Course Syllabus9

Course Syllabus
English 9
Mr. Kimble
Room 203
King William High School
Course Objective: The ninth-grade student will make planned oral presentations independently and in small groups.
Knowledge of the impact that informative/persuasive techniques in media messages make on public opinion will be
introduced. The student will continue development of vocabulary, with attention to connotations, idioms, and allusions.
Knowledge of literary terms and genres will be applied in the student’s own writing and in the analysis of literature. The
student will be introduced to significant literary texts. Increased requirements for research and reporting in all subjects
will be supported by the use of print, electronic databases, online resources, and other media. Students will cite sources of
information using a standard method of documentation. The student will distinguish between reliable and questionable
sources of information. Writing will encompass narrative, expository, and persuasive forms for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The student will demonstrate correct use of language, spelling, and mechanics by applying grammatical
conventions in writing and speaking.
Holt-McDougal Literature (English 9) Textbook
Writing With Power Textbook
*Other texts may be provided throughout the course of the semester.
Materials Needed for EVERY Class:
Three-Ring Binder
Classroom Folder (this will be provided for you)
*Everyone is expected to bring their materials with them to class every day. If you are not prepared, it
will negatively affect your weekly participation grade.
Grades will be calculated every four weeks for progress reports with report cards being calculated and
distributed at the end of each nine weeks. Grades can also be accessed daily on Power School.
Grade Percentages:
Tests: 40%
Essays: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework/Classwork: 10%
*It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades. If you have a question concerning your grade at
any time, you must make an appointment with me after class, during lunch, or before school.
**Participation will be assessed weekly, and will be considered a classwork grade. Consistent
preparedness, completion of work, positive contributions to class and disciplined behavior will earn a
high participation grade every week.
Quick Starts: These count for a classwork grade; they are reflective journal entries written at the
beginning of the day. They will be assessed weekly.
Daily Classwork: This may include companion worksheets, grammar exercises, daily writing
assignments, or group or independent activities. These are to be completed by the end of the school
day unless assigned for homework by the instructor.
Homework: Students are to complete and turn in homework assignments the class period after they
are assigned, unless otherwise noted by the instructor.
Tests/Quizzes: You will receive tests and quizzes occasionally that will assess what has been covered in
Projects: Projects will count as test grades and are another way to assess what has been covered in
class. Parameters for each project will be announced and set by the instructor when the assignment is
presented to the class.
Essays: Students will have seven major essays to complete over the course of the semester. The writing
prompt and parameters for each project will be announced to the class. Other writing assignments
may be assigned during the year, as well.
*You are responsible for making up assignments. If you miss time, see me before or after class for
make-up work.
Grading Scale:
Grades are calculated in percentages and then placed on an A to F scale for report cards. The
following scale is used in accordance with King William High School policy:
A: 93%-100%
B: 85%-92%
C: 77%-84%
D: 70%-76%
F: 69% and below
Daily Instructional Plan
Quick Start: At the beginning of class, you are expected to go to your seat, open up your folder, and
complete the quick start on the board. You are also expected to get out your homework during this
time so that it can be checked. Quick starts are commonly a short, reflective journal entry to start the
day. They are graded weekly and will receive a zero if not completed.
Literature Study: We will spend time in class reviewing various forms of literature, including short
stories, drama, poetry, and more. You will be expected to read the material, participate in class, and
complete any companion worksheets or activities related to the reading.
Grammar Practice: Students will practice different grammatical concepts over the course of the year.
Students may take a grammar practice worksheet home for homework.
Writing Practice: Students will practice improving their composition abilities, with a focus on
persuasive writing. They will complete at least seven graded essays over the course of the year.
Independent Reading: Students will be given the last 15 minutes of each block to read independently.
They will choose a book from the reading bins next to the bookshelf. They will be occasionally
conferenced by the teacher to check their status on the book they are reading.
Course Plan
Quarter 1: September 8-November 13
Literature Study: Short Stories
Grammatical Concepts: Parts of Speech
Elements of Persuasive Writing
Quarter 2: November 16-January 25
Literature Study: Poetry
Grammatical Concepts: Sentence Structure/Improvement
Elements of Persuasive Writing
Quarter 3: February 1-April 8
Literature Study: Drama, Novel Study
Grammatical Concepts: Sentence Structure/Improvement
Evaluating Persuasive Writing
Quarter 4: April 11-June 10
Literature Study: Novel Study, Nonfiction
Grammatical Concepts: Punctuation/Mechanics
Research Writing
*The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the curriculum in the interest of maximizing
student achievement.
American Reading Company
At the beginning of the year, your reading level will be tested by the instructor in accordance with the
American Reading Company. Over the course of the year, you will independently read a variety of
books in the last 15 minutes of every class. You will conference with the instructor occasionally, where
you will receive reading strategies and advice as you progress through the year. It is important that
you take this process seriously and take the necessary steps to improve your ability to comprehend,
analyze, and infer when reading.
Student Expectations:
1. Respect: This is the most important rule in order to have a positive classroom environment and
in order for everyone to learn and have a positive experience in this classroom. Respect
includes but is not limited to:
Raising your hand when you want to speak.
Remaining in your seat.
Listening to others and being respectful of their opinions and viewpoints.
Treating others the way you want to be treated.
Respecting the classroom environment, which also includes cleaning up any trash left
behind, not defacing or stealing school property, and keeping cell phones or other
electronic devices on silent and put away.
2. Students will not commit an integrity violation by cheating or plagiarizing. Students who
commit an integrity violation will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Honor
Code for King William High School. The MLA handbook defines plagiarism as repeating
“someone else’s particularly apt phrase without appropriate acknowledgement; paraphrasing
another person’s argument as your own, and presenting another’s line of thinking […] as it
were your own.”
3. Be an Active Participant: There will be many class discussions on the readings. Come to class
with several questions or comments prepared, and be prepared to share your ideas or
viewpoints with the class. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and contribute; there are no ‘stupid’
questions or ‘wrong’ answers.
4. Turn your work in on time. In high school and beyond, turning in late work will come with
severe consequences. I will not accept late work and it will turn into a zero in the gradebook. If
there are extenuating circumstances, conference with me privately.
*Assignments may be sent electronically, but if you do not get a message from me confirming
that I received the message, assume that it hasn’t come to me and send it again. If I do not
receive the assignment on the due date in any form, it will be a zero.
5. Students are expected to be in class on time and will be dismissed by the teacher. No one is to
be out of his or her seat prior to the end of class unless authorized.
6. Food or drink (except water) are not allowed in the classroom. Excessive reminders will result
in after-school detention for the offending student.
7. Bathroom Passes: When students need to use the bathroom, they will fill out a pass on the back
of their agenda. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, excessive bathroom use will be
monitored by the teacher, and this privilege can be limited or taken away.
8. Be prepared for class each day. This means having your binder, textbook, paper, and writing
utensils in class every day. Locker passes will not be given. Periodic book checks will occur and
your preparation will affect your participation grade.
9. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.
10. All school policies not otherwise included on this list will be enforced in the classroom.
Consequences for Behavior:
If there is anything on your desk or in your lap that shouldn’t be there (phone, food or drink, etc.),
then you will be asked to put it away. If it comes out again, it will go in the basket on my desk and you
may retrieve it on your way out of the classroom. Hats are also not permitted to be worn in the
classroom; they will be taken if continued to put on your head. If you refuse to give up these items, it
is considered an act of defiance and a referral will be written and a phone call home will be made.
Disruptive or off-task behavior will not only result in a lower participation grade for the week, but
phone calls home will be made for any students that are making it difficult for others to learn by
choosing to be disruptive. If the problem persists, referrals will be written.
Any form of disrespect shown towards the teacher or fellow students will not be tolerated. A referral
and phone call home will occur for disrespectful treatment of others.
Before you leave your desk, it must be clean and all trash must be picked up. You will stay behind and
clean up if your work station is not clean.
By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and will adhere to the guidelines outlined in
the syllabus. Failure to do so will result in penalties as outlined above. Students who not only adhere
to the above guidelines, but go above and beyond in terms of consistent participation, effort, and
positive behavior, will be rewarded.
This page of the syllabus must be signed by both you and your parents and returned to me by
Monday, September 14.
Mr. Kimble
Student Signature
Parent Signature