Research Hypothesis


A simple research hypothesis should name two variables and indicate the type of relationship expected between them.

There is a positive relationship between level of psychomotor coordination and degree of self-esteem

Length of light deprivation from birth among rats is inversely associated with performance in a maze task

Administrators who provide wellness programs for their employers receive higher employee ratings on selected leadership qualities than administrators who do not provide wellness programs

Regular attendance at religious services is inversely associated with cheating behavior while taking classroom tests

Research Purpose

If goal of project is to describe groups without describing relationships among variables, state research purpose or questions instead of a hypothesis

Example: Our research project is designed to collect empirical data on what the traditional training programs in…. were doing to provide formal training on……

Our project is designed to collect empirical data on what int ernship supervisors’ perceptions and expectations are on….

Or the purpose is to determine supervisors’ perceptions, etc.

Phrased as a research question instead of a hypothesis: What perceptions and beliefs do supervisors have…...
