Respiratory System Answers

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Respiratory System Graphic Organizer Completed
What is the main function of the respiratory system? Write it below AND on your outcomes.
to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs
What are the main cells and tissues in the Respiratory System? Write them below AND on your outcomes.
Cells – Epithelial cells, nerve cells, muscle cells
Tissues – Epithelial tissues, nerve tissues, muscle tissues, connective tissues
Click to view Oxygen video.
From the next two videos, A Better Understanding of Respiration AND How do Breathing and Respiration Differ, how
do breathing and respiration differ? Breathing is a physical process of our diaphragm contracting and relaxing to bring
oxygen in to our body and carbon dioxide out of our body. Respiration is a chemical process where glucose and
oxygen molecules are converted into carbon dioxide, water, and ENERGY.
Where does the air enter the body? Our nose
Click to view video clip of inside nasal cavity.
What causes you to sneeze? Cilia get irritated in our nose and homeostasis forces the irritation out.
List the three things that the nose does to the air as it comes into the body
a. Filters particles
b. Moistens air
c. Warms air
Where does the air pass through after it leaves the nose? Pharynx (throat)
What other system shares this area? The digestive system. The epiglottis keeps them separate.
Complete the Brain Break to get some oxygen flowing to your brain.
Click on the Nose, Cilia, Mucus and Sneezing video to view.
What is the scientific name of the windpipe that is lined with cilia and mucus? trachea
What is the flap called that keeps food from entering your respiratory system? epiglottis
What causes you to cough? The lining of the trachea is irritated and homeostasis forces the irritation out.
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What is the main job of the cilia and mucus in your nose and trachea? (Please describe in your own words.) The cilia
and mucus work to filter out dirt and things that should not go into our lungs. The mucus can also kill bacteria.
Click on The Trachea and Alveoli to view the video clip.
At the end of the trachea where does the air go? What is the name of these tubes? Bronchus or bronchii
What happens to the air inside of each lung? Carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the alveoli with the
capillaries that cover them.
Click to view the Alveoli video clip.
Click to view the Gas exchange video clip.
Explain in your own words how oxygen is exchanged into the capillaries, and how carbon dioxide and water exit the
body? Think back to the cardiovascular/circulatory system, too.
The oxygen is high concentration in the lungs and diffuses into the blood to be taken to all cells. The carbon
dioxide is high concentration in the blood from picking it up as waste in the cells and diffuses into the lungs to exhale
out. The water is also picked up and through osmosis does the same thing.
Click on the 2nd Gas Exchange video clip.
What are lungs? Sacs in animals with vertebrae that hold oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Click to view and complete the 5 Little Reindeer Brain Break.
What is the diaphragm? A dome shaped muscle that contracts (tightens) and pushes air out, then relaxes and lets air
back in.
What type of muscle is the diaphragm? Smooth muscle
Explain in your own words how the diaphragm helps you breathe, both inhaling and exhaling? As the diaphragm relaxes
it makes more room for oxygen to enter the lungs. As it tightens, it moves upward and pushes carbon dioxide out.
Click on the Breathing video clip.
What is the larynx? Your voice box with vocal cords that vibrate to make sounds.
Click to view the Larynx video clip.
How do we speak? The vocal cords in your larynx vibrate when air passes through them with produces sounds.
Click on The Larynx video clip.
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Click on A Healthy Respiratory System video clip.
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