Mr. Robson, World History Room#124/ 215(2nd Hour) Phone: 480-812-7774 Office Hours – Monday-Friday during lunch, after school by appointment E-Mail: School Website: Welcome to 9th Grade World History at Chandler High! An historical approach will be at the center of the course. Within this class, students will be introduced to pre-history. They will then progress through ancient history until they reach modern day. The application of the themes of geography and an analysis of the cultural traits of civilizations will help students understand how people shape their world and how their world shapes them. Required Materials 1. A folder/ 3 ring binder specifically for this class 2. 8 1/2 X 11 white loose leaf paper 3. Pencil or pen 4. A daily planner / agenda book is suggested for this class. Students are strongly encouraged to use a daily planner to keep track of assignments and work. Remember: “students do not plan to fail, but rather they fail to plan.” Assignments - All homework is due at the beginning of the class period. Go to the school website and click on my web page to find information about assignment and test dates. Grading Policy – 40% (3rd Quarter), 40% (4th Quarter), 20% (Final Exam) Behavioral Expectations – No profanity, no tardiness, and “treat others the way you want to be treated.” Tardy Policy – Being late will result in being swept. (1 sweep = 1 absence) Absences - If your absence is excused, you will be allowed to make-up the assignments, quizzes, or tests for full credit. If your absence is unexcused, it will be treated as late work. Make sure your parent or guardian calls in your absences. Plagiarism Warning: PLAGIARISM includes but is not limited to representing another person’s ideas or work as your own, copying, paraphrasing, or purchasing another person’s work without giving credit. CHS Rules and Regulations 1. All CHS rules and policies will be strictly enforced in my classroom. 2. Food and drinks are prohibited inside the classroom (exception - water bottles). 3. All electronic items (cell phones and iPods) must be put away before entering the classroom. Failure to follow this rule will result in the item being confiscated and sent to the Assistant Principal’s office and a parent will have to pick-up the confiscated item. 9th Hour In an effort to help freshmen transition to high school level academics, students who are not prepared with completed homework assignments will be assigned to a mandatory after school “9th hour”. This opportunity is for freshmen to complete the assignment and receive help as needed from their teacher. Ninth hour will be held Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 4 P.M. Late bus transportation will be available. Student’s Name (Print): Student Signature: Parent Email: _________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______