Calculus Mrs. Walker 2013-2014 Dear Students and Parents, Welcome back to a new school year and to Calculus. This course is designed to refresh some previously learned topics as well as introduce new material. We will be working together to develop the skills necessary for advanced college mathematics. As with any new situation there may be uncertainties and challenges associated with this class. I want you to know that I am here to help you, and that we will get through this together. I am responsible for providing enriching lessons and activities, guiding you through the processes, and giving extra help and attention when you need it. You are responsible for your learning. This means that you will need to take notes, ask questions, participate in class, do your homework, attend review sessions, and study for tests/quizzes. I believe communication between parents, student, and teacher is key to success. This means that I may be calling/emailing home from time to time to provide updates and to help make arrangements for extra help if necessary. If at any time parents or students wish to reach me please feel free to call my voicemail at (330) 954-2362 or send an email message to SchoolPoint will also be used for this class. You can access SchoolPoint, which will have weekly assignments, test/quiz schedules, and various notes/activities, on the school webpage: You can also view grades from this webpage. Again, welcome back. I am looking forward to working with you and having a fun, exciting, productive school year. Sincerely, Mrs. Walker Course Topics: This Calculus course will use the Houghton Mifflin Calculus textbook as its primary resource. The major topics covered in the course will include: 1) The Cartesian Plane and Functions 2) Limits and Their Functions 3) Differentiation and Applications 4) Integration and Applications 5) Logarithmic, Exponential, and Other Transcendental Functions Materials Needed: -Textbook - 3-ring binder with pockets or folders for worksheets, etc… - Paper - Pencils/pens - Graphing Calculator (TI 83+, TI 84, or TI 84+) Classroom Expectations/Policies: As mentioned before, I expect you to act respectfully and responsibly in class. This means: -come prepared to work and learn -no texting, etc… -behave -no food or drinks -don’t talk while I’m talking -dress appropriately -raise your hands to ask or answer a question -be on time Assistance: Please don’t hesitate to ask for help. I am around most days before and after school. Just let me know in class if you want to come in. There is also help available in the math lab – math lab is time during most study halls, in the study hall room, that you can get help from a math teacher. Please take advantage of this opportunity. Online graphing calculator: Online help: (not great, but better than nothing) SchoolPoint for class notes and assignments: click “Aurora High School” (left side of page) click “Teacher Web Pages” (left side of page – bottom) click “Walker, Adrianne” click “Calculus” (left side of page) Grading: Your overall grades will be measured by tests, quizzes, homework, class work, participation, notebooks, and projects. These are categorized and weighted as follows: Tests/Quizzes/Projects: Homework/Classwork/Participation/Notebooks 80% 20% Tests/Quizzes -Used to demonstrate mastery or check progress in a given unit. I do give partial credit for work done. The more work you show me the better chance you have to get full credit. If you have a correct answer down but no work, points may be deducted. I as a teacher cannot instruct you if I do not know how you are developing your answers. Homework - Homework will be given on a regular basis (almost every night). Be prepared!!! This is the best way to boost your grade. I will grade homework for correctness as well as for effort. When homework is checked in class it will be worth four completion points per assignment. Occasionally homework will be collected and problems will be selected and graded for accuracy. Homework grades can drastically improve or hurt your grade. Absences: Students have as many days as they have been absent plus one to make up any missed work. They are responsible for scheduling with me a time to get help or take any missed tests or quizzes. If missing assignments are not completed within the allotted time, a zero will be given on those assignments. Last Thoughts: This class will move quickly through each topic. YOU MUST NOT BE SHY!!!! If you fall behind or do not understand a concept we are covering, you must immediately seek help. The best way to receive help or further explanation is to ask for it. I will be more than happy to go over a concept more than once in class if I feel students are not totally grasping the concept. You may not be the only student having trouble with the material so speak up and ask questions. We build on material covered from the beginning of the year so do not take this advice lightly. I will make my assistance available whenever possible so please do not be afraid to ask. I have read and understand the syllabus provided by Mrs. Walker. Student name (legibly printed):___________________________________________ Student name (signed):__________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian (legibly printed):_______________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian (signed):______________________________________________________________ Circle one. Daytime phone(s): ____ __ (mom/dad/other_________) Daytime phone(s): ____ __ (mom/dad/other_________) Circle one. Email: (mom/dad/other_________) Questions/Comments: __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________