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We need your help!
Florida is committing millions of dollars to developing the kind of employee that
manufacturers need. One that has a good work ethic, works and communicates well with
others, has developed technical manufacturing skills, and holds industry certifications that
demonstrate the level of proficiency achieved. This is where you, the manufacturing employer,
come in.
While our schools and colleges are producing your future workers with industry certifications
in hand, unless employers begin asking for those certifications or “preferring” those
certifications, they mean little for the individual seeking a job and represent missed
opportunities by employers.
What is the benefit to you, the employer, for putting “Industry certifications preferred” on
your hiring and employment materials? By including these three simple words on your
employment materials, you will drive demand in the marketplace for job seekers to earn those
skills before they knock on your door. When job seekers earn those skills, you save time and
money because you don’t have to teach the basic skills. When you save time and money you
are able to produce more product faster. When you produce more product faster you become
more successful and profitable. When that happens everyone wins.
So here is what you, the manufacturer, can do. Simply state on your employment applications
or materials “Industry certifications preferred.” Or go one step further and specific which
industry certifications you do prefer. Attached is a list of certifications that are being earned by
Florida students who may be seeking manufacturing careers.
When you communicate “Industry Certifications Preferred,” let us know!!!! Just an email to or a copy of the document would be great.
Working for you!
MAF Center for Advanced Manufacturing Excellence, Inc.
The following manufacturing-related industry certifications are being earned by
Florida students. Save time and money! Put one or more on your employment
applications or simply state “Industry Certifications Preferred.” You will be glad
you did!
MSSC CPT (Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Certified Production Technician)
CNC Machining (IHK CNC Production Specialist
OSHA 10, OSHA 30 (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and MSHA Mine
PMMI Programmable Logic Controllers Level One
PMMI Mechatronics
ASQ Six Sigma Green Belt, and Master Black Belt (CSSGB and CQIA)
ASQ/SME/Shingo/AME Lean Bronze Manufacturing
CCC – Engineering Tech Support Specialist
Autodesk Certified Professional-Revit Architecture
AWS Certified Welder and NCCER Welding Certification
NIMS Machining (National Institute for Metalworking Skills)
Photovoltaic Electronics
A.S. Degrees in Engineering Technology: Advanced Manufacturing or Advanced
Technology; Digital Design and Manufacturing; Electronics; Drafting & Design
Technology; and Industrial Management Technology