
Indonesian Province Presentation – Corneille
Criterion C: Style and Language Use
The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors given below.
The student’s use of vocabulary is often inappropriate
and limited. Very frequent errors in spelling,
pronunciation, punctuation and syntax persistently
hinder communication. Little attempt has been made
to use a register suitable to the intention and audience.
The student’s use of vocabulary is sometimes
inappropriate and somewhat varied. Regular errors in
spelling, pronunciation, punctuation and syntax
hinder communication. The student attempts to use a
register suitable to intention and audience.
The student’s use of vocabulary is usually appropriate
and generally varied. Some errors in spelling,
pronunciation, punctuation and syntax sometimes
hinder communication. The student often uses a
register suitable to intention and audience.
The student’s use of vocabulary is appropriate and
varied. Occasional errors in spelling, pronunciation
and syntax rarely hinder communication. The student
consistently uses a register suitable to intention and
The student’s use of vocabulary is always appropriate
and greatly varied with very infrequent errors in
spelling, pronunciation, punctuation and syntax. The
student has mastered the use of a register suitable to
intention and audience.
 Presentation is not given
Presentation is less than one minute
Persuasive technique are not evident
Frequent pronunciation errors
Vocal qualities are inappropriate to the
Presentation is 1-2 minutes in length
Persuasive techniques are sometimes used
Regular errors in pronunciation
Attempts to use appropriate vocal qualities
for the material
 Presentation is 2-3 minutes in length
 Persuasive techniques are usually used
 Pronunciation is usually clear, with some
 Vocal qualities are often appropriate to the
 Presentation is 3-4 minutes in length
 Persuasive techniques are consistently used
 Pronunciation is clear, with occasional errors
 Vocal qualities are appropriate to the material
Presentation is 4-5 minutes in length
Persuasive techniques are used throughout
Pronunciation is always clear
Vocal qualities are always appropriate to the
Corneille – 4:24 - You are doing quite well on improving eye contact and controlling your
nerves. It is obvious you are more comfortable because you practice more. While your
persuasive techniques need work, it is possible that you had difficulties with this because you
presented mainly information. It really worked, however, that you included personal
experience. Your vocal qualities will continue to improve as you gain more control over your
(Pictures should go with what you were saying more.)