Syllabus Course: Middle School Ceramics 7,8 2015-2016 Location: Ceramics Lab Instructor: Randolph Silver Books Required: None Recommended Reading: Ceramics Monthly magazine, Pottery Making Illustrated magazine, Clay Times magazine. COURSE DESCRIPTION This exciting ceramics course introduces students to a variety of hand-building techniques and familiarizes them with the many stages of the ceramics process. We’ll begin the class by learning about the ceramic process, including a variety of hand-building and sculpting techniques. After learning the basics, we’ll quickly create individual functional cups from which we’ll drink tea as we embark on our next project: sculpting gargoyles and grotesques. Did you know that medieval monster-like sculptures were originally made of terra cotta clay, not stone? Did you know that if the sculpture has water passing through it’s throat (like a spout), it’s a gargoyle. If the sculpture doesn’t “gargle” water, it’s called a grotesque. Also, did you know that grotesques don’t have to be grosssome can be cute and are combined with plant and animal imagery? After completing our sculptures, we’ll embark on a third project that will involve different hand-building techniques and greater artistic freedom. Let's get started! ATTENDANCE Be on time to all classes (Turn off and stash all electronic devices) STUDIO EXPECTATIONS Clean up 5-10 minutes before the end of class, when your area is clean (and you’ve cleaned and returned any tools or brushes you’ve used) return to your seat. If you have cleaned up early, ask instructor for suggestions for general studio maintenance. Do not hover by the door. Put your name, initials or identifying marks on anything you’d like fired. ENCOURAGED Earnest effort Self-challenge and artistic growth Successful craftsmanship Unique and creative interpretation of assignment Use of appropriate terms and artistic language Full attention during all demonstrations, lectures and critiques Participation and follow-through with general studio maintenance beyond cleaning up after yourself DISCOURAGED Not removing your artwork from the studio promptly. All artwork must be removed from studio within two weeks of final firing or repair Distracting others who are focusing Providing unwelcomed critiques of others artwork Not cleaning and then replacing tools and brushes to their place Not cleaning up after yourself is disrespectful to the next student TEACHER PAGE USAGE: Teacher page can be used to contact teacher and review syllabus. If the teacher page is to be used for other purposes (assigning homework, sharing ceramic images, creating an on-line class portfolio) we will discuss it in class and review how to access the teacher page.