French Country Rubric Applying language conventions to writing. Level 1 With plenty of help from the teacher or a translator, you are able to communicate the meaning of your information. Fluency during presentation Speak with at unsure pace, with very little accuracy in French pronunciation. Content and Information of the presentation The presentation has only the information from the checklist. Organization of information and finished work Ideas are not yet organized in this project and are not clear to a reader. Level 2 With a considerable amount of help from the teacher or a translator, you are able to communicate the meaning of your information, while spelling some words correctly, and sometimes using correct word order and punctuation. Speak at a pace that displays limited practice, with limited accuracy in French pronunciation The presentation has a minimal amount of information about required points, plus a couple extra points about the chosen country. Ideas are somewhat organized and are not very clear. Name:________________ Level 3 With occasional help from the teacher or a translator, you are able to communicate the meaning of your information, while spelling most of your words correctly, and using mostly correct word order and punctuation. Speak at a pace that displays a considerable amount of practice, with a considerable level of accuracy in French Pronunciation. The presentation has several extra ideas about required points, and some extra points about the chosen country. Level 4 Independently, with minimal help from the teacher or a translator, can communicate the meaning of your information, while spelling words correctly, and using correct word order and pronunciation. Ideas are organized and are mostly readable and clear. Ideas are well organized and are completely readable and clear. Speak with a smooth pace with a high degree of accuracy in French pronunciation. The presentation has many ideas about required points, and a considerable amount of extra points about the chosen country.