DISTRICT DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Human Resources/Organizational Development DATE: January 11, 2013 GOAL TASK Talent Hiring Acquisition (1) TASK OWNER Monica KEY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS KEY OFI MEASURE OF SUCCESS Hiring manager Timely & accurate processing Turnaround time (TAT) Turnaround Time All hiring departments Approvals to recruit externally Cycle time (end to end) Cycle Time (end to end) Qualified & competent applicants Comm. Expectations & processes, procedures Time to Find/Fill Advertising Process improvement Vacancy Rate Search committee support Research Best Practices Clearance to hire Survey customers and host informal and formal roundtable discussions 98%-100% of internal customer contacts will be handled within onetwo business days Hiring manager Target FY12 Suppliers & inputs Chancellor approvals/all related approvals PeopleLink Agencies Applicants/Candid ates Current employees/talent Students/Commun ity SARMA Background checks Advice/consultation Productivity and cycle time Streamline Solutions and processes to meet Alamo Colleges talent acquisition goals Enhance Onboarding experience Service delivery and customer satisfaction driven by proactive and not reactive actions Measure and celebrate success Conduct “postmortems” and learn Ongoing – Individual (Stretch - four to eight business hours, Met - one business day, Threshold – two business days) All customer email inquiries will be handled within one –two business days 98%-100% of internal customer PeopleLink requests for password reset will be resolved within one - two Third party vendors Hiring departments and candidate decisions Requisitions Employee Referrals Internal Employment and Staffing team Advertiser(s)/agenci es/search firms Accurately completed and approved Requisition in PeopleLink Current Job Description Application/Resume /CV Other documents ( and Team recognition business days HR function Brand and Identity (Stretch - four to eight business hours, Met - one business day, Threshold – two business days) Accurate and approved job (PeopleLink) requisitions will be posted within one - two business Talent Career Acquisition (2) Development Hope All employees Development opportunities Transcripts Orientation Competencies Leadership development Faculty development Supervisor training Link to evaluations and strategic plan Job skills Compliance training Performance Review – Recent (future state) Hiring decision AKA “Recommend to Hire” College District Staffing Plan Number of training hours per employee External trainers % of supervisors trained Registration/partici pation % promotions v external hires Course evaluations Investment per employee (ROI for development) Certifications transcripts, certification) Online access & modules Cornerstone Needs assessments Development plans (via performance evaluations) Regulatory & Alamo requirements Engagement (1) Employee relations support Ed & Roberto Supervisors Advice & consultation Employees Coaching Regulatory agencies Proactive tools for prevention Grievance rate/claims rate Tools/resources Sharing key best practices Grievance turnaround time Compliance Supervisor training Policy interpretation Sup training/support Awareness of regulation/law/reportin Ethics point EEOC Employees & Supervisors, students Legal support Performance Engagement (2) Recognition Systems James All employees Investigation g requirements evaluation results Resolution/Mediation Recognition (Positive reinforcement) PACE results Timely processing of employee suggestions Consistent/predictable recognition Number of employees recognized Future – Pay for performance Discretion/resources to recognize Ed Linda Emeritus faculty awards Engagement (3) Update/ develop/ consolidate job descriptions Chris Bordovsky Trophy vendors Purchasing Good job description model HR Generalists Org Learning (Performance) Marketing/PR Discretion/resources to recognize Employees Employment PACE measures Employee & Supervisor input Clear process model Risk Management Print shop Align recognition to values/strategy Communication of a job well done (“good job”) Managers FMLA users Suggestors & Evaluators Alignment Service awards Hope Chancellor Guidance on content Access to JDs Integration with other systems/ processes Implement new processes Communications Speed to market Jobs evaluated/ number of jobs in new format Managers Reduction in total number of jobs External vendors/ data providers Senior leadership Engagement (4) Evaluate jobs Chris Bordovsky Chris Bordovsky Managers Clear model Employees Reasonable evaluations Potential candidates Access to results Students Integration with other systems/ processes Develop and approve strategy Communicate process coupled with Comp 101 Stable or higher offer acceptance rates Job description Reduced exception requests Employment information (customers of employees) Engagement (5) Records Customer Service Records Team Market data Consultants/ processes All Employees Superior Customer Service Training Positive Feedback Records Retirees Provide Effective Feedback Ongoing Customer Relationships Demands of Customers’ Needs met All Employees Provide Tools & Resources Establish Customer Loyalty Availability Satisfy Customer Needs Leadership Training Programs Ticket System to track progress Surveys Customer Loyalty Completion Notices Engagement (6) Benefits: Facilitate Supervisor Training and Educate Employees Geena Johnson Supervisors Advice & consultation Employees Coaching Proactive tools for prevention Sharing information Tools/resources Compliance Policy interpretation Investigation Resolution Supervisor and employee training Awareness of regulation/law/reportin g requirements Training/Develo pment program participation rate Managers/ Supervisors Employee satisfaction with training External legislative information Training quality Legal information Training expense per employee Alamo policies Engagement Scores Senior leadership Teams Create high performance teams Hope All teams Training Rely on teams v. committees Tools/resources PACE measures Supervisors Teams trained Team members Access to tools/resources Trainers Systematized culture of learning Trainers Training Recognition Meeting skills Team skills/training Team leaders skills More collaboration, meaningful competition. Build a learning organization Implement 5 disciplines of a learning organization Hope All employees Personal mastery Systems thinking Integrated/embed in culture and learning systems PACE measures Shared mental models Shared vision Awareness of learning organization principles & behaviors Team learning Facilitate Culture Change (1) Aligning HR programs/syste ms to strategy/values Engaged employees Linda All employees Revamping HR programs/systems Alignment to strategic plan/values Achievement of strategic plan Communication & building trust PVC Senge Employee ownership of a learning organization See do get outcomes Board PVC Board Facilitators New attitudes/behaviors Student success Performance excellence Alamo Colleges business acumen Consultants Best Practice data/info The Alamo Way Strategic Plan/values Facilitate Culture Change (2) Facilitate/cham pion customer driven change initiatives Hope All employees Departments/tea ms Tools/resources to facilitate change Facilitators of change (consultative) New attitudes/behaviors Outreach See do get outcomes Systematize tools/resources Alamo Ideas The Alamo Way Strategic Plan/values More consultation/education /awareness/dialog Facilitators Student success Performance excellence Collaboration Best place to work Linda All employees Ask for feedback from customers Job seeking public Community Students Commitment to strategy/values Fair workplace, challenging work, development opportunities Strategic people plan (elements of) More customer input Achievement of people plan goals More communication of strategies PACE measures Alignment across campuses/jobs/proced ures (fairness/equity) Best place to work status – formal recognition Time to absorb change (rephrase) TAPE results/recognition Employee satisfaction/engagemen t Diversity plan results PACE TAPE Communication & Marketing/PR Internal surveys Key HR metrics HROD Flywheel (1) Bring HR/OD programs & service to best practice levels Linda All employees Regulatory compliance Communication Board People tools/resources Change management PVC Delightful customer service Compensation equity/fairness Alamo College leaders Fast, accurate processes Accessible data Streamlined employment processes Job seeking public Knowledgeable HR Staff Customer driven HR programs Lots of communication User friendly policies and procedures Fully integrated TMS Timely information Achievement of strategic people plan goals IT Customer satisfaction survey results Deb/Carlos Ayala PACE measures Exception request volume Communication measures Consultants HR staff trainers/consultants Best performing peers/organizations SHRM HRLC Outreach to customers and customer input ASTD CUPA HROD Flywheel (2) Assess Risk Mike Legg Lin Freeman BoT Risk guidance, advice and expertise Chancellor Risk mitigation best practice Construction Project Specifications Construction Project Management Total Cost of injuries Value of property lost Program Owners Insurance vendors Cost/benefit model Risk Matrix Cost Benefit Analysis College Admin Program owners Administration HROD Flywheel (3) Deploying and Updating Emergency Management Program Mike Legg Rick Tobin College VPCS Ensure plan deployment BoT Training in emergency response Chancellor PVC Students Community DIST Admin Knowledge of the emergency plan and who’s responsible for what Implementing the plan through training and practice % ICS Team Fully Trained # of individuals participating in drills % Resolution of corrective actions FEMA guidelines Homeland Security guidelines EMP Identification and training of key personnel NIMS standards Safety standards Clery Act Code requirements HROD Flywheel (4) HROD Flywheel (5) Facilitating Safety & Environmental Quality Programs Faculty Load & Compensation Mike Legg Roy Brown Employees Safe work environment Having AC procedures in place Injury rate Students Training # of people trained Supervisors Hazard identification Lost days Public visitors at an AC site Best practice Health & Safety Codes Life Safety Code Fire Code Records Team (FLAC) Facilities Chancellor VPCS BoT DPS Schedulers Timely & Accurate processing through Banner All Faculty & Adjuncts Communication Chairpersons Workload Deadlines Audit Reports Faculty Contracts Records Modifications Availability of Contracts 30 days out College Departments Training PVC Schedulers Feedback Accurate Pay Communication CRNs assigned to Faculty Training Chairpersons Coaching/Feedback Tools & Resources Awareness of adds/drops Management Availability HROD Flywheel (6) PAR Transactions Records Team All Employees Timely & Accurate Processing Audit Trails Validate EPAFs Data Quality Provide Feedback Streamline processes Quick Turnaround Time Communicate Errors Signature of Authorization Verify SOA Digitize into Personnel File Apply EPAFs Organization of forms Received Training Confidentiality Minimal Paycheck Error rate Minimal Errors on Payroll Initiations Quick Payroll Processing Time Records All College Employees PAR Processing Agents Management Data Quality yields minimal discrepancies Employment Benefits Team HROD Flywheel (7) Records Management Records Team All Employees Digitize Forms Received Complete Requests for Campuses Quick Turnaround on Requests Validate Records Uploaded through Digital Documents Automation of Digital Documents Quick Turnaround of Forms Received Records All Employees Construct File Folders for BDMS Documents uploaded with minimal errors Audit Digital Document Uploads Legal Department Hiring Managers Employment Organization of Forms Received Implementation of BDMS Retention Periods HROD Flywheel (8) Benefits Administration : Update Benefits Offering Process Geena Johnson Managers Timely & accurate information Supervisors Process improvement Research Best Practices Affordable options Applicants/Candid ates Advice/consultation from subject matter experts (SME) Employees Survey customers and host informal and formal roundtable discussions Guidance on content Retirees ERS Community Benefits Satisfaction: Service delivery and customer satisfaction driven by proactive and not reactive actions Measure and celebrate success Conduct analysis and update process Benefits Satisfaction Rate/Index Managers/ Supervisors Employees Retirees ERS Average number of options per employee Agencies Job Seekers Number of options exercised per employee All customer and telephone inquiries will be handled within one – two business days. Benefits Expenses Benefits Expense per FTE Benefits Total Compensation FMLA/Legal requirements Third party vendors Rate Benefits Expense Type Breakdown Vacation Utilization Rate Sick Leave Utilization Rate