Events Leading to the Revolution Quiz

American Revolution Unit Test
Use the topic points and questions below to help you review for the test on the
American Revolution! Remember this is a guide to help you review the material and
focus your studying on the areas you are having the most trouble on!
Reviewing Main Concepts:
1. What were the causes of the French and Indian War? How did this conflict
become a cause of the American Revolution?
2. How did the Treaty of Paris (1763) change things in America?
3. What were the new laws/acts imposed by the British? Describe the variety of
ways the colonists resisted these British laws and policies.
4. What was the goal of the First Continental Congress?
5. What were the major debates between independence versus reconciliation
at the Second Continental Congress?
6. What role did the ideas of a “social contract” play in the creation of the
7. Explain the parts and purpose of the Declaration of Independence:
8. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the British and American forces?
9. Why was Saratoga a turning point in the American Revolution?
10. Why did the American colonists win the war?
Reviewing the Important Terms
(Be able to identify each and explain its significance)
French and Indian War
General Braddock
Treaty of Easton
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Proclamation of 1763
George Washington
King George III
Navigation Acts
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Declaratory Act
Townshend Acts
Intolerable Acts
Boston Massacre
“No taxation without representation”
Sons/Daughters of Liberty
First and Second Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill
Loyalists versus Patriots
John Locke and Social Contract
Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson
Different military strategies
The Crisis – Thomas Paine
Battles of Trenton and Philadelphia
Financial issues in America
Charles Cornwallis
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris (1783)