Job description - Save the Children

TITLE Technical Programme Manager – Child Protection
Programme Operations
Antakya (Turkey)
Level 3 – the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g.
once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they
work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; ore because they are responsible for
implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.
The Manager will be based in Antakya overseeing CP programs in Northern Syria (currently Idlib,
Aleppo, with possible expansion to new areas). In addition to directly managing grants in these areas,
the Manager will be expected to lead on programme planning, oversight of programme implementation,
recruitment and procurement. A key priority of this role is to work day to day with the National
Technical Coordinator building their capacity in technical and programme management skills, with the
aim of transferring this capacity to the CP field team. The CP Technical Programme Manager will also
support partners to develop their programmes and build their capacity to respond. The Manager will
contribute to programme design and strategy as well as leading on proposal development and grant
Reports to: Deputy Director of Programme Operations with technical reporting lines to the CP
Technical Advisor
Staff reporting to this post: CP Technical Coordinator (national staff counterpart), and technical
reporting lines from the CP field team and partners working in CP
Budget responsibility: CP programmatic budget (up to 5k USD)
Other key working contacts: CP field staff, Field Manager, Partnership Manager, Partner agencies,
Logistics Manager, Finance and Grants Managers, HR manager, Deputy Director of PDQ, Proposal
Development and Reporting Coordinator, other Technical Programme Managers, CP Technical
Advisor, Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) Finance and Logistics Officers, MEAL Team
KEY AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY, working with the National Technical Coordinator:
Programme Management:
 Overall responsible for the implementation of CP project activities ensuring that services are
delivered on time, on budget and in compliance with donor regulations
 Provide technical guidance, in collaboration with the CP Technical Advisor, in all areas of CP
programming ensuring that implementation methods are consistent with acknowledged good
practice and achieve sustainable results
 Ensure the CP program is implemented in ways responsive to communities, partners and children
in line with SC’s principles, values and strategic plan and compliant with SC’s procedures
 Develop programme implementation plan including procurement and distribution schedules of
programme inputs in line with programme logistics/supply chain capacity
 In coordination with the Field Manager, ensure that CP staff have work-plans in place and follow up
with team members regularly to ensure that activities are on track
 Manage program budget, including phased budgets, monthly budget forecasting and quarterly
budget revisions for all grants
 Ensure proper and effective use of program resources, ensuring that all resources/assets in project
are managed in line with SC and Donor policy
 Monitor program progress against both programmatic (along with CP Technical Advisor) and
budgetary targets, making adjustments to programme implementation plans as necessary
Prepare timely and high quality programme and donor reports on project activities in compliance
with internal SC requirements and any relevant external donor requirements.
Capacity Building and Staff Management:
 Develop capacity building plans for the Technical Coordinator, ensuring the gradual handover of
responsibilities, and support the development of these plans for CP staff in the field, with the
support of the CP Technical Advisor.
 Provide day to day coaching on technical and programme management skills to the Technical
Coordinator, and support dissemination of capacity building to senior CP field personnel
 Work with CP Technical Advisor to identify learning and training opportunities for Save the
Children staff and partners and work as a mentor and role model for staff and partners.
 Ensure that the capacity building of the CP team, and partners, is planned within the available
budget, as well as being realistic in relation to the implementation plans of the programme.
Needs Analysis and Program Design:
 Support the CP Technical Advisor in the design and planning required for assessments, baselines,
and evaluations.
 Contribute to situation/response analysis, development of CP strategy documents and CP response
plans as well as programme design, working with the field team to ensure design is appropriate and
 Develop project and donor proposals in close coordination with logistics, finance and grants unit,
and the CP Technical Advisor, and ensure participation of the field team, and beneficiaries, in
proposal development.
 Prior to proposal submission, identify implementation methodology (direct versus indirect)
undertaking consultation with partners and initial partner proposal work
 Contribute to country level contingency plans and where possible, integrate contingency planning
for CP in all program planning and proposal design.
Partner management
 Work with the Partnership team to identify appropriate partners for implementation of the CP
 Work with the partners to develop their programme design and proposals, ensuring they align with
SC strategy and grant design
 Ensure regular review of partner progress against the budget and work plan, and support partners
to alter activities/strategies in light of context changes or operational challenges
 Review, with the support of the CP Technical Advisor, partner narrative and financial reporting as
well as MEAL data, in line with CO internal deadlines for MEAL
 Undertake ongoing capacity assessments of partner, reporting areas for development to CP
Technical Advisor.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability
 Work with the CP Technical Advisor and MEAL Team to develop M&E and indicator tracking plans
for all grants, inputting into the development of additional M&E tools as necessary to monitor
project progress
 With the CP Technical Advisor and MEAL Team, ensure appropriate, timely and accurate data
collection against agreed indicators to enable both internal and external reporting
 Work with MEAL team, CP Technical Advisor and Field Manager to identify and incorporate
project suitable accountability mechanisms.
Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development
Ensure appropriate staffing within the operations component of the CP team, within budget
Support the Field Manager to ensure that all CP field staff understand and are able to perform their
role, identifying areas of development as noted above.
Support the Field Manager to establish performance management of all CP staff through effective
use of the Performance Management System including the establishment of clear, measureable
objectives, on-going feedback, periodic reviews and fair and unbiased evaluations.
Representation & Advocacy & Organisational Learning:
 Support referral systems between all sectors and different agencies working in the area and ensure
field staff have as much information as possible to best respond to identified cases.
 Regularly coordinate and collaborate with all other program managers and program teams to
support high quality inter-sectoral programming and strengthen programmatic synergies and impact
for children
 Support representation needs as required by CP Technical Advisor in working groups, with donors
and bilaterally with other organisations.
 Comply with Save the Children policies and practice with respect to child protection, code of
conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
 Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role
modelling Save the Children values
 Holds partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to
deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve
performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved
 Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and takes responsibility for their own
personal development
 Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale
 Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to; builds and maintains effective relationships with
colleagues, members and external partners and supporters
 Values diversity and different people’s perspectives, able to work cross-culturally.
 Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
 Cuts away bureaucracy and encourages an entrepreneurial approach
 Honest, encourages openness and transparency, builds trust and confidence
 Displays consistent excellent judgement
 Master’s degree in International Development Studies, Child Protection related subject, or other
relevant subject, or BA with equivalent field experience.
 At least 3 years of management experience in emergency, fragile state or development programmes
 Experience implementing and/or managing CP programmes in other contexts, particularly cash
and/or voucher programming
 Previous experience of managing an CP team at national level
Experience of remote managing programmes in complex settings
Proven capacity to supervise, and coach staff in CP technical skills and programme management
Experience of, and commitment to, working through systems of community participation and
Specific experience of designing and managing DFID, ECHO, OFDA and other major donor
projects and understanding of donor compliance
Ability to analyse information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically
Ability to write clear and well-argued assessment and project reports
A team player who is able to work collaboratively and with people of diverse backgrounds
Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
A high level of written and spoken English
Commitment to the aims and principles of SC. In particular, a good understanding of the SC
mandate and child focus and an ability to ensure this continues to underpin our support
Experience working with local implementing partners, including providing technical support and
capacity building
 Language skills in Arabic
 Experience or knowledge of working and living in relevant regions/contexts
 Experience representing organisations in national level coordination mechanisms (e.g. cluster
system) and technical working groups
Date of Issue: May 2015
Author: MB