Topic 1 Essay Discuss the impact Secularism has upon the place of religion in Australian society Body paragraph 1. Secularism - define - hard secularism vs soft secularism - secularism vs secularisation Body paragraph 2, 3, 4 . Impact - on science education, quote source - public debate - politics - business/entrepreneur Secularism causes this… Topic 2 Discuss how a belief developed or was expressed over a period of time BP1. Unchanging nature - Poverty, chastity and obedience= radically imitating - Teach, govern, sanctify=mission of Jesus - [Vocation WAGGS/Vocare] BP2. Historical context 1 BP3. Historical context 2 BP4. Historical context 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - free, faithtful, fruitful (MARRIAGE) Jesus describe the expression why, factors Unchanging doctrine- Revelation Re-expressed -> new situations/context = Arios Subjective-> implicit to explicit = Trinity Objective-> change in context, language= Transubstantiation Deepening -> Growth (as we get older we understand more) Topic 3 Discuss how the influence of religion is reflected in the life of a significant person, past or present. 1. 2. 3. 4. Biography- important people, events, issues, situations and why they are important Influence of religion->beliefs (ICU) Influence of religion -> practices Historical context/influence - Society - Religion Topic 4Explain the significance of an historical event for a religion 1. What is an ecumenical council-> how did VII operate 2. Factors leading to Vatican council VII - Internal - External 3. Internal Issues-> Four -> 1. Nature of Church =Lumen Gentium 2. How Catholics worship= Sacrosanctum Concilium 4. Effect 3. Revelation= Dei Verbum 4. Modern World= Gaudium et Spes Marriage Topic 5 A process and/or organisational structure that enables a particular religion to respond to important internal issues Marriage 1. Process – dispensing of graces , sanctifying grace from baptism, then actual graces where god acts externally, sacramental grace comes from particular sacrament, this sacrament helps couples be free, faithful, fruitful 2. Internal issue- continuing the mission of Christ. 3. 2 goods of marriage: procreation, expressing marital love 4. structural element- rite of marriage Topic 6 Discuss the nature of an issue generating tension and conflict in contemporary societies and the response to this issue of one religion. 1. Nature-who, what, when, why, where 2. Tension & conflict other/2 views 3. Reason -> Beliefs (key understanding) 4. How and action: specific dates Topic 7 Describe an understanding freedom from a religious perspective 1. 2. 3. 4. Define Freedom -7 basic human yearnings Pyramids – Happiness Pyramids - Freedom Jesus is the true source of freedom (elements of eucharist) Topic 8 Describe the interplay between a religion and an issue within a particular historical context BP1: Slavery in general BP2: religion’s perspective BP3: Historical and society’s perspective BP3: interplay between both