St Edith’s Class – Mrs Hyslop – Autumn Term Traditonal Literacy 2015 Topic Religious Education In Literacy this term we will start by enjoying Aesop’s Our topic of Stone Age to Iron Age provides us Our RE learning will explore the Domestic Church. Fables. Our grammar focus will be recognising simple with an emphasis on History and Geography. We We will look particularly at families and homes. The sentences; compound and complex sentences; using will explore Stone Age man’s habitat and life children will re-tell some stories from the Bible and conjunctions to express time or cause and learning how style and how the changes came about to end the describe some ways in which religion is lived out by to use dialogue punctuation. We will explore dialogue Neolithic period with the influence of the believers. We will discuss and ask questions about through drama, debate moral messages and write Amesbury Archer and the Beaker people. Our what we wonder about in RE. Under the theme of letters in role. The children will have the opportunity to learning will follow a time line through the Bronze Promises the children will retell some special stories write their own fables. We will move onto writing and Iron Age including the Celtic tribes. about religious events and people, as well as use instructions and explanations where the children will religious words and phrases to describe some practise using imperative verbs and pronouns. religious actions and symbols. The children will be encouraged to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect our behaviour. Numeracy This term we will start by revising place value of 2 and 3 digit numbers including comparing amounts of money written in pounds and pence. We will be using mental addition and subtraction to count up to find change from a pound as well as adding and subtracting pairs of 2-digit numbers. We will be adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 to and from a 3-digit number. In shape, measure and data we will be describing and naming 3D shapes and using the correct mathematical vocabulary to sort 3D shapes using a Carroll diagram. We will continue to grow our mental multiplication and division knowledge so that we can confidently recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10. We will revisit the fact that multiplication is the inverse of division and write related multiplication and division facts. In Fractions we will know what ½, 1/3, ¼ of a shape looks like, and be able to find ½, 1/3, ¼ of a small number. P.E. Stone Age to Iron Age Music Science The children Our science learning will focus on will be taught grouping living things. We will football skills explore the world of plants and by a coach each animals and recognise that living week. things can be grouped in a variety of I will also be ways. We will look at the use of teaching them classification keys to help group as dance. well as identify and name a variety of The children will D.T and Art be learning some Our Art and Design Technology will link to Stone timetable songs. Age to Iron Age. We will learn about the great This will include cave paintings of the Ice Age and experiment the use of with pastels and charcoal to re-create them. We instruments as well will be making our own hunter gathering tools. as learning about The children will use their design skills to make rhythm and beat. models of prehistoric buildings. living things and their local and wider environment. We will discuss and recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. We will be asking scientific questions and understanding the importance of a fair test; we will gather evidence and record our findings.