2nd Grade Map Lesson Plan: Compass Rose & Street Maps

Social Studies Lesson Plans
2nd Grade Unit 1
Maps – Compass Rose and Street Map
Date: _______________________
Desired Results:
Reading maps can give information
about communities.
Time Allotted: 4 days
I can use symbols found on a map
to help me locate places. 2.5 A
Day 1
Anticipatory Set:
Introduce a grid map. Draw symbols such as stars, triangle, rectangle,
diamond, and circle in five random squares. Give rulers to two children.
Have them come to the map. Assign one student a letter; assign the other
students a number. Name a set coordinates, such as E5, have students
move their rulers along row E and column 5 until the meet at the designated
square. Have them name the symbol in the square.
Instructional Input:
Materials: 2 rulers, grid map on butcher paper, large sticky notes,
transparency of secret message
Guided Practice:
Display transparency of the secret message and distribute a copy to
students. Have students practice identifying letters in specific grid squares,
example “what letter is in A3? Have students practice spelling simple
words by indicating the squares in which the letters are found. Example,
what word is spelled by the letters in B3 and E4? (no) Spell a few names to
help with the secret message. For example, A1,B2, A3 spells Mark.
Independent Practice:
Explain that they can reveal the secret coded message by matching the
codes to the letters in the grid. Model how to find the first few letters for the
students. Move around the room monitoring the students as they complete
the message.
TTW will have a student read the secret message.
Check for
Monitor students
as they are working
in small groups.
Check for
and then re-teach.
Compass rose
Day 2
Anticipatory Set:
Place signs labeled North, South, East and West in the appropriate places
in the classroom. Have students follow such directions as: Point to the
north. Walk three steps to the south. Jump two steps to the east. Face the
Instructional Input:
Materials: Use a Compass Rose transparency #18 or textbook page 124
and 125, compass rose, 11 x 13 paper, cardstock house
TTW display transparency #18. Point out the compass rose on the map.
As students what they think the letters N, S, W and E stand for. Then read
aloud the page 124 and have students point in their books to the compass
rose. Read page 125. Model how to trace the route outlined on page 125.
Be sure to use the compass rose to follow the directions.
Guided Practice:
TTW assist students as they construct the house. Students will glue the
house in the middle of the construction paper. Students will draw a
compass rose on their paper. Teacher will call out directions and students
will have to follow the directions. For example, draw a tree on the north
side of the house, draw a pool south of the house, draw a garage on the
east side, etc.
Independent Practice:
None today
Students will share their picture with the class
Day 3
Anticipatory Set:
Tell students that we are going to find (name of school) using technology,
Google Earth. Explain that a satellite orbits the earth taking pictures. We
will see (name of school) from the satellite. Tell students if we took a
picture of (name of school) from above, it could be used to make a street
map. Show students the picture printed from Google Earth.
Instructional Input:
Materials: (name of school) photo from Google Earth, student map and
transparency of street map
Guided Practice:
Project transparency, Explain that this is a street map. Read the name of
each street and building. To review the use of the compass rose, ask such
questions as: If I am at the bank, in which direction must I walk to go to the
school? Demonstrate how to complete page 11 by tracing the route on the
projected map. Point out that each route starts where a car is shown, either
on Main Street or Third Street. Explain that the directions should lead them
to a building on the map. They are to write the name of the building on the
line next to each route.
Independent Practice:
Students will answer questions using (name of school) map.
Students will turn and talk about how using a map can be helpful.
Day 4
Anticipatory Set:
TTW will review students map symbols, grid map and usage of maps.
Instructional Input:
Materials: grid map and compass rose activity
Guided Practice:
TTW will read instructions for quiz on map activities.
Independent Practice:
Students will take quiz on compass rose, grid map and street map.
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