HEALTH CLASS PROCEDURES INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Westfahl; 1. Please bring proper materials to class every day and be in your seat working (Bell Assignment) when the bell rings. 2. Once your health work is complete you are expected to work on other assignments for the remaining time available in the class period. The extra work is to be brought with you to class. 3. Please make sure that if you don’t understand something, ask me. My job is to help you succeed in this classroom. 4. Take care of the book you use during class or any book you check out. 5. Copy the bell assignment into your notes. This will be collected at the end of each week. 6. If you know you will be absent for any activity, it is your responsibility to pick up your assignments and complete them on time. NOTE: If you miss a class due to a school activity, you are expected to complete your assignments or take test/quizzes. 7. If you are absent the day of a test, be prepared to take the test the day you return. If you’re absent the day before the test you will take the test your second day back. 8. Off limits, except to aides: My desk, shelves, and storage areas (unless you have my permission). 9. Your grade will be the result of: Tests, quizzes, daily assignments (bell work, notes, ect…) and participation. You will lose points for inappropriate behavior or a lack of participation in any of the areas listed above. The tests will be worth 15% of your grade, with all other work being worth 85% of your grade. The Final will be weighed under the Test grade (15%). 10. Late Work Policy: I will accept late assignments for partial credit up until the day of the test. NO ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DAY OF TEST!!! 11. Handing in papers will be accomplished by placing the completed assignment in the basket on my desk. 12. MISELLANEOUS: A. Bottled water only in class B. NO FOOD IS ALLOWED!!! Gum is ok as long as you keep it in your mouth and throw it in the trash when finished. C. The use of electronic devices is up to teacher’s discretion. D. You must enter the gym via the track. Walking on gym floor is not permitted. A. TORNADO DRILL: Signal is repetitious up/down tone on bell system. Girls go to the girl’s locker room and boys go to boy’s locker room. Sit with your head down protecting head and neck. B. FIRE DRILL: Signal is a constant ringing of the fire alarm system. Leave immediately, exiting through east doors and move past the curb across the street. Re-enter when the “all clear” signal is sounded. I understand these procedures and therefore know what is expected of me. PRINT NAME: __________________________SIGNATURE______________________________ My son/daughter has shown the above rules to me and I understand what is expected of him/her in the class. SIGNATURE:____________________________DATE:__________________________________ *RETURN BY August 29 FOR 40 POINTS*