encarta, Britannica, World Book, Wikipedia 2-you must use a minimum of 12 references 3-follow school research guidelines (see library website for info) 4-reminders --need complete info (author/editors, title, publisher, date of publication and page numbers --alphabetical order --internet items will not usually have page numbers 5-Use citation to get proper format for sources & in-text documentation. This is found on the LMC website TOTAL POINTS-160 COMPLETED PROJECT GRADE WILL BE PART OF 1ST SEMESTER GRADE START DATE-9/24 Library Research Dates-9/27, 9/28 DUE DATES: 1-DATA TABLE DUE 10/9—INCLUDED IN 2nd PROGRESS REPORT 2-PHYSICAL MAP DUE ON 10/30-(INCLUDED IN FULL PROJECT GRADE) 3-COMPLETED PROJECT DUE ON 11/27 EXTRA CREDIT OPTIONS: 1-TURN IN COMPLETED PROJECT ONE WEEK EARLY –11/20 FOR 10 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS. THIS IS THE ONLY EARLY BIRD DUE DATE. IF YOU DON’T TURN YOUR PROJECT IN ON 11/20, YOU MUST TURN IT IN ON 11/27 ONLY. 2-TAKE ROUGH DRAFT OF FAMOUS PEOPLE SECTION TO WRITE PLACE FOR WRITING ASSISTANCE. TURN IN STAMPED ROUGH DRAFT WITH COMPLETED PROJECT FOR 5 EXTRA POINTS.