From the beginnings of time Year 3 Visitors and trips possibilities

Curriculum Overview – Ulceby St Nicholas C of E
Primary School.
From the beginnings of time
Year 3
Visitors and trips possibilities
As Mathematicians...
We will be ordering large numbers by creating
time lines, measure accurately when making
houses from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron
Age and collect and present data in a variety of
ways as well as following the new curriculum
In Literacy...
We will use visits and trips to write recounts,
writing in a logical sequence and using time
related vocabulary. We will use our technology
and science work to write instructions with
diagrams, labels, captions and warnings. We will
use links with Geography to recognise features of
stories from another time and culture, to help us
write our own stories, creating characters,
settings and plot. Also we will write explanations
of changes in time as well non chronological
reports linked to our history topics. . Our writing
will always be linked to other areas in order for
our writing to have purpose.
We will develop our understanding of vocabulary,
grammar and punctuation further using correct
As Scientists...
We will be classifying different types of rocks
and soils and gaining a simple understanding of
how fossils form. In our study of a time without
electricity we will be focussing on the topic of
light and darkness, looking at how shadows are
formed and finding patterns in the way that the
size of shadows change.
In R.E……
Areas of Learning
As Historians and Geographers...
Scunthorpe Museum
- Use of stone age and iron age artefacts
- Monday is archaeology day
Classroom in the woods
Else Johnson Taste of History
Hull Museum
Hutton le Hole Stone Age village
A stone age adventure workshop
We will be able to identify how life has changed from the early
days of man from Stone Age, through to Bronze Age and finally
into the Iron Age. We will be looking at items of interest to the
children such as changes in clothes, tools, homes, diet/food,
transport and how we know about these times in the past. We
will find out how Britain became an island, where people settled
and how those settlements developed. We will use as many
visitors and trips in this are too bring our learning alive and help
children to understand events in distant past.
As Technologists...
We will be designing and making houses from the Stone Age,
Bronze Age and Iron Age after we have had first hand
experience of them on our school trips. This will also involve
skills that we have developed in Numeracy and Science.
We will be learning how to use the internet safely and
appropriately to research the Stone Age and Iron Age :
understand computer networks and collect and present data. We
will devise algorithms linked with our topics and recognise the
need for debugging and identifying errors.
In the Arts...
We will use a variety of different media to produce cave art and Celtic
patterns as well as experiencing spinning and weaving and making Stone
Age pots and jewellery
In Music we will improvise and compose music and listen with attention to
detail. We will use voice and instruments with increasing control,
accuracy and expression using cross curricular links.
In P.E...
We will participate in Gymnastic activities focussing on body
management, flight and floor activities. We will also participate
in invasion games developing the skills needed and the tactics to
be successful.
We will link in this area with history and look at
the religious beliefs of people in the Stone age
through to the Iron Age.
Using the R.E syllabus we will provide an
opportunity to explore remembrance in the
context of some major faith festivals.
Knowledge and understanding of
the world
Possibilities and aspirations