Guidelines For Internship


Saint Louis University School of Public Health

Community Health Practice Experience Program 2010-11

Master of Science in Public Health

Guidelines for MSPH Research Project

Description of MSPH

The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) degree is offered to those with terminal degrees (including MD, DO, DC, DDS, DVM or PhD) who seek training in population based research methods to support their clinical research activities. There are two concentrations in the MSPH, Epidemiology and Behavioral Science.

The MSPH in Epidemiology includes a core of coursework in Epidemiology and

Biostatistics, supplemented by a general course in the public health or health care system, and Ethical Issues in Public Health.

The MSPH in Behavioral Science includes core coursework in Behavioral Science Research

Methods and Biostatistics, supplemented by a general course in public health or the health care system, and Ethical Issues in Public Health.

Each curriculum culminates in a Research Project and an Oral Examination.

Description of CMH-596 Research Project for MSPH/Epidemiology or Behavioral


The student works with his or her advisor and other mentors as appropriate and as approved by the advisor, to conduct original research using either archival or original data collection.

This research may be clinical or population-based, using research principles of epidemiology and/or behavioral science. The student is to prepare a manuscript of publishable quality (but there is no requirement that it be submitted for publication).

The research project is started only after the student has completed Advanced Epidemiology

Methods (EPI- 601) or Research Methods in Behavioral Science (BSH-601), so that the student has acquired the necessary research skills. Exceptions to this policy are rare and only with the prior approval of the faculty advisor.

While working on this project, the student enrolls in CMH-596-01, Research Project for

MSPH, for 0 credits; the student may register for this class in two semesters if necessary.

This course will be graded when the Oral Examination is completed and the manuscript is approved in final form. Grading is satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).

The advisor’s approval of the research proposal is to be documented on the project description form attached to these guidelines (see page 3). Upon completion of the project, a copy of the manuscript is also submitted to the Coordinator. To document that the requirement is met, the Project Description Form and the research paper are kept on file

Guidelines for MSPH Research Project 2010-11 1

with the Practice Experience Coordinator: Completion and submittal of paperwork is the responsibility of the student.

Drafts of the research project are to be reviewed by the advisor in process. When a nearfinal draft is completed and approved by the advisor, the CMH-595 oral examination may be scheduled. A copy of the manuscript is to be provided to each member of the examination panel at least one week prior to the examination. Revisions may be made to the manuscript following the oral examination.

Description of CMH-595-02, Special Studies for Exam, for the MSPH

The oral examination is scheduled with an examination panel composed of three members of the faculty, one of which is the student’s advisor, and the other two of which are to be members of the faculty with knowledge of the student’s research area and/or methods.

The student prepares a professional 20-minute PowerPoint presentation of his/her paper that has the following components:

Introduction/Background and Research Question

Research Methods


Discussion and Implications

The presentation will be followed by questions and discussion with the faculty examination panel to ascertain the student's grasp of key areas of public health, health care, research and statistical methods.

The student will be graded on the presentation as follows:

Pass/fail on the oral exam

Pass on the written manuscript as presented

Pass on the written manuscript with revisions


The faculty advisor is to request ballots from the graduate school at least one week in advance. Signed and sealed ballets are returned to the master’s degree candidacy advisor in the Graduate School upon completion of the student presentation.

For further information and to submit paperwork contact:

Catherine Nolan, MPH, RN

Salus Center, Room 472


Guidelines for MSPH Research Project 2010-11 2

Community Health Practice Experience Program 2010-2011

Master of Science in Public Health

(Epidemiology Concentration and

Behavioral Science Concentration)

Research Project Description


Student name


Student’s prior professional degree


Student’s employer


Faculty Advisor’s name


Mentor’s name (if different than Faculty Advisor)


Mentor’s title


Anticipated start date for Project (approximate)


Anticipated finish date for Project (approximate)


Anticipated graduation date


Brief description of Research Project:

(please attach separate page if needed)

Student Signature

SPH Faculty Advisor Signature



Please submit completed form to MPH Practice Experience Coordinator –

Catherine Nolan at

or Salus Room 472.

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