WELCOME TO MRS. GORVETT’S 7TH GRADE ART CLASS! A NOTE FROM YOUR TEACHER I’m so happy for you to be here! I can’t wait to dive into the wounderful art world with you. This quarter will go by in a flash! So lets make the most of it! CLASSROOM RULES 1. Be Punctual. Be in class ready to work. 2. Be Prepared. Bring what you need to succeed. 3. Be Polite. Show respect to ALL! 4. Be Participatory. Be an active learner! 5. Be Positive! You can do this! 6. Be a walker! We always walk in the art room. ALWAYS! 7. Be respectful with all supplies, equipment and materials you come in contact with! CONSEQUENCES 1. Warning 2. Teacher & Student Conference and an Email/Call home. 3. Parent Conference 4. Detention & Parent Conference 5. Administration, Teacher, Parent Student Conference (Immediate referral will be given for violence or foul language) Our room is full of different and exciting supplies. This is NOT meant to scare you. However, I do take this room and your safety very seriously. In the very rare event that a student can not use a material safely and respectfully I will find an alternative project for them. PARENT CONFERENCES I am always available to talk to parents about their child’s progress. One way to get a hold of me is by calling the office and leaving a message. I will return your call before or after school or on my planning period. Please leave the number(s) where you can be reached. I can aslo be contacted via e-mail. My e-mail address is: Kgorvett@dg58.org TARDY POLICY Students are expected to be in the classroom and in their seats when the bell rings. If students are tardy, students will receive a warning. After 3 warnings, students will receive a detention. (3 T’s = 1 D) OFFICE HOURS I am often available to help students before school. I am more than willing to help you when needed. In the event that you are struggling or need any type of assistance just ask. We can work together to find a time that works for us to meet. GRADING PROCEEDURES I use a simple points method. -Daily Points: Classroom Participation/Being Prepared 3pts - Weekly Sketchbook Assignments: 10 pts -Worksheets/Homework : 5pts -Quizzes: 5-10 pts -Single Day Classroom Projects: 20 pts -Small Projects : 25 pts -Large Projects 40 pts ***Points for Single Day Projects, Small Projects and Large Project Points are subject to change depending on project length and difficulty*** Late Work Late sketchbook assignments and homework will drop 1 point each day late. Late projects will drop 5 points everyday, and automaticly drop to half credit after 5 days. Students will be evaluated on both effort and achievement. All large projects will be accompanied with a grading rubric. This should be used as a check list by the student to ensure all critera is met before handing their project in. Projects, worksheets/homework, quizzes and sketchbooks will be evaluated on effort, as well as artisitc achievement. The point value given for artisitc achievement is meant to evaluate the student’s knowledge and understanding of a skill or concept. GRADING SCALE 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D ABSENT POLICY: If a student is absent from class, it is the student's responsibility to find out what he/she missed while he/she was away and further, to be prepared for the following class with appropriate assignments and/or notes completed. Students should check my web page for assignments given. If a student is absent from school, it is again the student's responsibility to find out what he/she has missed. The amount of time given to a student, in order to complete the missing assignments will be determined based on the amount of time the student has been absent. MRS. GORVETT’S 7TH GRADE ART BEHAVIOR CONTRACT I understand the rules and responsibilities in Mrs. Gorvett’s class. I will do my best to obey them. _____________________________________________________ Student signature ________________ Date _____________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian signature ________________ Date STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: ____________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIAN NAME(S): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIAN CELL: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIAN E-MAILS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN TO MRS. GORVETT BY: November 3, 2015