APPENDIX 3: Methodologies Sample – PERSONAL CAREER PLANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------Below there is a example of translated worksheet used by participants to develop their career plan. The empty boxes in the text are fulfilled through the participant’s individual work. Lesson 3 CAREER PLAN INTRODUCTION Welcome to the ZaMirNET's career guide! Working through this booklet, we'll help you find your ideal job. The ideal job is the one that, ideally, corresponds with your wishes and abilities - (of course, we'll also try to take into consideration much wider aspects of the job searching; unemployment office plus market itself which offers less opportunities and possibilities then we expect.) Together, step by step, we'll discover what unique skills you have to offer. To do this you must answer the following questions: 1. who are you? 2. what can you do? 3. what do you want? In this program you need to answer them directly and sincerly in order to describe yourself in a manner that fits yourself and you self-image. Example: Who are you? What are your personal characteristics? What experiences influenced your life the most? What can you do? Your education and skills? What were your previous jobs and what are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you Your interests? want? Step 5. Personal career plan Until now, you already have an image of what do you want to achieve in next five or even next ten years. Career plan is the path to do so. Together with your advisor you'll decide which steps need to be made to accomplish your goal. It can happen that with your work experience you compete for an appropriate job. Then that's the first step on the way to complete your career plan. Perhaps you don't have complete knowledge and experience needed for your ideal job. Nevertheless, knowledge and experience can be acquired. For example: Acquiring experience within certain kind of job. - / part-time job, volunteering. You can apply to Unemployment office. Through steady job, but on some lower level and in the direction you want to go. Earn additional qualifications. Together with your advisor, now you can make basic blueprint of your plans for the next 5 years. This plan - which can be anytime modified is your first and basic step. YOUR MAIN CHARACTERISTICS AND INTERESTS | YOUR PERSONAL PLANS | YOUR PAST EDUCATION AND SKILLS | YOUR PAST WORKING EXPERIENCE LINKED TO YOUR FIVE YEAR BUSINESS GOAL JOB SEARCH ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT | WHAT DOYOU WANT TO DO IN THE NEXT YEAR? JOB SEARCH ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT | WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO IN NEXT 3 YEARS? JOB SEARCH ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT | WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO IN NEXT 5 YEARS?