9th Grade English- Course Syllabus 2014-2015 Mrs. Stambolis Room:B223 Contact Information: vas3309@lausd.net or (818) 686-4100 Course Description: 9th grade English is designed to meet academic English requirements for high school graduation, as well as the entrance requirements for community colleges, the University of California, and the California State University system. Ninth Grade English covers many types of Literature, including short stories, drama, poetry, nonfiction and several novels. Other areas of emphasis are on vocabulary development, paragraph development and written composition. Materials: Having the proper materials is an extremely important element to a student’s success. All students must have the following materials: 1 - 1 ½ three ring binder for English class only or a devoted section in a larger binder. College-ruled, loose left, notebook paper ( Ripped edges = Automatic ZERO!) Pens, pencils, highlighters (assignments and quizzes in blue or black ink only) Some type of Agenda Book to record assignments Reader / Writer Notebook Course Literature and other Readings: In the fall semester, we will focus on Persuasive and Expository writing. We will read several persuasive poems, speeches, and texts. We will also focus on the component of persuasive writing, while developing our own persuasive letter. During the Exposition unit, we will read Walter Lord’s A Night to Remember and Elie Wiesel’s classic text Night, and work on dialectical journals that focus on the theme throughout the book. In the Spring semester, students will read The Odyssey and do a variety of exercises geared to help them be successful on the California State Standards Test, and read Romeo and Juliet during the literary analysis unit. Assignments for the Persuasive, Expository, and Literary Analysis units will be keep in a Reader / Writer notebook and stored in student’s English folder. Writing: Writing assignments will encompass many types and domains of writing, including Cornell note taking, dialectical journals, descriptive, narrative, expository, and analytical. Major emphasis is placed on the writing process rather than just a final draft. Therefore, all stages of student writing (prewriting, drafts, revision, and editing) count. Students MUST be prepared to write! Outside Reading: Every student is expected to choose a book of interest and read both in class during silent reading time and 30 minutes at home every night. Students are expected to read 1000 pages per semester, which should include one book off the 9th grade reading list or as recommended by the librarian. Ask Ms. Stambolis to learn more about the books and which ones might be of interest to you. If a book is not approved by the teacher or on the required list - students will get a 0 on their outside reading grade. Homework: Students can expect to have homework 3 - 4 times a week. Homework will consist of outside reading, vocabulary development, continuing reading or writing that was started in class, or researching larger projects. Assignment Record Agenda records are a crucial component to succeed in this class. Assignments must be recorded on a daily basis. You will not be allowed to leave class without your homework recorded. Grading Scale: 100 - 90% = A 89 - 80% = B 79 - 70% =C 69 and below = FAIL Grade Breakdown: 30% - Classwork / Homework 70% - Writing, Tests/Quizzes, Presentations, Projects No late work will ever be accepted. Students may not have an opportunity to make-up points; therefore, it is important for students to be present and on time each and every day. Print and return this page, signed by you and your parents, to indicate you understand the grading scale and the fact that late work is never accepted and that you understand the grading scale.. ___________________________________ Student’s Name (printed) _____________________________________ Parent’s Name (printed) ___________________________________ Student’s Signature _____________________________________ Parent’s Signature