Writing Assignments - General Guidelines / Rubric

Essay Grading Guidelines: max = 100 points
Content (global
Comprehensibility /
Length & Mechanics
enough substance, addresses chosen topic, uses correct
discourse (e.g., thesis, arguments, etc.); sociolinguistic
mediocre substance, addresses some points required,
misses some elements of the discourse; some
sociolinguistic mismatches
little substance, weak attempt at addressing required
points, mostly wrong discourse
15 - 20 points
(mostly) easily comprehensible to instructor, no need
to guess at meaning of sentences / utterances; logical
sequencing of ideas
some difficulty comprehending student’s intended
message, interference from native language; some
difficulty following line of reasoning
very difficult to understand student’s intended
message, some ideas still come through, though;
mostly unorganized presentation of ideas
extensive, creative and correct use of learned
vocabulary, spelling capitalization of nouns, plurals
4-5 points
somewhat varied lexicon but with systematic errors of
vocabulary, spelling, capitalization or pluralization
 lacking basic vocabulary, mostly incorrect use of
capitalization, pluralization, many spelling errors
interfere with communicating their ideas
 solid mastery of covered grammatical structures
 basic familiarity with covered grammatical structures
 some mistakes in using covered grammatical structures
 many systematic grammatical errors, but still able to
communicate ideas
variety of sentence structures for level, use of discourse &
cohesion markers
sentence-level punctuation, met required amount
8 -14 points
1 - 7 point
2-3 points
0-1 point
15 - 20 points
8 -14 points
1 - 7 point
27 - 35points
18 - 26 points
9 – 17 points
0 – 8 points
12 points
8 points
Was ist am Wichtigsten?
100% insgesamt
1. Konjugation
2. Wortstellung
3. Zeitform (ab Kapitel 3)
4. Geschlecht
5. Kasus
6. Rechtschreibung
7. Hilfsverb
8. Wortwahl