Ceramics I - Hatboro-Horsham School District

Ceramics I
Mrs. Hipps
2nd Semester
Ceramics I
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
You have elected Ceramics, a .5 credit course. This course will introduce you to the wonderful world of
ceramics. Using your hands as the primary tool, you will pinch, pull, build, coil and form clay into a variety of
functional and decorative pieces. A variety of traditional and non-traditional finishes will also be explored. There
is a $5.00 lab fee for this course.
It should be noted that because of the nature of the course materials, student’s attendance to
class/school is very important. All work will and must be created in class. Planning for some projects and
sketches may be assigned as homework and as a result will be completed at home. If your child is absent due to
illness, please advise them to make up their missed work upon returning to school.
1. The art room is for artwork only. Students should continue to work on class related material until the
dismissal bell. Homework for other classes will be taken and handed directly to the teacher.
2. Being to class on time is important. Three (3) latenesses in a marking period will result in a teacher
detention. Four or more will result in disciplinary action by the house principal.
3. Be in your seat once the bell rings. If you need to use the bathroom, either do it in the 5 minutes before
class starts, or wait until everyone is working and there are no instructions being given.
4. Students MUST ask permission and sign-out before using the bathroom.
5. All students are to remain in the rooms that they are assigned until the dismissal bell. Any student who
chooses to leave the classroom before the bell, without permission, will receive a class cut.
6. Class time is precious and should not be wasted! Because most of you do not have the necessary
tools/supplies at home, it is very important to be in class and utilize the entire period! If the entire class
period is not utilized, there will be a reduction of your participation grade.
7. Your projects are you work…do not ask another student to draw or create the work for you. Sharing
ideas and discussing techniques is encouraged.
8. Constructive criticism will be used in a manner that will not offend other classmates.
9. Profanity, drug inferences/paraphernalia, satanic/cult illustrations and other questionable subject
matter will not be tolerated in the art room or in the artwork!
10. No iPod / cell phone use in the art classroom unless otherwise instructed. This is also district policy.
Classroom computers are to be used for art assignments only. Students may not change any of
the settings on the computer (i.e. Screen saver, default settings, etc.).
Internet use is limited to classroom use only. Violation of this rule will result in termination of
computer privileges. Students are not to check personal email unless permission is granted by the
teacher for the purpose of school use.
Students may need to borrow supplies during the semester. These supplies must be signed
out/in and returned in a timely manner. Missing supplies will result in a charge to the student. It is your
responsibility to take care of and keep track of the supplies!
“No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students. It is the
responsibility of each student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators and all others
who are involved in the educational process. Students should express their ideas and opinions in a
respectful manner.” In accordance with the student handbook, any student who is observed violating
the student code of conduct will result in a verbal reprimand, phone call home, teacher detention or
other possible disciplinary action.
Ceramics I
You are entering a relatively new facility. Everything has been designed to make the storage and
dispensing of supplies, the storage of artwork, and the clean-up easier for both the teacher and the artist. You
are expected to always leave the room in the same manner in which you found it. Students found defacing
tables, countertops, computers, or other furniture will be reprimanded and possible prosecuted by the
administration and district.
ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEAN-UP. Every student must clean-up their work space and
place supplies back where they belong. Other clean-up responsibilities will be assigned, by table, monthly. Any
student needing constant reminders regarding his/her responsibility during clean-up will receive an after school
detention and a deduction in their grade.
Each project assigned to the students will be accompanied by a “Project Guideline” sheet as well as a
“Grading Rubric.” It is important that students know how they are going to be assessed before they begin a
project. Project guideline sheets, rubrics and classroom notes should be placed in their jewelry folder (provided
by the teacher). Students may use the following sheet to keep track of their grades and project due dates.
In-Class Assignments
If a student has an excused absence, it is his/her responsibility to make up all missed assignments outside of
class time. Students may work either during directed study, depending on the project requirements, or after
school. Students must see me to schedule available dates and times.
Major Projects
Projects will involve the use of clay tools in class. Students will be given class time to work on projects, but will
sometimes be expected to plan, sketch and prepare outside of class, or at home. If a student is unable to do
any required online research at home, it is his/her responsibility to see the teacher for extra time after school
or during directed study to use classroom computers.
 May be turned in no later than a month past the due date for partial credit. For each class period past
the due date, 5 points will be deducted for every class period it is late. It is important to be prepared for class;
planning assignments and sketches will only receive HALF the credit if completed after the due date.
Weekly Participation Grade
Because we do not have projects due each week, you will receive a weekly process and participation grade. At
the end of each week, you will receive a grade out of 10 points based on an assessment of your behavior,
participation and work ethic in the class.The majority of your weekly grade is meant to reflect the skills and
effort you have demonstrated during your studio time.
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments not completed to the specifications of the assignment will result in a zero for that
assignment and points will be deducted from the project grade.
Ceramics I
Students and Parents/Guardians: Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns
throughout the semester (please note that I am only here in the afternoon). Email, dhipps@hatborohorsham.org, is most effective, and I make every effort to respond quickly.
ASSIGNMENT REMINDERS: (worth 5 points)
Ceramics I
Please keep the Syllabus for your convenience
Return ONLY THIS PAGE and $5 LAB FEE to Mrs. Hipps by the following date:
DUE: _______________
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
The attached syllabus outlines the course expectations for your child. If you understand and agree with the
expectations and requirements of this course as outlined by the syllabus, please SIGN and RETURN this page.
Throughout the semester, I will be periodically sending reminders of upcoming deadlines to students via text message or
email alerts. Please see previous page for information about how to sign up for these reminders. Your child is required
to sign up via either text messaging or email (If your child does not have a cell phone, they can sign up with their school
email address). Many parents have found this to be an efficient method for keeping up with their children’s schoolwork.
Thank you for your support this semester!
-Dana Nelson-Hipps
Student Name:
Student Email (please print legibly):
Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Would you like to sign up for Assignment Reminders?
(If so, review previous page
for more information)
Parent/Guardian Email (please print legibly):
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Today’s Date:
Due Date(s):
Due Date(s):