BOARD POLICY & PROCEDURES F.6.1 (Policy) Student Success Preparation for Entering - College-readiness skills and highest performance on placement assessments Selection of a Certificate/Degree - Options for transfer and/or career fields and to develop plans to meet desired goal College Preparatory Requirements - Pathways to gain the required college-readiness skills BOARD POLICY & PROCEDURES F.6.1 (Policy) Student Success Comprehensive Monitoring/Advising System — Consistent, on-going and well-defined actions for the colleges and students beginning with the admission process through completion of student goals F.6.2 (Policy) Student Responsibility for Success • Degree plan by 15th semester credit hour • Advising at 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th SCH BOARD POLICY & PROCEDURES F.6.2 (Policy) Student Responsibility for Success 4 Pillars of Student Responsibility Communication Academic Success Responsibility Engagement ADVISING Connection ENTRY & NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Progress Completion MYALAMOCAREER.ORG VIRTUAL CAREER & PLACEMENT CENTER Strategic Alliances • Alamo Colleges • Workforce Solutions Alamo • Education: Cafécollege/School Districts / Bibliotech • Economic: Chambers of Commerce / Economic Development Board • Corporate: 100’s of local companies & small businesses • Community: Mayor’s Office, SA2020 Software Designers •EMSI / CareerBuilder •Blondecreative •GeoMedia – NVC graduates CAREER COACH DEPLOYMENT Where We Are… • Alamo Colleges Career Centers • AlamoENROLL pre- and post-TSI Exam advising • Mobile Go Center & College Connections • Student Development Courses (SDEV) • College access events - recruiting, fairs and open houses • Career and Job Fairs • Press/Media Relations - local, state and national CAREER COACH DEPLOYMENT Where We Are Going… • Virtual Career & Job Fairs • Employer Virtual Offices • Embed within curriculum initiatives • You Tube / Facebook / Twitter / Linked In • Television & Radio show appearances