Curriculum Overview – Dolphin Class

Social Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
Geography & History
Identify geographical patterns and to use their
knowledge and understanding to explain them
Use appropriate geographical vocabulary to
describe and interpret their surroundings
Use appropriate techniques to gather information
Make plans and maps in a variety of scales using
symbols and keys
Use and interpret globes and maps in a variety of
Strike a ball with relative control
Use fielding skills (catching, throwing, bowling)
Work in pairs and in groups
Understand and use tactics in games
Know something about everyone in their class.
Know that they are valued at school.
Know how to make someone feel welcomed and valued at
Know what it feels like to be unwelcome.
Know how to join a group.
Say one special thing about themself.
Our IPC topic: What a Wonderful World
Year: 5/6
Date: 25/8/2012-12/10/2012
Dear Parents,
If you have any books, artefacts that may be of use during this
topic please send them into school with your child.
Y5: Learn division facts corresponding to
multiplication facts up to 10 × 10
Y5: Use the relationship between multiplication
and division to multiply and divide mentally
Y5: Recognise that from one multiplication or
division fact, others can be found
Y6: Consolidate knowing by heart multiplication
facts up to 10 × 10
Know how it feels to be happy, sad, scared or excited, and
can usually tell if other people are feeling these emotions.
Predict how they are going to feel in a new situation or
meeting new people.
The purpose of this sheet is to provide you with an overview
of your child’s curriculum and how you can further support
them in their learning.
Y5: Read and write whole numbers in figures and
words, and know what each digit represents
Y6: Multiply any whole number by 10, 100 or
1000 and understand the effect
Y6: Recognise that multiplying by 100 is
equivalent to multiplying by 10, then by 10 again
Y6: Multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100 or
5: Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10
× 10
Thank you,
Mr Paul Wallace
Class teacher Year 5 and 6
Use crescendo (getting gradually louder),
diminuendo (getting gradually quieter), and changes
in tempo to create effects.
Sing short notes, long notes and high and low notes.
Sing simple songs in tune with expression as part of a
group or individually
Discuss and compare books and write a paragraph
to present opinions. Justify opinions by giving
examples from the text.
Reflect on the style of an author.
Predict the ending of a story.
Write an ending to a story in the author’s style.
Research an author and his writing context.
Think about an author’s style in relation to his
biography. Think about what makes an author and
his books significant/recognisable.
Use a thesaurus and discuss its function.
Create diary entries in the role of a Michael
Foreman fictional character.
Identify descriptive language in a text.
Convey the character’s thoughts and feelings.
Peer-mark and highlight good examples in other
children’s work.
Write a letter in role as a fictional character
describing real events.
Use appropriate style and vocabulary for their
Recognise and discuss the ‘message’ of a book.
 Choose appropriate ways to investigate a scientific
 Pose scientific questions
 Use their scientific knowledge and understanding to
predict the outcome
 Relate the outcome to their original prediction
 Make systematic and accurate measurements from
their observations
 Draw conclusions based on evidence
 Explain and justify their predictions, investigations,
findings and conclusions
 Record and communicate their findings accurately
using the most appropriate medium and the
appropriate scientific vocabulary and conventions
 Repeat investigations, observations and
measurements to check their accuracy and validity
 Identify patterns in results